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Everything posted by zzgundam010

  1. I need to save my money for the yf-30.
  2. I did not have to pry off the green shoulder cover. From the bottom move the black triangle pieces out of the way as if you are going to transform it. That will expose the tiny screw holding the two halves. Loosening/removing the screw will decrease the pressure on the metal shoulder ball joint, allowing one to remove the shoulder intact.
  3. The crack on the inside of the black triangle piece below the NUNS is not noticeable unless you take the shoulder apart. Folks may not realize that it is there at all.
  4. I can always find the display space. But I wish I can say the same for the money it costs to buy them.
  5. Keep pulling, even things that are not supposed to give will give.
  6. Just yank it out? I am afraid that I may damage it while going so. So I may actually damage it while trying to prevent it from being damages:-(. I will take another close look at it before I decide if I am going to proceed or not. Mine is OK now. First do no harm.
  7. I tried to do that but it is not obvious to me how to get to the screw. Can you provide instruction?
  8. NY sells at above MSRP. Even now they are selling the vf-171cf at above MSRP when it is actually available elsewhere below MSRP. How many do you think they will sell? They also encourage scalping by allowing big order without any payment upfront. Where do you think all those ebay sellers get their stock from? They have nothing to lose since if they don't sell on eBay, they just don't follow through on their NY pre-order. It costs them nothing to list on eBay. I am staying away from the pre-order madness. I had stayed up till 3 am for the past 3 pre-orders and got nothing to show for it. But happily I was able to pick up the RVF-25 and vf-171 at a later day and below MSRP. I will wait and pick up a vf-25a if the price is right. If not, I can live without it.
  9. How much metal is in the HI-METAL? And how many parts do you have to swap during transformation?
  10. if the vf-25a follows the pattern of vf-171cf, then not being able to place a pre-order may be a blessing in disguise.
  11. NY selling at below RSVP? WOW, they must be desperate.
  12. By the way, it is still available at cdjapan for 14000 yen.
  13. Their mark up on the RVF-25 isn't too bad. I was considering ordering it from them. No need to anymore since Otacute came through. I actually found it for less at cdjapan. So nin-nin would have been the backup of my backup.
  14. Thanks you Otacute for coming through. Just confirmed and paid. Very happy!!!
  15. Yes, that's a high mark-up, as high as NY's. That's why I am holding out, waiting for release day.
  16. That's very good news.
  17. missed HLJ again. Hopefully it will be available after release like the vf-171 and rvf-25.
  18. man I really really want one.
  19. finally got mine from amiami as I ordered it after it became available after release day. Both NUNS parts are in good shape. How do I get to the screw to loosen in order to reduce the pressure on them?
  20. I would prefer HLJ too but I missed the restock window so now I have to rely on Otacure coming through.
  21. NY was able to charge a higher price due to supply and demand. But with the formula changing, I really don't see how that can do that anymore.
  22. The photos look legit this time. It's a cf so I guess we don't really have to stay up till 2 am to preorder, right?
  23. it was at 14500 yen before. With 44 in stock, it may go even lower, especially HLJ and Amiami both have lower price.
  24. definitely need more info. so many questions: - model or toy - reissue or new design ...
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