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Everything posted by raziel03

  1. raziel03

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Nope. I'm in the same boat. The sad part is that after my VF-31A fiasco, I tried to go elsewhere on preorder night. I only ended up back at NY after getting cart jacked at two other stores. Here we are a week after release, and it seems to have been for nothing since it seems to be widely available.
  2. raziel03

    Hi-Metal R

    Got shipping notice from MyKombini. All these great pictures make me glad I changed my mind and decided to pre-order. This is a gorgeous bird.
  3. raziel03

    Bandai DX VF-31

    After getting cart jacked at amiami, cdjapan, and hlj, I finally got one in at NY. Took forever to get through the checkout process and kicked me to their maintenance page after the last step, but got the email confirmation. Time for bed.
  4. raziel03

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'm throwing money at the screen but nothing is happening... ;P but, seriously, Bandai this is the one time we actually want you to milk those molds!
  5. raziel03

    Bandai DX VF-31

    It's here! I didn't have time to do much with it yet, but unpack it. Gotta hand it to NY, they came through, even if their communication and general customer service left much to be desired. Now I can finally join the chorus of people wanting an Arad variant!
  6. raziel03

    Bandai DX VF-31

    OMG! It's finally happening!
  7. raziel03

    Bandai DX VF-31

    After that revelation that someone who ordered multiples got theirs, I submitted a fresh ticket on Friday myself. They took a little longer than usual to get back to me, but when they did, it was to request my order number so that they could inform the dispatch center. Still haven't seen any "preparation in progress," but hopefully you'll get good news when they do address your ticket.
  8. raziel03

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'm still waiting. Only ordered one.
  9. raziel03

    Bandai DX VF-31

    This is the part that I find very frustrating. I doesn't seem like the number of tickets has any bearing on if yours ships or not. From reading people's experiences in this threads, it is almost Gacha-like whether a given person gets theirs shipped. I will probably poke them again on the 1 year anniversary of my pre-order, but I do not expect anything to come of it.
  10. raziel03

    Bandai DX VF-31

    One more here. Poked them at the beginning of the week. CSR who responded to mine didn't give any kind of timeframe for when they might get more.
  11. https://fext-hobby.myshopify.com/collections/owl-one Join the fun!
  12. The package containing my 102 & 102F arrived today, so my CF units just became a little less Cannon Foddery. I'm hoping one can protect the other until my 000 arrives. Th strange thing is that my 000 shipped a day earlier, but passed through HK second. Maybe the bigger package was a more convenient size for cargo. The build quality is amazing. It is hard to believe this is a third-party add-on. These folks are good!
  13. Got my shipping notification this morning. Looks like they shipped my 100, 102 & 102F in two packages. From all these early impressions, I can't wait until they arrive!
  14. raziel03

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'm also still waiting. Order #489119, placed 2017-10-07. I haven't poked them about it, since there has been a pretty steady trickle of orders being filled on here, slow though it may be.
  15. raziel03

    Bandai DX VF-31

    That emblem is gorgeous. I originally skipped this one, but that pic...
  16. raziel03

    Bandai DX VF-31

    This makes no sense from a business standpoint. Buying on the secondary market means paying more than they would have made selling them. NY would sooner cancel the orders for store credit before selling at a loss.
  17. raziel03

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I haven't really soured on NY. I have taken them out of consideration for any future orders or preorders until this thing is resolved, though. I still rate them higher than nin-nin game or mykombini because they outright cancelled the orders at the first sign of trouble. One of them (I think it may have been mykombini) also had the gall to put up a listing at a large markup a few weeks after cancelling all the orders. NY's customer service has been pretty bad, but it has never felt as scummy as those other two.
  18. raziel03

    Bandai DX VF-31

    There isn't any. What it is is a new listing by an established seller in Japan that apparently thinks they will be able to fill orders for 4 of them in June. The implication is that there is some information we aren't privy to that makes this individual think Bandai will fill their order in that timeframe. As I've said from the beginning of this debacle, the one piece of the puzzle we are missing is what Bandai is telling their direct buyers. I'm of the opinion that if there was no hope at all, even NY would have had no choice but to cancel all the preorders outright. The fact they are offering store credit to those who inquire shows that this option has always been on the table for them.
  19. raziel03

    Bandai DX VF-31

    This is very encouraging!
  20. raziel03

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Got a shipping notice from NY for the super parts. Now about that VF-31A...
  21. raziel03

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Mostly, I thought the scheme used too much black. The splashes of black and yellow in the VF-0/1 and real-world are what really make it work for me. That and the lack of Tampo'd Skulls on the VStabs.
  22. raziel03

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Same here, provided that it was done better than the 30th Anniversary YF-29. Before that came out, I was convinced there wasn't a Jolly Rogers scheme I wouldn't like...I was wrong.
  23. raziel03

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Are you seriously trying to argue that HG has nothing to do with the reason nothing Macross related has been released outside Japan since Plus? How do you explain why we never got R1 releases of Zero, Frontier and Delta? How about the lack of any re-release of Plus on BluRay? You should probably study up on the mess of copyright claims and lawsuits involved with Macross before you get so dismissive. What I said is hardly controversial.
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