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About Model-Junkie

  • Birthday 03/28/1985

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  1. Sorry Locidm, I forgot I am using a VPN. I can view any Macross show on Disney+ without Hulu when my VPN location is set to outside of the U.S.
  2. I have a standalone Disney+ subscription without Hulu and I can view the Macross series available to the U.S. using either the website or app through my TV.
  3. That is indeed one of the X-29A's peeking in my shot, I like how they suspended the aircraft from the ceiling and you're able to walk under it, though my photo makes it seem closer than it really was.
  4. I lived in the UK when I was younger, I was about 13 or 14 when I was at RAF Cosford but I was more focused on the air show at the time than the static displays, I don't even recall viewing the TSR.2. I need to make a trip there when I go back to the UK, it's only 45 mins away from my parent's place. I visited the National Museum of the USAF in Dayton Ohio in September, a phenomenal place. Really happy I was able to see the YF-23 in person.
  5. Yes, I was able to set my VPN location to Japan and watch DYRL and SDF. The shows are viewable if they are visible on Disney+, if the show is not available for a region they do not have them visible at all. Only Japanese language is available with English, Chinese or Korean subtitles on all of the Macross shows regardless of the my VPN location, I tested with UK, Canada, Japan and Hong Kong. I finally was able to log into Disney+ with my VPN set to Hong Kong but DYRL, SDF and Macross Dynamite 7 was not visible on my account. Not sure if these shows are not available in HK or if it has something to do with my U.S. based account. Those 3 shows are also not visible if I change my VPN location to Canada but MD7 was available when I changed my location to the UK
  6. I'm not affiliated with NordVPN, I only signed up with them due to their low cost offer during the Black Friday sales. I believe they still have a sale for around $2.99 a month, make sure you search for discount codes to use, I was able to knock my sign-up price down to $2.80 a month but I cannot remember which code I used at the time.
  7. Thanks for asking that question, I only watched Macross Plus when I last tested it. I just checked and SDF and DYRL was not available to me when I set my VPN location to Canada. However, SDF and DYRL showed up in Disney+ when I changed my location to Japan. Oddly, I was not able to log into Disney+ when I set my location to Hong Kong, I couldn't get the website to load for me but I thought our HK members had Disney+ over there.
  8. Paid VPN's work better, I couldn't get the free ones to work. I use NordVPN and it works for me, set the VPN location to Canada.
  9. I subscribed to NordVPN and can now watch Macross on Disney+ in the US, I tried other browser extension VPNs but they did not work. I missed any discussion of there being no English dubs, which I only wanted for the Macross Plus OVAs for nostalgia reasons. I'm happy to be able to watch everything in higher quality resolution now.
  10. You could try buying directly from their website: https://wiseguyshobbies.com/collections or just create another eBay ID to buy from them. A quick Google search yielded a phone number but no clue on how accurate it is: https://www.bidsquare.com/auction-house/wise-guys-hobbies-llc/contact-us
  11. Some one posted the instructions for a Bandai VF-1J in 2018, and then I found a scan of the VF-1S on Scalemates. Hopefully either one of these work for your kit
  12. W.O.W! The grey brings out all of the details and it looks amazing! Great work and it's even more impressive the short amount of time it took for you to create it.
  13. Are you still providing canopies? I have 2 of the Cats Eyes kits, I haven't started them yet but I'd like to pick up some spare canopies to be safe
  14. Woah, I come back onto the forums after 2 years and I see this! I'm down for one
  15. Ooof, lots of details missing from that article but seeing as the report is in French and needs to be translated maybe they were trying to get by with the bare minimum, I read a more detailed article from The Aviationist Apparently, the gentleman was indeed stressed/nervous but the main factor seems to be him not being properly strapped in and the pilot was not notified of the limitations from the doc.
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