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Everything posted by Frogze

  1. Frogze


    The transformation pics look great and fun, keep it up!
  2. Nice work, love the Legioss stuff!
  3. Thanks a lot for the kind words guys! Kicker : thanks a lot, and same back at your unbelivable Yamato collection! Mr March : I don't know if you have a direct connection with the Macross Mecha manual but the coding is definitely stolen from there frothymug : Thanks again man, be my guest if you feel like working on some 3D modeling but you may want to wait for a more consolidated look (which will come sooner than later) grapetang : Thanks a lot for the support, I really need to find more time to work on the characters. Here's a Roy mug :
  4. These are amazing pictures, Reïvaj, I really love the fighter mode with boosters in use!
  5. Preorders for figma Guts from Berserk are open on Amiami! Release is planned for Jan/12
  6. Jawdropping stuff!
  7. My will finally capitulated... I'm poor again but I'll be getting a firevalk in a couple weeks
  8. Thank your friend for me too! Did he get to write more episodes on this show?
  9. Mommar : I folded the wings upwards because I thought it would make the battroid's silhouette still look menacing, glad you like it, thanks! Vic Mancini : Thanks! Actually I was happy about it until I started working on the gerwalk as the arms were a bit of a problem sitting there... I came up with a solution by flipping the shoulders forward, not sure if it's clear in the sketch below (btw the biceps slides back and forth on the length of the shoulder) pensives_wetness : Thanks a lot, glad you liked the Isamu! It's all done for the fun of it (and the love for Macross). I must say I'm not into Gundam at all, but I might try some Mospeada or Patlabor stuff someday Mr March : Thanks a lot, I'll definitely try to do something more eyefriendly with the 21, I've still got to get through some details about transformation and a couple battroid gimmicks but it's definitely going to happen anime52k8 : Thank you so much for the kind words and the support, I'll try my best to keep some more fun coming Raptor One : well somebody finally likes it! Thanks man Again thanks to everyone for watching and sharing your thoughts about it! Here's more roughs of the 21:
  10. Hey everyone, thanks again for watching and letting me know what you think, it's really appreciated! frothymug : during my engineering studies drawing definitely help me a lot, especially drawing teachers with funny big heads when I was too bored to listen to them Vic Mancini & Nicaragua : Thanks a lot guys! I'm glad you both liked the SMG gunpod (mostly a shameless rip-off of the GU-15) chillyche : Thanks! Ignacio Ocamica : That's definitely the most flattering compliment you could make about it! More is coming, maybe even a short comic if I can find the time >EXO< : Thank you! Yes it's digital, done on my trusty Wacom Intuos tablet. You can see some more things (although not macross related) here : http://le-blogze.blogspot.com/ now let's go kick these inbits out of Earth! Knight26 : I know what you mean, I like clean simple designs as well. If I get to rework any of these, I will definitely opt for a more streamlined, "real life" look. Some more 21 and an old Mac Plus sketch I miserably tried to fix
  11. frothymug : Thanks a lot, dude And please yes, share some thoughts about it! Raptor One : it's my favorite as well and the last one I did. I should work on the other modes, I just left a few hints as to how it might transform but for the 19 and 21 I only concentrated on fighter, leaving the fun part for later Kelsain : haha of course you're right about that nosecone ! I confess I noticed it much later but was too lazy to change it and left there with a shrug Thanks for watching guys, more soon!
  12. I've started playing with some original valks design ideas, which also made me feel a little bit better about buying all these Yamato valks for the last 2 years. I had a ton of fun doing all this nonsense, thinking how it could transform and be functional in every mode and still look Kawamori-ish (well, kind of)... mindboggling but in a fun way, I hope you enjoy it
  13. I got my cream colored hinges in the mail today. Many thanks Graham!!
  14. I would absolutely want at least one, no matter how much screen time it got or how many enemies it defeated in the movie (0 right?), this design is a true gem!
  15. I swear I heard him say Whiskas, not whiskers... them cats are always begging for more food and he kept being kissed by his grand-grand-grand-mother which reminded me of the fun of this kind of situation in Back to the future, totally overlooked here... However I liked it very much (the nods to the Silverhawks and the armored batlle were nice), enough to keep an eye on this show next week
  16. You guys are certainly right if you consider all they did with this show in the long run of 5 years (I only watched a few episodes of season 2 and gave up because it went south), but the first season was definitely one of the most interesting sci-fi shows I've seen
  17. Absolutely! What a great series this was, so much fun and very entertaining characters and stories The 90's had also these 2 great series : "Earth Final Conflict" (season 1 was epic) and "Space 2063" (by James Wong and Glenn Morgan, the guys behind some of the best X-Files episodes)
  18. I don't think their relationship is inconsistent, it doesn't mean they should know Panthro very well because they fight before him and their father especially since he spent most of his time on the battlefield or searching for the book of omens Good episode, I liked this one more than episode 5 which I found a bit too obvious. However I hope the story keeps improving, so far I like the show overall even if I'm not too fond of the systematic villains' easily defeated at the end. A cliffhanger ending would make it so much more addictive
  19. My VT-1 is my only valk with cracked shoulders, please Graham add me too on the list for a pair of cream color hinges
  20. Thanks for the heads up >EXO<! I 'm thrilled by the news, let's hope he brings his A game for this one because the last movie I've seen from him (Robin Hood) was at best disappointing
  21. These french guys really know their chords
  22. This episode might become a classic of the series, it is quite daring for a kid's show to deal with life and death of loved ones. I'm really happy to see some of these titles on the episode list
  23. Excellent!! You're both very talented, thanks for sharing!
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