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Everything posted by mister_e

  1. So, I took the plunge and bought another 1/48 VF-1A Max. I also purchased a 1/48 VF-1S head from a fellow MW member. I will need to paint the arrows on the VF-1S head as I don't want to use the sticker method. Can anyone recommend a specific brand + color of paint that closely matches the color of blue used by Yamato on Max's 1/48 VF-1A?
  2. It seems weird that Parkman would not have "accidentally" read Sylar's mind to discover that he is not really Nathan. Furthermore, since Sylar gets so much satisfaction from killing other "specials" for their powers, why would he let Parkman live? Oh well, I can overlook these oddities since I enjoy the show so much. Who knows? They may even provide answers/explanations to some of these questions later on
  3. Iron Man you say? I was hoping this was a Black Sabbath appreciation thread j/k
  4. Ah yes. Battle Beasts. Rock, Scissors, Paper at its finest. I had a ton of these as a kid. Good memories, but now I feel old
  5. No surprise really. Seems Hollywood can only think in trilogies these days. It seems like, back in the day, a sequel was only made AFTER the prior movie was a success. Now, a movie is announced as a trilogy BEFORE the first movie is even released
  6. Sure. That's a good way to go if you can paint. I, unfortunately, cannot
  7. I've been wanting a 1/48 VF-1S Max for a long time too. I'd pretty much have to buy two 1/48's (1 Roy and 1 Max) at roughly $150 shipped each = $300. And I'd still be left with a bastard VF-1A in Roy's colors with Max's number on the wing. Not a bad deal if you have the skills to use the left over bastard valk for a custom, but I do not possess such skills. As such, I would have a useless 1/48. That's what's stopped me from making a Max 1/48 VF-1S thus far
  8. How so? They look nothing alike
  9. Probably because the GBP only ever appeared in the anime on a VF-1J. That doesn't mean you have to do it that way yourself though
  10. It doesn't look like any of the other Masterpiece toys because it's not part of that line
  11. They're not. The Stealth valkyrie is completely non-canon, meaning it never appeared in the TV series or movie. It's a custom design, created entirely by Yamato as an excuse to sell another repaint variant of the VF-1
  12. Or, you could get them straight from the source. Shipping will be much cheaper if you're already in the US. Lost and Found Toys Also, the owner is a MW member by the name of Los.
  13. 1/200 would be REALLY small. Aren't Revoltechs usually around 5-6 inches tall? Unless my math is off, that's more like somewhere between 1/72 and 1/100
  14. Sounds like someone needs a Tivo for Christmas
  15. Well why the hell not? I mean, I've seen commercials on TV that indicate that creating video games is just as easy as playing them. So, I can't imagine writing website code would be any more difficult
  16. I do hope that the knee armor is not molded to the upper thigh as one piece, but other than that it looks pretty good. I never picked up the Toynami Super Posables, so these should do quite nicely. Maybe they'll even release some destroids or some other (non-VF-1) battroids. It'd be awesome to see a YF-19 battroid done in this style.
  17. The only Yamato VF-1 that has any factory-applied panel lining is the original Low Visibility VF-1A (the gray one). Any difference you see in the panel lines in pictures is merely a lighting effect. All of the valks (except the Low Viz) have the same level of panel lining, which is none whatsoever . Also, the VF-1A cannon fodder is not the latest release, I believe that honor goes to either Kakizaki's DYRL VF-1A or the Angel Birds VF-1A
  18. diecast = ridiculously overrated ( IMO, of course )
  19. I have also watched the first 3 episodes. So far I have enjoyed it. It hasn't really "gripped" me the way shows like Heroes and Lost did early on, but it hasn't turned me off yet either. I plan to keep watching, I am hoping it will keep getting better as it continues
  20. I'm actually more excited about the mentioned ENCORE series. I missed out on a lot of the Takara TFC reissues, so this would be a good opportunity for me to snag some of my fav G1 bots
  21. lol. Yeah, but the 1A and 1J heads aren't bad.
  22. If you honestly don't feel the urge to throw all of your 1/60's in the garbage after owning and handling a 1/48, then I truly envy you. You will save yourself a lot of money by not buying all of the other 1/48's. I liked my 1/60's for a short while after purchasing my first 1/48, but then I began to like them less and less and, eventually, sold them all off. There are only two areas in which I think the 1/60 beats the 1/48: 1. In battroid, the 1/48's chest seems a bit too wide, whereas the 1/60 seems just about right 2. The 1/60 line has two seaters and 1/48 does not
  23. Yeah, great pic Duymon. But 015??
  24. If these ARE the Toynami MPC's then I'd say Toynami is treading on dangerous ground here. The originals were marketed as highly collectible and very limited. That was how they justified the very high MSRP. This could seriously piss off a lot of their customers who paid the high price. I know I'd be outraged if I had bought one of the MPC's
  25. Are those the Toynami MPCs?
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