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Everything posted by zzgundam010

  1. I may be reading it wrong, but the first line under the white box on the top left say pre-order in May along with a price of 17,850 yen.
  2. Re-issue in May? Am I reading it wrong?
  3. What color/paint are you using for the new head?
  4. Love it! I am now looking for paint that will match the VF-4. Anyone got any advise?
  5. I ordered a little while ago and have received mine.
  6. By the way, are all the ones with problem ordered from NY?
  7. Or maybe they are smiling because they ordered from multiple places just in case and went with one with lower total price (with reasonable shipping cost).
  8. I am in for sure!
  9. I have never seen HLJ increases their prices. Correct me if I am wrong.
  10. By the way, Nippon-Yassan is not only pro-scalpers, they are scalper themselves. But again it is all supply and demand. They are in business to earn money. So why not charge a higher price if folks are willing to paid. One can only scalp when demand is much greater than supply.
  11. 30th anniversary super parts are still available without markup. Maybe Bandai make too much of those. So they have to reissue the valkyrie in order to move the extra super parts.
  12. It is simply a matter of supply and demand. As long as folks are willing to pay, why not jack up the price?
  13. Why would they enable pre-order for the re-issue when they can sell the original at $256? When they sell out the original, then they will start selling the re-issue at $288.
  14. Did anyone manage to get one anywhere?
  15. yes. That ad is for both the re-issue and the super pack.
  16. List price for the original was 17,000 yen. The re-issue is listed as 17,850 yen. Don't think Bandai will throw in the super pack for 850 yen.
  17. Any places taking order for the re-issue yet?
  18. HLJ's price is about the same. But I am sure HLJ will be charging much less for shipping than NY.
  19. Hope it can stand on its own in battroid without support.
  20. For me in not just the unreasonable shipping cost. HLJ's excellent customer service makes the choice easy for me.
  21. order stopped at HLJ. "This item is expected to be released on or about 12/31. We will accept additional orders at that time if supplies are sufficient." http://www.hlj.com/product/YMTGK-19
  22. I wish they would lower their shipping price.
  23. zzgundam010

    DX VF-25G

    I can't because it is sold out again.
  24. Do they always upgrade you to FedEx? They never did that for me.
  25. I am going with HLJ over NY. HLJ has also charged reasonable shipping so I am expecting them to do the same for this time. $60.00 for EMS shipping to US is not reasonable in my book. I will still go with HLJ even if the total cost is higher for their excellent customer service. A little peace of mind is worth it for me, especially for a high price item like this.
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