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Everything posted by eyesonme78

  1. Hi, i need some help, can anyone tell me where can i get a 3d printing drawing for this part circled in red?
  2. Am i correct to say that the pilot should be able to fit in both fighters?
  3. Hello, just to check besides shapways, are there any sites that offers vf-31j antenna replacement? Thanks
  4. Thanks for the heads up. I will wait
  5. Hi All, I need some help. I purchase a 1/48 yamato vf-1a and I had a macross hangar arm stand from China but without the adapters . Can anyone advise where could i get them?
  6. The item seems like sold out everywhere.. I cant even get a second copy
  7. Hi there folks; It sure is a tough period that we are going through. With that much time at home, I had some time to fiddle with my RC plane F-22, I had a few macross frontier decals sticked on it. I was thinking are there any more Macross fan that likes RC have any pictures to share? I will share my simple works here and I will look forward to more pictures to come! Thanks everyone
  8. That's great pictures you have the the valk! Wow!!
  9. Thanks for the pics =)
  10. Hi anyone has a picture of DX vf-1a max tv style with ssp?
  11. That's a very nice pose. Am awaiting my strike pack to be ship to me from fromjapan
  12. Thanks, my from japan orders shows 31st dec. Thus I will be more tgen happy if I can get it before new year.
  13. Anyone knows when will the super/strike packs be released ? For the first wave ?
  14. I finally opened a dispute for this and they refund me after. Case close. I got the VF-1S fromAmazon japan instead. The price is about that same I will learn to setup my own bandai account instead of replying on proxy or web shop..
  15. Congrats! hopefully they will ship mine soon
  16. It be awesome to fly again. love the thrills of flying at top speed before pulling upwards =)
  17. Wow, what plane did you flew ?
  18. This is my first attempt at repainting a Su27 fighter to a VF-25F valkyrie. The plane has already being maiden earlier. But after a few mods, I will probably need to maiden her again this weekend. Just for sharing. *as I am not sure which is the correct topic, I have choose to share my joy here. If it's not appropriate please do move my topics as deemed fit. Thanks.
  19. anyone ordered from NY? kinda no response from their customer service ...
  20. I managed to buy Vf-1J chogokin at JPY25,000 is it consider as expensive since i missed the opening ?
  21. thanks man, thik it be good except I need a super parts set now... I originally got the tornado set for it. not probably have to get a super as well.
  22. Guys, need some help. Anyone knows where to get replacement parts for the left hip cover ?
  23. I think Hayate ssp will look better on messer, haha. Sorry for the late replies was super busy at work. And Yes, I bought one of the super pack and VF-31J KAI
  24. Hi, another stupid question, I like to check if anyone has a pic of vf-31j using vf-31f super packs? was thinking about color schemes. haha...crazy ideas.
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