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About dougbendo
- Birthday 05/06/1981
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Cannon Fodder (1/15)
Jasonc why don't you go cry to tom about me. tell him how much of a bad boy I have been over in the macross world. Keep in mind though I am know where near as back handed as you tried to be with HG before you got busted for everything. Now look at you nothing more then a has been. trying to stay relovent in macross world because that is all you have now. If you were half the greatness that you like to believe you were you'ed stop trying to us people like seto, jt and others to get your points of hate for hg across. Yes Yes Yes Jasonc I already know HG disowned your ass. Why do you have to cry about it some much. Jasonc this number one robotech fan has hundreds of people that lesson to me a week. I have more lessoners then i better this sight has active subscribers. You and all the poo with your dealings along with tom along with your ex-freinds at HG haven't even come close the anything I done in they way of people wanting to devote 2hours of there time week after week to what I have to say. So until you pump the numbers I got and can show it on the same field I say it be best for you to just shut up and get to work on your boy jt. Its looking like his show is going a little dry. I think your just going to have to be a better sponsor of your macross outlet or something.
VFTF1, I am going to be as plain as I can about this. I don’t care about your history in anyways shape or for until I decide to take an interest in it. Second I will debate you the way I wish to debate you and I will do it robotech style. I have better things to do with my time then type out 10 pages worth of correction do to your “progressive” views. I was thinking this morning about what I labeled you last night and I realized I was in error. Your not a liberal but a progressive with the arguments you tried to agents me. All you did in your first round agents me it try to put me in a corner and label me. By the snappy reply I gave and your reaction to it I can see you feel your plan didn’t work. Part of your argument is to split hairs between child pornography and art. However you seen to miss that point of what pornography is. Witch it is sexual entertainment… anyone will tell you that. Doesn’t even mean that there has to be a action that is taken like a “blowjob” as you put in one of your post. But it could be something that is implied and is ment to cause stimulation the a visual concept that goes beyond that of the norm in the climate of the context that everything is being put in. Case in point if you like to go back to ranka we can. She is singing her song at there heighten state with clothes on. Then they just for some reason have to come off. The reason why the clothes come off VFTF1 is to entertain you the viewer. They are showing her skin for means of entertainment. There is nothing artistic about it. Because if it was artistic then the concept of the art would have changed in a way that would have let the viewier know this has a symbolic meaning. The kind of meaning you like to give ranka’s skin shots. Now if you like we can look at other works by the creators of macros and find onther skin sence as well. You can find all sorts of sexual undertones that in are in the macross univers and other works by then same people that do nothing to advance the story. Orguss comes to mind and long with macross 2 lovers agen. I don’t even what to go into orguss and the Lisa Hayes seen. The you have Ishtar from macross 2 lovers agen and just look at the intro. Ishtar clothes just being shredded way for no reason. Just “yu I think it be some great skin footage here!” These guys simply have a history of this poo and this time they went to far. But because it is macross and because it is anime it is ok? Oh thats right because its not a “real child” “real human child” you can keep your mind at ease and with the status quoe of explotaion of young “animated children”. I mean keep in mind are we supposed to like macross for the mecha? Why do I need to see ranka naked anyway? Why do you VTVF1 need to see ranka naked? I know you said it was your validation that she was conftable with herself as a singer. Also because she was naked she was able to save the univers. TFVF1 how does being naked have anything to do with how conftable ranka is as a person. There are a ton of way to show that ranka has acquired her new self confidence and baring it all on screen simply doesn’t show that. Plus who is macross ft audience. What is the age group and what would be the best way to get the point across that she is now ok with who she is? So do you still going to tell me that the nude shots of a child are best way to get a point of confidence across to a group of mecha fan boys? Face it they did it for your “skin fetish”. It a bad habit that they have in anime when it comes to women. In anime we all know the fans like to “taboos”. But in this case it wasn’t just a taboo. So tell me TFVF1 what kind of conversation would you have with a child about this. He is expecting to see some cool mecha action but in the mist of his excitement he gets an overly micromanaged love triangle and then some screen shot of a naked minor! Tell me how would you explain it to a teen? The mere fact that you would have to go to such an extent to explain this to a child or a teen that should be able to see something a gain a proper unquestionable excitement with some progressive bs that you came up so that you just don’t look lake the creepy old guy off of family guy mean one of 2 things. Either the writers did a really shitty job with the way they went about everything. Or it could be that you have the mind set of that creepy old guy in family guy. But I Going to say its both and be fair to you about it. I was all about