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bob joe mac

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Everything posted by bob joe mac

  1. LOGH was a interesting thing for me to watch I watched the first 40 or so eps before Central anime picked it up and liked it but could never finish it so I forgot nearly everything about it till central came along and released it then I followed it up until a fateful character died which shocked me so badly as the series still had a full 1/4 of it left life caught up with me and I decided to save the last quarter till it was all released and a few months ago I marathoned the entire series in a few weeks. Definitly one of the most epic shows I've ever to watch . Currently I'm saving up the gaidens to do the similar thing with.
  2. lol I'm very excited and have high hopes to no end. I hope I'm not crushed
  3. ZZ was all right as a DIRECT sequel to Z it failed but as a gundam show it was ok. It did cover some important thing in the gundam universe my favorite being the first episode which has a nice introduction on how MS came to be and it shows what happened to hayato
  4. *reviving old topic * I just watched it today and wow amazing zombie movie. When the snipers have to shoot at civilians was nuts. In my opinion this may take the cake for my favorite zombie movie Now I wonder how 28 months later will turn out... http://www.28-months-later.com/
  5. lol neat find reminds me of years back when people compared the heat miser from the old claymation Santa Claus movies with kakazaki
  6. Also hes nearly 80 years old... I think he may be done movies
  7. kalvasflam I would love to see a movie done with army camera's on the helmets aliens did it so perfectly when they first run into the aliens it'd be so awesome
  8. While I do agree that SDF macross was the best IMO macross production I've enjoyed every macross thats come since as well.
  9. lol V gundam is also fantastic even though I think it has at times way more wacky mech designs then even G gundam. Like the one MS that rides in a giant wheel to name one :S... now then again plot and characters were fantastic along with the score... and the cannon fodder aka the shrike team I actually cared about for cannon fodder like when the one died holding up the launch bridge and the music going thats how connon fodder should go
  10. Watched both yesterday and today incredibly impressed with the action and fast paced story. Near the end when it showed all the different karas I was definitly expecting all the different colored karas to team up but just the main ones
  11. Definitly watch it superb story and characters kinda like berserk if you've seen that HUGELY character driven with a good amount of action and characters you'll love and characters you'll love to hate
  12. amazing animation and a nice moving plot with amazing music great movie
  13. I saw it and it was exactly what I thought it would be lots of dumb people dieing everywhere Plus their was FAR more alien vs. predator then the first one and what made this movie for me was the chick getting nailed with the ninja star thing and the the governments decision at the end
  14. Wasn't zero twas the original macross where hikaru a circus pilot jumps in one with no experience
  15. lol did anyone read the random english screen when the special forces have their concert cut off It talks about a model of crowbar rockstar energy drinks and tons of other random pointless stuff sorry if its already been posted I haven't been this excited in a while
  16. All I gotta say is best christmas ever
  17. Looked fantastic!!!! I hope the rest of the season keeps up the animation as for the plot macross meets dunbine
  18. NEAT!!
  19. so reviving an old topic but did this show ever get back on track and become decent? I stopped watching it once the subs stopped around episode 8 and it seemed so completely chaotic and unorganized when I stopped watching it.
  20. Macross and fanservice !?!? that never happened before... except the naked minmei scenes in the original and movie... and in plus when isamu bangs lucy and all the stupid stuff in 7 and the lesbian rape thing in 7 dynamite and in zero ... aside from all that never has there been fanservice in macross
  21. I never watched it as numerous people said the general plot was a complete rip off of Laputa.
  22. All I have to say is why should I have to pay for something that I should be able to watch for free on tv... and after watching it for free on tv then deciding about purchasing it or not... Example US TV - I watched heroes... for free... liked it so much bought the box set... Example Fansubs - I watched Galaxy railways fan subbed for free liked it so much I bought the box set. Same with berserk, Escaflowne amongst others. I don't see the problem. I remember back when anime on VHS was the only thing you could get and yet everything I seemed to rent was god awful so I had to waste my money renting something that the japanese saw for free on tv... I'll support fansubs as they let me pick what I would like to purchase from pure garbage. and one final point I adore One Piece and if the ONLY option to get it here is the abomination the 4 kids made by replacing guns with super soakers. Characters going "to the hospital or jail" instead of DIEING. Cutting out ENTIRE story arcs. Of course I'll support fans who clearly care more about the show then the company marketing it here in North America.
  23. It was definitly top notch for those interested a good dvd rip can be found on nearly any torrent site mininova.org etc. or you can wait for the dvd in a day or two
  24. anyone seen it yet? Pretty damn funny neat twist at the end
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