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Everything posted by mister_e

  1. Yeah, I've been really paying attention lately and it definitely logs you out if your IP address changes, just like JBO suggested.
  2. More importantly, it better have a head that turns and knees...it must have KNEES!!!
  3. Why exactly would clearing temporary internet files reset his login?
  4. I'm getting the VF-1S for sure. If jenius's guess is right and these do get really cheap later on after their initial release, I might just pick up the 19 and maybe even a second 1S.
  5. This is like the 1/48 LV1 all over again Nobody wants these RIGHT NOW, but in 2 years people will be shelling out $300USD for one Actually, I guess I'm in the minority, I think the VF-1S looks awesome. I've already pre-ordered the VF-1S, but am unfortunately going to probably pass on the YF-19
  6. So, I was at Target the other night and decided to swing by the toy section. All they had was a single Snake Eyes v2. I had told myself that I wasn't going to collect these 25th anniversary figs, but decided to go ahead and buy SE since he was only $6. Long story short, now I want to get the rest of these figs. I've tried all the local stores, but no luck. Does anyone know a good place to buy these online that actually has them in stock? BBTS and Hasbro.com have been out of stock since forever it seems, and the prices on ebay are ridiculous
  7. Max is 202 and Miria is 303
  8. mister_e

    2 seater 1/48s

    Hmm, can I read between the lines here and assume you have presented your ideas to Yamato with Graham's help? If so that's awesome, even if it doesn't come to fruition (of course we would all be happier if it did )
  9. I prefer the Paris Act version also, but would buy either (or both, hint hint) should Yamato choose to produce them
  10. mister_e

    Graham's Sig

    I don't think I can afford for Yamato to redo the VF-1 line again in 1/60
  11. It saddens me that so many people apparently don't share my enthusiasm for this movie. This movie is flat out awesome
  12. Actually, I hope they DON'T change the packaging. I'm so OCD, I'd be tempted to buy another VF-1S, just to have one of each packaging variant
  13. You mean they're reissuing this thing again? How many reissues is this now? 5?
  14. While I do like the YF-19, I already have the normal version and I just don't like the YF-19 enough to buy another. The VF-1S, on the other hand, is a definite buy. I'm pretty much a sucker when it comes to the VF-1 though. Hell, I was probably one of the only people here willing to admit that I would have bought the "Spirit of Valkylie" VF-1J shown earlier. As far as the markings are concerned, I could care less whether they're tampo printed or stickers.
  15. At these prices, there really is no excuse for the lack of tampo printing. Of course, these are still pre-production photos. Yamato may still include lots of tampo printing on the SV-51 and everyone will be pleasantly surprised
  16. Well, the only one of those that actually show up in the anime is "the blue guy." The others are non-canon paint schemes. I have one of each, but if I had to buy only one I would buy the one that actually showed up in the anime (again, the blue one)
  17. I'm afraid that ship sailed long ago j/k
  18. If they did that, they would have also had to replace one of the wings. Was 001 on the wing, or was it 011?
  19. This from the member named bigspender? j/k The only one of my "regular" shops that has them listed in stock is tisinc99.com (Fast Packs). Of course, I feel obligated to warn you that many members here claim to have had bad experience from this shop. I, on the other hand, have ordered tons of stuff from them and never had a single problem. Take it for what it's worth. You have been warned
  20. Since the base says "Starscream", I'm going to assume that it is actually just a fan-made custom. But looks good regardless
  21. mister_e

    VF-21 Dilemma

    The 1/72 has a lot of faults that will most likely (crosses fingers) be fixed in the upcoming 1/60 version. I say wait for the 1/60
  22. I agree with Jenius. The sculpt on the 1J head unit is quite nice actually, it just looks bad because of the stupidly long neck
  23. WTH? Serious? Oh well, I didn't know
  24. Wow. Great pics guys. Looks like you all had a lot of fun. BTW, how old is Mari now? She has to be in her mid 40's by now right? Because she looks VERY good for her age. Does she look as good in person as she does in these pictures?
  25. Yes, the valks in wave 2 all had flat heatshields, but that's because they were all VF-1J's which don't have the skull squadron marking on the heatshield.
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