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Everything posted by mister_e

  1. I noticed that too. It's crazy. It's a bit surprising to see that so many people (apparently) don't know of the re-releases. I mean, if they're into Macross enough that they're willing to spend that kind of dough on a collectible toy, you'd think they'd be "in the know".
  2. I can't speak for anyone else, but I would not be interested in a live action Macross movie if it excluded the transforming VF's. Of course, I wouldn't even be interested in an animated production of Macross if it did not feature transforming VFs. For my money, Macross = transforming VFs. That's what drew me into the show as a child and that is what has held my interest in the following years and new series. Sure, most of the Macross series' have good stories, but there are already TONS of other movies and animes out there with good stories. Just my 2 cents.
  3. mister_e

    VF mode

    Voted battroid. While I do like all of the modes, the battroid mode is what hooked me as a child.
  4. Not only that, but because the Max, Miria, and Hikaru bundles come packages with FP already equipped, they had to take them off and purposely put them back on incorrectly
  5. Obviously, I have no taste
  6. Battroid is my favorite mode, but I like all 3 modes. As a kid, I thought Gerwalk was retarded, but now I have really grown to appreciate that mode as well. I keep my 1/48's in various modes, some with FP, some without.
  7. Wow! I had Valis 2 or 3 (can't remember which) for my Turbo Grafx 16. I loved that game, I can't believe I had forgotten it. I also remember really liking Legendary Axe, Bonk's Adventures, and Y's. Good times
  8. As a Macross toy fan, I fail to see how this is good news. How is releasing nothing at all better than releasing something? If you didn't like the scheme, you didn't have to buy it. I thought it wasn't too bad. I would have bought it were it an official release. Now I get what? Nothing As of this moment, we don't know if Yamato will be releasing anything at all for the 25th anniversary. Graham hasn't even hinted at anything (unless I completely missed it)
  9. ^ LOL. There goes his retirement fund
  10. Didn't look like shill bidding to me. Only one bidder had less than 50 positive ratings (but had more than 9), and all had 100% positive feedback. In my limited experience with shill bidding, people rarely use their "real" account when shill bidding. Also, the seller is a fellow MWer, and we probably shouldn't imply that he was being dishonest without having some kind of proof.
  11. Two very small nitpicks. Both in the DYRL section. 1. The cannon fodder's shoulders should be solid white with red arrow. Cannon fodders do not have the black deco that the hero valks have. 2. You state that Hikaru pilots his VF-1S without FAST packs during the Meltrandi attach on earth. During that scene, Max was the only one piloting a VF-1S. Hikaru and Kakizaki are piloting VF-1A's. Only Skull Leader flies a VF-1S and, at that time, Max was Skull Leader God I'm a dork! Of course, excellent work on the site. It truly is awesome.
  12. At this point, does Toynami actually still have any fans? j/k
  13. I had the Lion-O action figure. The Sword of Omens was made of a soft plastic and it pretty much came already bent in the package or would bend very soon after opening it. I could never get it straightened out either.
  14. Ain't it the truth? My wife bought me the Transformers season 1 boxset and I tried to watch it, but couldn't even make it past the first disc.
  15. lol. Actually he's right, it just seems weird: 50% of 5.55 = 2.775 5.55 + 2.775 = 8.325 EDIT: Doh! I didn't read jenius' post
  16. Looks about right to me. For simple math, let's say the Scopedog is roughly 12 feet tall. That's 144 inches. 1/12 scale = 12 inches 1/18 scale = 8 inches
  17. He was one of the Constructicons. A bulldozer. G1 Bonecrusher
  18. I'm using Firefox on Windows XP SP2; no problems here.
  19. Not bad at all. I certainly was imagining far worse. So, Kevin, did you just buy for yourself or will you be selling any? hint hint
  20. I guess this is a regional thing then, because there is stacks of Wiis sitting on the shelf at my local Circuit City. Or maybe it's just because nobody shops at Circuit City?
  21. While its not technically a Macross toy, the Robotech Masterpiece VF-1S is what sparked the fire for me. Soon after buying that, I bought a couple more of the Masterpiece releases. I later found MW, which turned me on to Yamato. I've been on a depressing downward spiral into valkholism ever since.
  22. I didn't know the game was out yet. Is it any good? I might be interested in trying it out. I gave up WoW some time ago and have kind of been itching for another MMO.
  23. Yes he is. But not all MP's have been packaged in robot mode have they? I thought Starscream was packed in jet mode [attachmentid=41537]
  24. Looks cool. According to GameSpot, the trailer is actual in-game footage running in real-time. Impressive. I am confused a bit though, this time they have actual real world landmarks, but everything still indicates Liberty City?? Weird.
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