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Everything posted by Frogze

  1. Sweet pics Graham, you should add the 22S too in your next photo shoot The VF-17 is really impressive here and Ozma looks very good among the Yamatos, and he might also be the best bang for the buck of the bunch.
  2. It looks great, even cooler with the armor on. I'm glad I preordered this one but regret not getting Alto's too now... oh well I guess Bandai will release a super bundle VF-25F sooner or later
  3. Maiden, you're a Macross legend now, your Regult is the only cool toy Toynami has ever put out for me. It makes me happy when I look at it! I wish you the greatest 2012 and to be hired by one of the best toy companies out there that will let you fully express your amazing talent!
  4. well there's me (could be the only one), my YF-19 fell from the shelf and a canard snapped off at the base. That was the only piece that broke although it did end up on the floor as a disarticulated mess of plastic which also probably saved it from total annihilation, so thanks for the spare canards, Yamato
  5. I'm very impressed by these Experten's VF-11, I just couldn't believe they achieved all these features at 1/100 scale, even zn opening cockpit, landing gears and an internal heatshield mechanism, wow!
  6. I've been playing with the battroid's proportions, pushing them more towards an Evangelion. More stuff when I get my scanner to work again!
  7. Reïvaj : lol, I'm trying to keep that little candle burning I really hope you guys are right and a kit of a t least Fuke is on the way somewhere, even if the price is likely to make it through the roof. (I tried to translate the page with google but it doesn't seem to mention a kit there though)
  8. Commander head looks amazing, that's a great find, Charger, I just hope Yamato will consider the option because battroid looks so much more imposing like this
  9. Bumping this thread because new pics of the Rook prototype have popped on Yacolog's blog, I shed a tear upon looking at these... both a delightful and saddening sight
  10. It isn't mentioned in HLJ's preorder page but this completed model comes with an exclusive Goto figure, and it looks very nice too : http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10162086a8/20/8
  11. Awesome stuff, thanks for posting these
  12. I really like the fin type head here. Is it from an early design or is it one of the VF-4's variants?
  13. Yes, me too, but in my case it seems to be exclusive to the stuff that comes from Japan
  14. I do hope you're right, but regarding the latest prices of the normal released valks I seriously doubt it'll be cheaper than the Regult (HDP or not)
  15. The fact that the VF-4 is getting made by Yamato is very exciting The pricing will certainly sting though, especially when one thinks of the much simpler Regult kit hitting the 38000 yen mark
  16. Thanks for the answers VF5SS and Reïvaj! Fantastic pics, Graham. The ones of fighter mode on the display stand have awakened the raging valkoholic in me
  17. Can someone shed some light about what the slots under the VF-17's wings are supposed to be used for? Are these hardpoints? I must say I can't remember seeing the 17's wings loaded with missiles in the series
  18. I'm not sure this status is really to be trusted, it wouldn't be the first time something is listed as discontinued on HLJ and pops back in stock at full price (YF-19 renewal package for example). I totally recommend getting the VF-11 though, it's a very well made toy and a beautyful display piece
  19. Although the VA-3 is one of my least favorite valkyries I think this is really a fantastic project, very ambitious indeed but it makes it even more interesting to see how you take up this challenge
  20. My personal feeling is that we'll see a prototype of the VF-11 MAXL in 2012 (I take that from the obvious hint in the pics of Mr K playing with the VF-17)
  21. Totally insane stuff, the detailing is just crazy, and my mind is absolutely blown
  22. Kicker you own 128 1/48?! But do you also keep all the boxes? I just counted mine and I can't believe the number, I have 40 in total... I'm a valkoholic too! 1/48 : 1 1/55 : 4 1/60 : -VF-22: 3 -YF-21: 2 -VF-11: 2 -VF-1 : 9 -VF-0 : 3 -SV-51: 3 -YF-19: 2 -VF-19: 1 1/100 : -VF-1 : 3 -VF-19: 4 1/72 : 2 1/3000 : 1
  23. My bad, I thought your problem was with the Kai. 2 loose ankles for 300$? I think you're downplaying it really
  24. Just like Mommar said, I had one loose ankle on my Firevalk out of the box which is why I was wondering if the looseness problem on the Kai that a few other users experienced too had been fixed on the Blazer. So if no one has had this problem with their Blazers so far, I'll assume it is now fixed and let Santa know about it
  25. @PetarB : Thanks for watching and for the kind words! And kudos at your modelling skills (I may have a few questions for you next year as I'll be starting to work on a custom figure ) @chillyche : I'm glad you like it, thanks! I was only focused on the idea of the action rather than the mechs and details, so it ended being very messy and jaggy especially from close, but the overall composition kind of works I think because it seemed OK if reduced to a thumbnail. @Raptor One : Thanks a lot! I think people here have mentioned that Mr. K did the battroid first and made it turn into a fighter. I just couldn't, it had to be the other way around : fighter mode first and then I sliced it into limbs and tried to turn them into a humanoid shape (which is where the arms/shoulders placement came from). And it's the first time ever I get a comparison to Calvin and Hobbes but yeah I did love reading these strips so I must have picked something up from it edit : just fixed a few links that were dead after accidentally suppressing a pic folder
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