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bob joe mac

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Everything posted by bob joe mac

  1. Just watched the episode but am I understanding it correctly and the only reason thousands of people are dieing/dead is because ranka got all pissed at alto for hugging sheryl... and the vajra have responded to her emotions before so... the last episode will be ranka growing up and not being such a child poor Mikhail if only klan hadn't kissed him and confessed love he woulda lived longer
  2. no point making a topic but random find in of all places but disney world Epcot Japanese pavilion sorry for bad quality Mospeada action figures along side EVA's Shin Getter and FF7 Advent children action figures
  3. lol big kick in the nuts for zero this ep cant wait to see where this goes
  4. Super robot wars Z is for the PS2 looks AWESOME Features Turn A gundam Gundam X orguss Eureka 7 Aquarion SEED destiny And the usuals
  5. nah just some eps would feel so long and dragged out while other ones seemed much better paced. Maybe writing issues I dunno but especially towards the end with the infamous elevator scene stuff like that where your looking at the same thing whether it be a still frame or a slow movement to show a field which dialouge being spoken. Its just SO long that you NOTICE that you've been sitting there looking at the basically the same thing for a dumb amount of time. Kinda like in DBZ where the camera just rotates around the characters for a full minute
  6. I must agree this looked FANTASTIC and I found the pacing much better then the TV series which at time bored me *ducks to avoid flames from die had TV series fans*
  7. next eps looks like it might have some more named characters bite the dust
  8. lol dunno if this has been posted but awesome trailer for season 2 of 00 http://youtube.com/watch?v=Ovlp3jlYUoY
  9. Yes while their are people like that in real life as I do know some one whose 25 has had a kid and still looks under 16 I.E. short no breasts young looking etc... I just dont like how THATS become the big attraction in japan and in anime in the past few years. Like talk about promoting pedopholia when one of the love interests in every anime looks like shes 12 but IS 16-20 and has 10000 pron comics made about her because thats the in thing in japan I guess... short flat chested girls that dress like elementary skool kids :S
  10. 2nd half of season 2 seems to be making up for the slow pacing of the first part. Very excited to see what happenes from now on.
  11. Nice super pedo ranka in her overalls as much as I love macross things like that just push the whole lolita thing in anime to far. *curses pedo factor in anime *
  12. Gradius V I found to be the only gradius that was beatable and fair towards the player. You could pick up your options and direction option was stupid deadly some play throughs I wouldn't even die until the inside of the bacterian ship or the asteroid level and what made gradius V possible to beat was the recoverable options and 2 player co-op and the longer you played the more credits you got. It is the only gradius I've ever been able to be with no cheats of emulator save states
  13. Nice combining MS sounds like transformers...
  14. Didn't read through the 16 pages but I just got back loved it and wouldn't mind if they never made a third one as this one ended perfectly BUT if they make a third one I want the mad hatter as the villain as he was SCARY in the animated series.
  15. I think alto should stay single as he is quite the douche Its his birthday and he blows off ranka to go flying in a atmosphere ok thats fine but tell the girl... then after the girl that took him there even though she was sick and he realized that collapsed was being shot at and poo he doesn't check up on her instead he takes ranka out flying... and ranka's too dumb to care that he blew her off to get with sheryl then blew sickly risked her life to make him happy sheryl to fly off with ranka... Not to smooth alto... not at all... if only anime women had a lick of intelligence. Now if he HAS to end up with one or the other I hope its sheryl or theres a time jump cause I know japan's all into pedophilia and moe poo but ranka is just TO much to be cool with :S
  16. megaman 9 = pure awesome http://youtube.com/watch?v=buHIlenFVz0 < trailer makes it look FANTASTIC XD another game worth mentioning Super robot wars Z for anyone into the SRW games featuring series such as -aquarion -eureka 7 -orguss -gundam seed destiny - Xabungle -Gundam X - turn A gundam and many others looks like good stuff
  17. Not trolling or anything but... am I the only one who isn't amazed beyond expectations over this new series Like the first few episodes I was blown away and the odd episode here and there have been good but overall I've found the first 12 episodes mediocre and I've loved ALL of the other macross series and I just dont find the same charm and flare the others had. In fact I would go so far to say the characters are extremely boring and mundane and the plot and character development extremely uneven. Like is it because I've been watching bad subs *which I dont think have been. AIA* Now dont get me wrong I'm not saying its bad by any means as the episodes that are good are FANTASTIC but theirs definitly been to many episodes that have made me go wtf... is this love hina or some BS? *sheryls panties etc* Now I've definitely not given up on all hope as the last episode which was one of the better ones ended with a huge WTF and I feel that the following episode will make or break the series for me. Lol and dont get me wrong I definitly have found more good qualities of this show then bad or else I wouldn't still be watching it. Koenig monster and sheryl are reasons alone just not amazed by it like everyone else is and I feel left out Maybe the the first episode and all of macross have given me to high of expectations
  18. 99% sure the first ones a mech from the Super robot war games http://mahq.net/mecha/srw/og1/dcam-006.htm second one is from 00 gundam http://mahq.net/mecha/gundam/00/msj-06ii-sp.htm
  19. I own VFX-2 and played it on my modded PS1 and my copy as well freezes at the ending even youtube doesn't have the ending
  20. Slayers I remember back in the day it was one of my first I know what anime is now anime my sister bought all the VHS tapes for like $25-30 a tape and recently I bought the season 1 box set for around $50. As for the plot yea its rather simplistic at times then it will develop into a serious show kinda like full metal panic if your familiar with that series. But that in turn in the charm of the show.
  21. first frontier episode I've liked in a while
  22. sweet got leaked 2 weeks early watched it earlier pretty good I liked the first one better but still good futurama so good bender poo bricks. Definitely plan to pick it up like the first.
  23. lol awful bootleg subs make the dvds. Bad subs can ruin it but when they are as awful as you just said their fantastic. I wanna hunt down some HK one piece DVDs never had a clue in hell as to what was going on till I just gave up. I miss the adventures of roof (luffy) Sunkist (sanji) Suro (Zorro) liar boo (usopp) and naomi (nami that one makes sense) and their fight against demon dragons group of men-fish (arlongs army of mermen). Good times
  24. Z vs. V I can't even do it... Z was dark as hell at the beginning but then for quite a while it became kamille vs. jerid and GF #4 in mobile suit of the week for quite some time... then it would go back to the spectacular show it was at the beginning then after key events on earth the plot got crazy chaotic and there were too many bad guys and people dieing just to move the show along... then 99% of the cast dies and you're left like... what then ZZ comes along ... and starts off by killing a few more characters off for no reason aside from getting them out of the show then has 20 episodes of idiocy... so as much as ZZ isn't part of Z it definitly is... cause Z doesn't end at the last episode it leaves tons of plot points open that you HAVE to watch ZZ to see what happens. As for V it suffers alot of then same problems with random mech of the week eps and as much as I loved em the shrike team was just their to have a loveable character die every episode till they were all gone. And the BS first or 5th episode really threw me off when I first watched it with shitty subs and some of the MS wtf giant dunbine bug like MS and moblie suits riding in giant wheels and using helicopter rotor things they held onto to fly... and like Z it had the choatic whats even happening last 3 eps not that you dont know whats going on theirs just SO MUCH going on and explosions everyone and people dieing and new type spirits flying around everywhere and everyone screaming that its just the typical end to a gundam series ... in the end I'm just rambling... both were very good shows both VERY dark both with very lovable or easily hated characters that both were definitly worth watching and picking up. I bought the first Z set here for only 29.99 canadian at best buy which covered the first 25 eps hope to find the second one that cheap soon too
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