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Everything posted by zzgundam010

  1. zzgundam010

    Hi-Metal R

    I hate partsformation!!!
  2. same here
  3. It that's the normal going rate for it now I am seriously thinking about selling mine.
  4. How do I get in on the order? Or have I missed the boat?
  5. Lower than a PF 1/60 Arcadia VF-1????? This one is 1/48!!!
  6. zzgundam010

    Hi-Metal R

    where can I buy a Messer 1S for dirt cheap?
  7. zzgundam010

    Hi-Metal R

    So glad I was able to order this. Everything I have seen so far exceed my expectation. The only thing more I can ask for is perfect transformation.
  8. zzgundam010

    Hi-Metal R

    The HMR isn't perfect transformation. I think it is like comparing apples to oranges.
  9. zzgundam010

    Hi-Metal R

    I don't think we can do a fair comparison between two different scale (1/60 vs 1/100).
  10. zzgundam010

    Hi-Metal R

    So how much metal is in Hi-Metal R??? I am very interested in VF-2SS.
  11. That's exactly why I have stopped ordering from NY.
  12. agree. I don't see how that will stop the bootlegger.
  13. I actually like the blue on black more than blue on blue or black on black.
  14. Anybody knows if the reactive armor will fit the old Yamato 1/60 vf-0?
  15. Is Nippon-Yasan the only place where one can still get VF-31J Super Parts?
  16. It looks like I got one of the last ones at HLJ. Good Night :-)
  17. How many gun pod(s) come with Nexx? Just the big one or does it come with the regular one too? Thanks in advance.
  18. Thanks for posting the awesome photos!!!!!
  19. I am definitely in for a set.
  20. I noticed the different in the right leg armor too. Any words if there will be two versions of the SAP, or with both armors be include in a single set of SAP?
  21. I really want the SAP but am wondering if they will sell enough of the initial release for them to move ahead with the SAP.
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