letting my younger bro’s see macross ft after seeing gundam 00. Witch story wise is as almost as rehashed as macros ft. But the nude sene killed it. Now it is true that I could edit it out and let them enjoy it. But I also have to look at fact that there are still more disturbing sense and concepts in macros ft. But I don’t even care to get into those. As for seto. I can see why he ventures off from macross world to the robotech forums. Its really because he is nothing here but looks to create his own following by getting jaded robotehc fans. Why you people in the macross world want to claim seto as an “expert” when it comes to macross is beyond me. But I also have to look at the fact that your all macross groupies as well. The fact that you don’t mind using combat mecha as musical instruments to try to fight alien invaders says a lot. Now you are praising mecha vs bugs and who stops the bug? The naked little girl and her song! I could go on and on about the bs that you guys say about robotech fans but the bottom line is we just aren’t as crazy as you people.
Nope seto said that you guys said he was the number one macross export. He said that you guys looked at him that way. by a robotech fan... "About the song thing it got old and fast and they drug that one out like a poor brian dead soul on life support. And that whole mecha that dubbled as a musical instrument piloted by Maxamillions and Millia's youngest Pink hair daughter"
Seto I came to macross world to see if you were as great as you told me you were. What I have already found in your nothing more then a commoner. But it is TFVF1 that is the main sqeeze. Seto you are nothing more than an after thought to me now. Mentioned in memory only! Seto you died at robotechx.com when you faced me so now I have to set my sites on the bigger things in the macross random. Seto your just not number one anymore in the macross fandom. I always new there had to be macross fans greater then you.
you guys are nothing more then a joke. To even pretend that ranka need seen was ment to be seen as her "peak" to when she is conformable with her self as a sing and then saves the universe is more the laughable. So are you telling me that if Ranka didn't loose all her clothes in that moment the universe would have been doomed, lol. I think you should lisson to your arguments before you make them. You guys seem to forget that she was laready singing with her clothes on and singing just fine. Then at the final momment she had to loose all her clothes. Now why did she loose all her clothes? Because it was meant to entertain the audience. That is the whole point of macross ft in the first place. Are you guys trying to run that hard from the truthe? The whole point of macross frontier is to entertane its views so it can sell stuff and gain sponsors. Ranka is nude for the purpose in the show to entertain you the viewer if you are into that kind of thing. Its that dry and simple. VTFT1 your liberal spin isn't going to work on me. You can try to make it about children learning about the birds and the bees. You can try to make it sound like its ment to bring up sexual topics so teens can talk openly. You can even try to say that macross frontier is a family show that is ment for the whole family to sit down and watch together... but its all bull poo. I don't see any gi joe public service announcement on the topic of sex in macross frontier. If any one is into naked little kids her it would be you. It could just be me but the idea of a grown man wanting to watch a cartoon as you call it with a child just so that the child can see nudity so the child can ask the grown man what the nudity is about so that the grown man can lead into the conversation with sex with the child is WRONG TO ME. I'm glad to know your all about that. I'm glad to know that you don't mind mixing your mecha with your sexual explorations. personally I don't think you have any right telling any child about sex just because you "happened" to watch macross ft with them and the naked girl came up. Because the bottom line is if the clip wasn't there in the first place they you wouldn't get that "moment" you are so looking forward to with the child. So by your own admition you have just said that macross frontier is setting up viewer of you a younger age to have to engade in sexual conversations with people that aren't the best in the matter of such things. Knowing those people like yourself are going to go into some bullshit on sexual liberation and god only knows what else. Of course this is coming from a guy that thinks its ok to think a certain way about children because as long as you don't touch them because we all know touching is illegal. So Yes it is child porn no matter how you like to look at this poo you call macross frontier. What I find so amazing is that seto tried to say she was of legal age when he first made his arguments. Seto "16years of age is that of an adult in post space war one so it is ok that she is nude because ranka is an adult!" But VFVT1 you just come right out and say "yup she is a child and I am proud that the creaters made her naked in the final senes! It mean so much to the story that she was naked and she was even able to save the universe because of it!" Now let me hit up on one more thing MR. look but just don't touch. The fact that you are into stories where is has the whole "the girl was able to sing so the univers was saved" is the perfect reason to why macross sucks so bad when compared to robotech. It may have been a neat idea the first time around. But how many times has macross sang this same song? The fact that your all mecha fan boy's and (if your not I am afraid to see what makes you macross fans) your all over a story where all the big bad robots fail and in the end a little girl a song that saves everything just show how lame this fan base (macross) really is.
