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Everything posted by zzgundam010

  1. I feel your pain and I am on the East coast too. At least I got to see the elusive "Add to Cart" button on AmiAmi. It really sucks that HLJ open order right after I went to sleep, and then AE followed after that.
  2. if no one actually cares, why are we all here now???
  3. here comes the pre-order MADNESS again.
  4. missed it again for the nth time.
  5. even NY doesn't have it. Oh where Oh where can I find one???
  6. One can't really blame NY as long as folks are willing to pay their high mark-up. After all, they are not an non-profit. They are in business to maximize their profits.
  7. As long as people are willing to pay NY's markup.
  8. I am sad to see Yamato go. But at least it went out with a BANG!!!
  9. I envy you guys who were able to place a pre-order at the normal price or are able to afford NY's jacked up price.
  10. I envy you guys who were able to place a pre-order at the normal price or are able to afford NY's jacked up price.
  11. I am in the same boat. Lack of sleep and any re-issue sucks!!!
  12. Am I the only one left who has not been able to get even one re-issue of any type?
  13. So there are some of us who stayed up till 3 am on multiple nights and still have not be able to get just 1 re-issue of any model. And then there are others who have multiple issues of multiple models and complain that they cannot get one more..... I guess life is just unfair.
  14. Me too. Thanks in advance.
  15. HLJ hasn't even listed the RVF-25 renewal yet.
  16. Should it had been an April's Fool prank?
  17. I am sure they will not have any problem selling any YF-29 pre-orders that were cancelled.
  18. HLJ is still selling Macross DX. The YF-29 30th anniversary ver. was re-opened briefly before it was closed. It is now listed as discontinued.
  19. HLJ still doesn't have a listing for it. Make one wonders...
  20. Of course I missed it yet again ;-(
  21. pre-order reopen at Otacute. I have ordered from them without any problem. Good luck.
  22. It doesn't really matter what comes next since you won't be able to pre-order one before it sold out.
  23. 18,500 Yen. That's too steep for me know what the MSRP is.
  24. The only place that have stock after the pre-order that I have been able to find is NY. Their high mark-up is the only reason why they don't sell out there also.
  25. Already sold out online everywhere I looked:-( why did I even bother?
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