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Everything posted by zzgundam010

  1. I actually would prefer NY asking for payment (or at least a deposit) at pre-order time. That would cut off the scalpers and stop the pre-order madness.
  2. looks like the same is happening with the rvf-25 as with the vf-171cf. Hope it continues for the vf-25f.
  3. Looks like the same situation vf-171cf all over again. Hope it continues to hold true for vf-25f.
  4. better late than never.
  5. I am not surprise since they are not getting their stock form a Japanese distributor.
  6. That's one more I could secure at HLJ.
  7. I guess you like the vf-25f more than the ref-25. I would choice HLJ over Otacute always.
  8. Has anyone heard from Otacute lately. Their web site still says all confirmed pre-order are guaranteed.
  9. hind sight is always 20/20. Who knew that it would still be readily available after the release day.
  10. The v2 RVF-25 with super pack is quickly becoming my favourite Macross Frontier valkyrie.
  11. I guess only time will tell.
  12. excellent photos!!! very well done!!!
  13. I was just using that as an example. I guess the trick is to find the right balance: enough pressure to make the joint tight enough to be posable, yet not too much pressure to cause any damage due to too much stress. Plastic is plastic and it will break if enough pressure is applied. I am. I ordered the super pack/ghosts for the RVF-25. Love the little cannon at the tip of the super pack booster engine.
  14. HLJ had stock again!?! Would we see a repeat of the vf-171 cf??
  15. check the vf-171 cf thread. certain plastic parts are crumbling due to too much pressure.
  16. wouldn't that extra piece of rubber create additional pressure on the plastic part of the hip? We all now how strong the plastic that Bandai uses is.
  17. There is someone on eBay selling replacement part for the vf-171 cf. Has anyone ordered anything from him/her?
  18. I think you can sell it for more than what the asking price for a 27 pre-order.
  19. But the mroe people cancel, the more there is on release day.
  20. My 30th ann super pack arrived today. Love them. The Alto super pack is so crazy expensive I ended up selling my yd-29 Alto. With the money, I was able to pick up the 30th ann and the super pack.
  21. people are cancelling their preorders because they think they can get it for less after release, and not because they don't want one.
  22. I was lucky enough to have pre-ordered one from Otacute too. Fingers crossed also.
  23. at 25,500 yen? really???
  24. I am hoping that msot retailers will start requiring down payments on pre-orders so there will be no more pre-order madness.
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