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Everything posted by Frogze

  1. That is so very true!
  2. The pricing seems fair at 32K yen since the VF-19s were 22K yen, and if you add the missiles+super parts+extra pilot it makes sense especially considering that the factory costs have probably gone up since 2011
  3. I just finished watching 23 episodes in a couple days... I can't remember being this thrilled by an anime in years!
  4. Thanks DarrinG, these pics are priceless! Alex, you keep amazing! this is the first time that I know of that this custom is actually attempted. Looks like a great start so far, I can't wait to see more updates on this project
  5. At some point I considered buying a pair of woman's red leather gloves to make one of it. Legendary customizer Yaco did a mod of the red suit in a leather-like material, I'll try to dig up that picture from my Mospeada vault
  6. I think most pre 30th VF-1D owners here would say it's a safe release, unlike the VT-1 which was a majorly flawed release. Mold-wise the VT-1 has a very different cockpit (pilot2 sits a bit above pilot1) which result in a different torso to accomodate a working heatshield, the whole backpack is different and there's also the wings which have small protruding tips
  7. Thanks Alex! Actually MW member Spedfish did a custom Bartley from the 1/12 variable VR-52 model kit I think and he scratchbuilt the specific parts. I got the idea from that and seeing the Saint Seiya MC line finally offered a nice looking articulated female figure. The Imai variable model on the other hand really put me off since it feels so fragile in hand and needs what seems like an insane number of mods to transform and fit the new body correctly so it's been catching dust for a few months now NICE!!! Did you sew the replacement suit or is it something we could get from an japanese e-store?
  8. Thumbs up, Alex!! The end result is absolutely fantastic! I really love how the ride mode looks in these pictures, the proportions are spot on. Almost forgot about Skull Leader's custom. He did great too, but I think the front/back sections on yours looks closer (longer) to what it should be, at least in my mind. About the head I think your second shorterned hair is the closest you got to Yellow's likeness. Any chance we finally see a custom Bartley, someday?
  9. I must say I didn't read the 27's instructions and didn't lift the plate up when I first transformed it. It didn't feel necessary to lift it up if everything lines up correctly. The plate holding the head of the 27 is also much more stable (supported by the nosecone) than on my 25's so it must be a much tighter fit indeed
  10. Here' a tip for your guys who are afraid of scratching the paint on the nosecone during transformation but still don't feel like to using tape on your valk : the head is on a hinged panel that can flip up if you push it from underneath. The panel and head unit can be flipped back so that the nosecone will not touch the plate that support the head unit during transformation. I've been playing with mine and transforming it quite a few times and no scratch reported yet. Overall it does have some loose joints (shoulders and back of the feet joints on mine), although nothing dramatically worse than any of my other renewals. So far it's my favorite Bandai renewal release to date, even not counting the super parts. The VF-27 feels much more solid in battroid than the other renewals in the torso hip section, everything locks tightly and feels right whereas with the VF-25s I always wonder if I should go 1 or 2 clicks for the hips piece neither feeling totally right.
  11. My bad, I thought we disagreed since you quoted my reply. And It made no sense at all since you also own a lot of them if I recall correctly! About the hypothetical DX, I'd love to see Bandai's engineering of the leg delivery in a playable toy form. I'm sure they can make it work and add most of the other cool ideas they experimented on the 1/72 modelkit (hip/torso joint, ankle panel, retracting wings).
  12. I'm sorry that you feel this way about my post. Here's a fact : among the 20 VF-1 I own, 3 have had flaws : 3 cracked shoulders and my VF-1A also had the dreaded gold canopy flake. All 3 were from first release of DYRL? valks and known to be flawed. After that all the other VF-1 I bought had perfect QC so my personal experience with this toy is very good.
  13. You obviously missed the last 3-4 years of Yamato VF-1 releases which were flawless QC-wise
  14. It still looks all wonky, even with a 1J head on...
  15. Amazing custom!! I hope you can detail more on your experience of taking the figure apart since many of us want to replace Stick's deteriorated pajamas
  16. The head laser on mine is straight and it is made of hard plastic, not PVC, which is great for details but is also easily broken as it's very thin. Was the V1's soft PVC?
  17. I just finished transforming mine back and forth, it's a great toy. In case anyone is still wondering, you can transform to fighter with the articulated hands. They fit tightly under the shield even if the toy comes in fighter mode with the flat saluting hands.
  18. So they've made it, the perfect valkyrie toy...
  19. I got my VF-25F from Otacute earlier today, it's a perfect toy, really love it and I can finally make use of the armor parts that were waiting for him since last year
  20. This was Hanna-Barbera's golden age guys. Alex Toth was the character designer on this cartoon and he designed Space Ghost too if any of you oldtimers remember watching it. He is one of my all-time favorite comic artists! I'm not too optimistic about the reboot (Goldsman and Green seriously??), hoping to be proven wrong this time. I'm sure it can't be worse than the previous attempts though... I still can't believe Michael Green is being offered a job on a movie after what he did to Green Lantern.
  21. Now this is a disturbing sight! You win, sir, hands down.
  22. Thanks thirty! Looks like Bandai updated this bird as it deserved to be ^^
  23. I loved the first movie, maybe I should have wrote this in the guilty pleasure thread though. That scene with Hitgirl coming to rescue Big Daddy was really epic But the trailers for this second opus fall totally flat for me, no go for this obviously dumb sequel. I still like Carey though, after reading the hate posts here I thought he said something really bad, glad he just told his mind and backed off this junk
  24. Great looking display, DarrinG
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