Viper its no that I hate macross. i think the guy did an aswome job with macross frontier and I am look forward to the rest. Viper I just don't like you:) So stop trying to pic a fight with me on this guys forum. Unless he wants to start something me viper shut up.
Jasonc, your crap isn’t going to work on me. I know that you don’t only feed JT crap that you like to call in formation but seto as well. As for how good jt is well it is simple… JT podcast sucks. I can go off of pure downloads if you like. I have a lessoner base 50 to 100 times greater then jt does any given week. So don’t try to tell me jt has ANYTHING great going on because he doesn’t. Hell the man doesn’t even do research on the topics he talks about on his podcast. Has no clue how companies are run. Plus just like seto and viper sounds like a complete sissy and blows everything out of proportion. Jt is good for only one thing and that is great source material for my show. Personally I think it is funny that seto and you have joined up to use jt show as a platform to rally people agents hg. Jasonc the fact that you need weak people such as jt and the disciples of seto makes me laugh every time I think about it. Einherjar don’t worry when I do a whole show on you we will so how much I am worth then. Don’t worry I will give you your own personal time that is all to your self for about 3 hours. Heck I might even do a part one then part two kind of deal. Does that sound good to you? Gubaba “I have to wonder...are the RT forums so dull that the mainstays are now compelled to come here...?” Well I will aswer that for you. Simply put Jasonc, seto and their disciples can’t shut up. Plus they had all claimed to be robotech fans but weren’t. They have been messing will robotech for years. So now I desided to take the fight to macros world. Keep in mind none of you can stop me in how retarted I can and have already mad macros look. Its just a simple thing of there no need to fight in robotech back yard when we can fight here and in other medias like my podcast. If you really cared about your macros that much then you tell these fools to shup the hell up about robotech. VFTF1 I am glad to see that you are ok with images that look like children can be your for entertainment in the form of nudity and the such. The fact that she is to be implied to be a entity that we are to relate to as “human” says enough right there. We are made to see her as human. We are to believe she is human. So if I am to believe she is such and that has been the goal of the creator the entire time then how is it ok to put here in a light of questionable position. VFTF1 Seto said it was because she was 16 it was ok. The fact that she was a cartoon was not an argument and hasn’t been by any of the macros groupies thus far because they understood the above. Weather they are animated naked children or if they are in the fleash it is and always will be wrong. This has nothing to do with a point of view. Jasonc, what is so artistic about the naked sense of the child in macros frontier? Are you really going to tell me they could not have done better then in the drive of the emotion then posting up an naked girl in the a space battle as the defining moment. I mean I know macros frontier is recycled in all but I sure they could have gone about it better then that. For some reson I just see something wrong with grown ass men trying to tell me “its ok that she naked even though she looks like a child perposly made to look like she 12. Shes a cartoon!”
