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Everything posted by mister_e

  1. I also noticed that it looks like Toynami has replaced the "puffy" skull & crossbones on the heatshield in favor of a tampo print or sticker. The weathering seems kind of...not particularly well done IMHO
  2. Don't know, you could watch this ebay auction to see how much it ends up going for. Just browsing ebay, it looks like loose Joe figures don't command much unless they're MOSC :shrug: I hope Hasbro releases more of these 25th anniversary figures. I'd love to have an updated Firefly that is a homage to the original figure. That was my all time favorite figure when I was a kid. I used to think he was a ninja because of his mask. I was a kid and nothing is cooler to a kid than ninjas. Of course, I later learned that he's not a Ninja at all, but I still love that figure.
  3. True. But to be fair, the Yamato 1/60 Super VF-1J's also came with DYRL-style FAST packs.
  4. That is very awesome looking and I will definitely be getting one. The only thing I don't like about the sculpt is that the knee armor is molded to the upper leg which looks kind of weird when the knees are bent.
  5. In my opinion, this game is just an example of putting a stronger emphasis on gameplay and fun-factor and not worrying about the"reality" of the universe that is set in. Let's face it, for every hard-core SW fan out there that wants a game featuring non-Jedi, there are probably 100 people who would much rather be a Jedi. This game is just catering to that larger/broader audience. Just my opinion, of course. All that said, it looks like it might be a lot of fun
  6. I am not knowledgeable on the vintage stuff, but $760 for a 1/48 Focker seems very strange. I'd bet that this is just an isolated incident. I don't imagine that ANY of the Yamato 1/48's are fetching those kinds of prices with any regularity, not even the coveted Low Visibility ver. 1 (which only seems to go for around $300-$400 on ebay). I'm going to start watching 1/48 Focker and if this is a continuing trend, I might just have to offload a few of my extras EDIT: To add insult to injury, the seller has the item listed as "New" condition, but it is obvious from looking at the pics that this thing has been taken out of its box
  7. I'm having the same problem. It seems VERY likely that it a direct result of the new version of IPB. Before the upgrade, I could stay logged into MW forever. I NEVER had to re-login, but I always had to re-login at Macross Nexus. Now that MW is on the same version of IPB, I am experiencing the same issues on both sites
  8. I think the problem would be licensing. While HG has license to use the designs from SDF:M and DYRL? (somehow), they definitely cannot use the designs from any of the other Macross series
  9. That is awesome. I had no idea that it was going to be released with FAST packs. I was already planning to buy it without them. This is just icing on the cake. Thanks for the pic CF18
  10. I'm not sure what the official MSRP is, but (from my experience) the average going price for a 1/48 Hikaru VF-1A seems to be between $100-$130 US.
  11. The only difference I know of between Roy's DYRL VF-1S and the one seen in SDF:M is the color of the arrows on the head unit. Still, it might be worth it if they included a Roy figure in his SDF:M flightsuit. It would also be nice to have another valk packaged with the standard TV-style FAST packs for those who didn't buy the Super Hikaru set.
  12. I picked up the book at Barnes & Noble on Wednesday. It's really short so I'm taking it slow. So far I'm really enjoying it, but I don't read a lot of books so I might just be easily impressed
  13. When will the madness end? It's also rumored that there will be another he-man live action movie. Crazy http://www.variety.com/article/VR111796571...yid=13&cs=1
  14. I always thought of Hikaru's VF-1J as the 'signature' valk from the series, since its the one shown in the bumpers. But yeah, Roy's VF-1S is pretty iconic as well and a personal favorite
  15. Meh. I like Will Smith better than either of those two old farts. This looks pretty good to me, I'm looking forward to seeing it
  16. I applaud their effort, but am offended at the asking price. It really is not very attractive (to me, at least)
  17. Really? Because I can find several. Still, the price seems decent (even more so since you don't have to pay for shipping) YAMATO Macross Robotech VF-1S Valkyrie 1/48 Hikaru C9 YAMATO Macross Robotech VF-1S Valkyrie 1/48 Hikaru US Macross Yamato Hikaru Ichijo 1/48 Scale VF-1S Macross Robotech VF-1S 1/48 Valkyrie Hikaru Yamato Yamato Macross Robotech VF-1S 1/48 Hikaru Ichijo MISB ($195.00??? )
  18. I thought the same thing. Also, we all know Peter is going to live, so Nathan pretty much threw his life away for nothing. That is unless, of course, the writers decide that Nathan somehow lived. Maybe Nathan took Peter way up high and let go of him, then flew away to a safe distance while Peter exploded :shrug:
  19. I'm not going to panic just yet. I have not received an e-mail from HLJ informing me that my pre-order will not be fulfilled. I also noticed that bigbadtoystore and laftoys.com still have their pre-orders up. I wonder if they are getting their units from HLJ as well
  20. The original statement was that it takes more love to collect vintage toys than newer ones. That's not true, it just takes more time, money, and effort. While you may have put a lot of love into your collection, that doesn't mean that someone who collects only newer toys put any less love into his/her collection. Don't be an elitist.
  21. No. Not more love, just more money
  22. I had no idea there were newer versions of Speed Racer. Pretty cool, I guess
  23. I never understood why Transformers fans can suspend disbelief enough to accept sentient alient robots from another planet who can transform into other machines, but have a problem with mass shifting?? Unreleastic? Do you realize this is Transformers? Name one thing that IS realistic about Transformers. Just my opinion
  24. I thought only the stand-alone Ghost has been released so far. I think I remember that the release date for the Shin + Ghost was one month after the stand-alone Ghost. It will probably be released at the end of the month or sometime next month
  25. That would be really lame. Especially considering the general quality of the previous sticker offerings
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