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Everything posted by zzgundam010

  1. repaints? I can barely afford one:-(
  2. Isn't the only Bandai valk starting at 20000 yen the vf-27 with super pack? But even that is sell for less than MSRP now. The 16000-20000 price is after a markup. I picked up the latest Bandai valk (vf-25a) for 12800 yen.
  3. I agree. I have stopped buying on eBay since it is almost always overprice. Once in a while you may be able to find one with a reasonable price. But you will have to look hard. I have had better luck using Google search to find smaller online store that is not well known.
  4. I hope not. vf171 cf is the only one with issues so far. I hope that's a one off.
  5. That's probably the only way to keep them from breaking for those lucky enough to not have that happened yet.
  6. Even if Bandai has replacement parts they won't do any good if they are of the same inferior quality. Bandai needs to re-engineer that part with different material.
  7. The VF-4G is different (for me at least). That was/is considered the Holy Grail of Macross toy by many.
  8. I would not get another 171 unless there is confirmation that the problematic NUNS triangles have been fixed.
  9. I second that. If you got it from HLJ, they will take care of you and make things right.
  10. Thanks for the visual comparisoin. Are all the vf-25 re-issues made from the same mold?
  11. For those who are still waiting, AmiAmi just dropped its price to 16.920 yen.
  12. cdjapan still has it for 14000 yen http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/goods/goods_detail.html?KEY=NEOGDS-90706
  13. hong kong shops always start with a high price. Price will drop if it doesn't sell.
  14. So the bridges for the fold booster are in the picture only but NOT part of the actual toy display. I wonder why???
  15. We are talking Bandai here, so don't hold your breath. thank you. thank you. thank you.
  16. Just paid HS. Very happy to be getting my first vf-25 re-issue at a great pirce.
  17. I need to check Mandarake more often.
  18. prices are pretty good for certain ones only. The vf-25f/s are still hard to find at a reasonable price, right? Many folks say that it is just a matter of time before they are re-issued again. But with the poor showing of the recent relelases (rvf-25, vf-171 cf, vf-27, vf-25a), may cause Bandai to put off any more re-issue.
  19. It is really too bad that the cf suffers from the broken NUN syndrome.
  20. Maybe the surprise is that the fold booster comes with it as a bonus. Since they are including the bridge, why not the booster itself too.
  21. If there will be a new fold booster, wouldn't the adapters comes with the new booster? I sure hope those are for the old ones. No customs fee if you are in the US.
  22. I sure hope it does. One can always hopes...
  23. Price is definitely a hurdle, just like the vf-4g.
  24. I am guessing you got your VF-27 at NY with their high markup:-(
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