Seto and viper how imagine I find you here!!!!!!! First off seto memo only endorse robotech 00 NOT robotech fan. Second you said it was ok for a MINOR to be naked in a sifi show because is came from japan?! I never said it was all macross fan that are like that seto. Its just that you say your the most important macross export of all and it ok to have minors just fine to have minors in the nude just for the sake of it. Why do I have a problem with that there...hmmm, lets see. It could be because it is illegal in this country to do that seto. Having minors in the nude for purpose of entertainment (witch is what happen in macross ft) is illegal in the USA. No and, if or buts about it seto and viper. I don't care what the law is in japan. We ALL 3 live in the US and that poo doesn't go on here. But you know I find it is funny that we are talking about that is legal and not legal here because last week when seto and viper after loosing a debate on this issue on a live show of mine for hundreds of people to lesson to; got pissed when behind my back and tried to get my pod cast canceled by talkshoe. So what happened then? Well after I informed talkshoe on the issue of what told them to lesson the the podcast "of how old is she", gave them the pics and some of the forum talk on robotechx.com Tell us seto and viper what was the conclusion they came too? Thats right they said to banned you asses because the side you took was simply illegal. Now what I find so funny is that you tried to get me band and you go bannned instead, lol. Now the whole "death to macross purist!" I never said that seto. I hate to break this to you seto but you bring it on your self. You simply have an un-healthy obsession with trying to debunk robotech every chance you get. But it hasn't worked. Infact the only person who keeps on getting debunked is you. lets just go with the quote death to macross purist. Tell me seto what do you think that person means. For one I am shock that you would claim it was me who said it because it was on JT show and you give him all his talking notes. But do your really think a person who is saying death to macross purist is really saying they want you to die. Not so much. Its the crazy act that you people take that make you macross purist that robotech fans are simply tired of and want to go away. So do I have a problem with what the person is saying .... No! Its about time that robotech fans did start standing up to you and saying what they feel they need to say. For example the masters vs uns trend we had going. You couldn't proves poo about anything. All you could do is give the long winded exhalations about macross continuity and then try to plug it into the robotech world. Everytime you said something I was able to prove something from the animation that said other wise. I was ever able to show you frames. Yet you still tried to gave us all a total line of bs. At the viper held up the white flag. Another example you trying to tell us all that the sdf was 1210 meters in length! But there was not one moment you could find in robotech that backed up your claim. Just like the little girl you said "well the creater said it was 1210 meter". Just like "the creater said she was 16 and she said in post spacewar 1 16 is of legal age". You know the fact that you tryed to tell me seto that legal age in macross in post spacewar one is 16year shows you know it is wrong but you just don't want to admit to it because its macross. Personally I could care less what any of you here think of me. I read the stuff on here about me and "I have to say it makes for good reading"! But the fact is seto you and viper are no where near the kind of mean you claim your selves to be. Allow keep one thing in mind seto when you speak my name. You ran from me when you ran out of talking points and after you got caught trying to get me banned from talk shoe. Don't try to denie it because memo and everyone else was there. Just because I'm in your MW now doesn't mean Ill be any lesson of the robotech fan I am at any other time.
I saw your dub last night of both. I'm really interested as to seeing the ending to both of your projects. While I don't think you can treat them both as on in the same. The macross frontier is bu far the better one at this point. To be perfectly honest I think you got the dubbing down for most of the people better then I've seen the past couple new gundam releases and I say it over all is right up there with macross 2 lovers again. As for macross zero I really doing the problem is what you have been trying to do from voice acting as it is some much from the fact that macross zero has really frat wording all over the place. Macross Zero may need be reword so that it better fits with the animation dub. I also say that from an ethnicity stand point. When they created macross zero they put every creed and color they could in the show and gave everyone the same flat lines. I think macross zero could come out much better then the Japanese one dub if you fix the words that were written that come out of every ones mouth. But like i said your died on with macross ft and I will be looking foward to the next episode.