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Everything posted by megatron103

  1. i'm new here so i don't understand what the beef is. why are people here so harsh on robotech fans here. for me robotech was/is epic. i was a kid and there was nothing like it on tv, and because of it i found macross; well it was dyrl the movie and i wanted more of both because for me i love the story of robotech but i love all things macross even mac2 which i think makes a way better robotech masters then southern cross. i wish the guys that own macross would get the rights to robotech and really do that story some justice
  2. sweet thanks
  3. i recently fell in love again with mac 2 ( the macross bastard) namely the vf-2ss i freakin love that veritech for me the best one ever i know theres a lot of hate for it but thats not what this is about anyway i was searching online for all things vf-2 and found a site that was selling a one so i snatched it up and then this site so hello all but i found on this site were someone had converted the model so that it can have removal sap and be a nomal veritech anyone know who and where i could find that tutorial
  4. thats awesome+20
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