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Everything posted by zzgundam010

  1. So may I ask where should one look?
  2. VF-171CF and YF-29 are still available because they are being sold with a mark-up. They are sold out at all sites that don't mark-up.
  3. I am interested if anyone is selling.
  4. Sadden that Otacute is closing. I have always have good experience with them.
  5. Sadden that Otacute is closing. I have always have good experience with them.
  6. A little levity is all I got cause I have not been able to place an order
  7. Why not? Otacute could sell their entire stock to NY at MSRP and make more money than selling themselves since they normally offer a discount. NY still make 4000 yen each.
  8. I will stopped reloading otacute then. With my luck that means otacute is going up right after that. Everyone else please get ready...
  9. I am guessing they require payment upfront? Toy collectors have no problem paying up front since they want the toy. On the other hand, scalpers will not pay up front since they don' t want the toy. They just want money. I wish NY would require payment up front. In a way, they are helping scalpers and hurting collectors.
  10. Is NY toying with us by opening and closing the per-order???
  11. maybe NY bought out Otacute's entire inventory.
  12. we are approaching VF-4G price terrority here.
  13. It would help if we don't buy at $(InflatedPrice-2). They can only charge what people are willing to pay. And apparently lots of people are willing to pay inflated price.
  14. The only way to beat the scalpers is to not give in to them. That way they won't follow through on their pre-orders that they have not paid for. And more stock will be available at more reasonable price. Just look at the VF-171 CF.
  15. If NY open again, it will be more than 250. Their price goes up on every round. It looks like I am going to sit this one out.
  16. I would be spending all my time in frustration and F5ving madly in faint hopes that a 5 minute warning would magically appear.
  17. A 5 minute warning doesn't do you any good if you are fast asleep.
  18. sold out at $250. They will keep jacking up the price as long as people are willing to pay. Maybe it is time for me to quit.
  19. I am still hoping I don't have to convince myself the same.
  20. The list price was only 14000. Did NY charged more for their first batch of pre-order???
  21. I set my alarm for the middle of the night 2:45 east coast time...and saw it sold out everywhere live. So you actually didn't miss much.
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