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Everything posted by Frogze

  1. Frogze

    VF-1J sketch

    Thanks EXO!
  2. Frogze

    VF-1J sketch

    Hey guys here's a sketch of Hikaru's 1J I did a few months ago and wasn't really happy with. I fixed a few bits and now feel like it's worth sharing here :
  3. Thanks for your input, Renato. I'm even more eagerly waiting for season 2 now! I've only seen a couple episodes of Kids on the slope and it was great but I missed most other airings but I'm definitely going to catch up. I didn't know BahiJD actually directed a whole episode of Space Dandy though. Are you sure about this? Is it the one with the plant people?
  4. The new season is coming back this July, can't wait!
  5. I thought about doing that too, bought a Yamato 1S kit and a Roy DYRL and they've been gathering dust since I found a used Max on Mandarake meanwhile. I was wondering if the decals are maybe a bit transparent and make the blue accents look a bit greenish? Do you have some pics of that custom?
  6. I already have a Kai with Soundbooster and love it but I'm more tempted than I'd like to be by this release. The price will be the only issue for me as I'd love to have a second one for fighter display especially with gold trims. And the added figures look cool, I wish they were released with the soundbooster back then.
  7. You're welcome! I'm at episode 4 and eagerly waiting for episode 5's airing this week.
  8. Thanks for putting together this nice collection of pictures, Reïvaj!
  9. I was going to point you to the 35K yens one that was sitting at Mandarake for months but it's gone... I'm sure some will pop up there eventually
  10. 4 years already! And it is still a great watch today. That season had some really glorious Jack moments, I hope they have more of these in store
  11. The 1/24 Ingram is my favorite too, I think it's Yamato's masterpiece, enjoyable both as a display piece and a toy. I was surprised to discorver it has double jointed elbows, and ratcheted at that. I'd give the second place to the Beagles though
  12. I prepared for this new season by finally watching season 8. I loved this season's start, the cast is stellar and there seems to be some over the top events coming soon. Can't wait for next week!
  13. Indeed, and it also has the opening shoulders gimmick over the other vf-19, and optional faceplates.
  14. The Fire valkyrie is probably one of the most "perfect" designs of all the 19 since it's the only design I know of that actually uses the little doors on the sides of the head for the transformation. All other models do have them but don't really need them. I bet the reissue may only include the FireBomber standing figures that were shown a while back and displayed alongside the giant sound booster thing. I'm actually tempted to get another to display in fighter mode since this valk has become one of my favorites.
  15. I got mine yesterday, transformed to battroid and back (scratching a bit of black paint despite being very careful...). It's in perfect condition, ankles are a bit loose but nothing surprising here since I already have the M7 19s and they're very similar. Everything is near perfection on this release for me, I've put on the fast packs in battroid and transformed back to fighter without anything falling off and it feels as solid as naked fighter mode. It sure could have used more tampo but again I'm happy Arcadia got the kite on the side of the cockpit since that was always a problem for me on the old one, the rest is details I can overlook in fighter mode. I'm keeping my old Yamato in battroid with the new bigger gunpod though since this one is way too short to stand next to my YF-21. The old one is very inferior design and construction wise but I still love the lean sculpt of the old Yamato a little better.
  16. Yes she is. I loved the comic too, nice story and great art. However I can't being reminded about Miller's previous movie "The Spirit" which was quite the abomination movie-wise. Let's hope Rodriguez managed to keep things in line in this one
  17. To be honest I was going to skip this. Scarlett Johansson is overrated as an actress in my opinion, I can't remember the last compelling performance I've seen from her in a movie (same way Johnny Depp is). But this review changed my mind, I'm actually urged to see this movie now.
  18. Of course, Marzan. First off, I was struck by the visuals. The animation ranks among the best I've seen lately and the character design is fresh and expressive, very much un-mainstream. Then there's the story. It is actually based on a movie, you can check more about this here : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0328258/ I haven't seen the movie but a friend told me it was one of his favorite movies ever. What I really like about the story is the great characterization, the story itself isn't just about a sport, it's mostly about the friendship of the 2 main characters Peco and Smile who have almost opposite personalities. I highly recommend you watch it, even if sport anime isn't your usual taste because this thing has depth, you'll be surprised and I'm sure you'll love it. Also I've recently seen Mindgame from the same director, Masaaki Yuasa. It was really a great experience, very powerful, admittedly weird at times (experimental animation sequences) but if you let go and get carried away then it's an incredibly rewarding watch!
  19. I just watched episode 2 of Ping Pong. Mind completely BLOWN!!
  20. Once wife of Miles Davis, this is from her first album in the early 70s. And some pretty famous artists lent her a hand too : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betty_Davis_(album) And a mixture of Funk and hard rock
  21. Thanks for pointing that out. Good to know some rights revolved back to Marvel but I guess that one company owning all movie rights is a pipe dream since big money is involved now...
  22. Damn, that's a pity. I just found this helpful map of movie rights if anyone else was wondering who owns which : http://comicsalliance.com/marvel-character-film-rights-infographic/
  23. Let's hope we see others superheroes killed too, that would make the Marvel movies universe a more coherent world (providing the same studio owns the rights to all Marvel characters?) And I hope Wolverine will get restored to full Adamantium skeleton by Magneto sometime early in the movie, the pathetic bone claws have to go... He is shown with metal claws in that picture at the end of the trailer so there's hope
  24. One can now have a glimpse of what's inside the Osamu Tezuka museum in Google streetview : http://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/asset-viewer/tezuka-osamu/pQGFKpKx3u7nWw
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