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bob joe mac

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Everything posted by bob joe mac

  1. awesome thanks for the link
  2. I never knew how much old video games are worth...but I got bored and went on ebay and typed in the names of all the video games I own from NES to PS2 and holy crap people will pay assloads for some games. Like E.V.O. Search for eden... $60 and up So yea if any of you guys have old ass games that are collecting dust sell or I'll buy em and my mom said I wasted money all these years
  3. LOL awesome sent it to all my friends
  4. Yea but the Z gundam movies as cool as they were, the newly animated scenes were SO out of place sometimes it made the movies a little awkward. *Super sarcasm* But I'm sure we can all agree the Turn A movies incorporated the series the best
  5. I dunno I certainly recall a couple comedic shower scenes like where amuro see's..... whats her face in the shower with the kids and I think their was one with frau bow too Oh and of course our bishi boy char shower scene with garma sitting outside the door ... As for my 2 cents on the original gundam. I remember watching the TV show on cartoon network wondering how THIS became the big changing "real robot" show. I mean it had a invicible robot created by amuro's father that could transform into aweful planes or tanks I mean wtf. And some of the mobile armours looked more dumb and run of the mill then the enemies from Mazinger and the like. Then years later I saw Z gundam and I was blown away by how different it was then the first series so I went back and watched the movies. It was like a entirely different show! They took out the Daitarn 3 tank and jet transformations and most of the dumb as hell robots tightened up the entire show so it was far less episodic and made it a epic. I completly understand why the movies did better then the show in japan the TV series was like this horrid hybrid between Super robot shows and real and I guess at its time it was mind blowing but the movies made it 100x better. So in the end I tell people to never even bother with the series and IMO its pretty much garbage compared to the movies.
  6. Because like I said moe isn't that anymore its this weird loli fetish. go to any anime board and just take a glance the clumsy fool characters aren't moe the little loli characters are the ones called moe
  7. My opinion on moe is I find it annoying but doesn't destroy the show the MASSIVE amount of porn thats made because of the moe characters is what disturbs me case in point Lucky star... funny as hell show ENTIRE cast is "moe" and holy poo look at the amount of porn!! THAT is what disgusts me. The new moe, which is make a 18 year old look 10, just gives people a reason to justify their lust for... for lack of a better term children. I had never even heard of moe until last year. When I watched Haruhi... which had that red headed girl called moe... ok so moe is clumsy ditz. But now "moe" seems to have become this creepy loli-fetish and seems to be staying there. Once again I'll point at lucky star which had a ton of high school students look like they were 12... EDIT- From wikipedia In response to the otaku fetishization of cute female characters, Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki stated: “ It's difficult. They immediately become the subjects of lolicon fetishism. In a sense, if we want to depict someone who is affirmative to us, we have no choice but to make them as lovely as possible. But now, there are too many people who shamelessly depict (such heroines) as if they just want (such girls) as pets, and things are escalating more and more. "
  8. Well I'll finish Zambot 3 for sure I also just watched the episode where the Gaizock are kidnapping people and sending them into society with bombs into them Pretty freaky although the rest of the episode was kinda wierd with the little kids fighting sharks and the 2nd in command eating rice balls and stuff. As for tomino in General I find his work VERY upbeat or VERY depressing. So all in all I think he just didn't want to work on gundam
  9. Watching Zambot 3 hearing that it was one of Tomino's kill em all messed up series like zeta gundam and the like... and I'm very disappointed. The first episode I thought I was hi watching it... 8 year old biker gangs fighting each other with anchors... ok... Then it fell into the average giant robot show with grandpa learns of alien invasion makes giant robot and such from ancient tech then gives it to annoying 8 year old grandson. Absolutely retarded villain shows up who at first seemed like a dumb looking but menacing villain but his goofy kid friendliness overshadowed any bad deed hes ever done so far. Like when they found the reflecting jewel and they accidently blew themselves up loony toon style... I'm a little over half way through the show and aside from lots of shots of civilians dieing and them whining about how Zambot should fight away from cities it seems the run of the mill giant robot show. Now as far as a Normal giant robot show its pretty good a little goofy a little serious, lots of recycled gattai scenes and stupid as hell looking monsters that always attack one at a time
  10. Best christmas present ever but I've done everything and I get music but no voices :S I own the game and ripped the ISO onto the comp and patched it but no voices anyone else have this problem ??
  11. thus why I said the original in my post But to help gundam be as realistic as the later macross shows it had psychic dead nekkid flying chicks to help its main characters NO giant robot show can be realistic
  12. I'll always consider Macross (original) to be one of the more real robots to come out I mean how many times did hikaru get shot down and almost killed. When you look at gundam *nearly all of em* the Gundams are near invincible until plot needs them to get trashed and same goes for most real robot shows.
  13. oooohhhh tough decision!!! recently Super robots have taken me for quite the spin in the past year with gurren laggan, Big O, Gaogaigar and aquarion. While real robots seemed to have died off years back. The only outstanding "real robot" shows that have come out recently being Eureka 7 and full metal panic! and MS IGLOO. Gundam has gone back to its super robot BS invincible wing/X/G stage and code geass did the same thing second season. So as of right now I love super robots more so but there are TONS of real robot shows that were awesome as hell back in the day its a shame to see "real robots" given super robot powers and still claim to be "real robots" like code geass. I hope we have another real robot renasaince like the 80's had and get rid of the SUPER real robot phase right now. But in the end I love all my giant robots *goes off to play SRW Z and watch the Nirvash destroy some lame Zambot 3 enemies*
  14. Watched it pretty good showed the zeon invasion of earth and how hopeless the EF's ground forces were against the Zeon MS. Stars a EF infantry group that specializes in destroying MS. It was pretty neat as good as the first episode of MS Igloo 1 have to wait a while before the next episode. For those who don't know what Igloo is its ANOTHER UC side story the first igloo was a 6 episode OVA about a zeon weapons testing squad and covered the entire one year war. Very episodic. Second season seems to be doing the federation side of the war although who it will star if there will be a star has yet to be seen. Pretty neat stuff
  15. watching orguss, Big O, King gainer... playing SRW Z can ya tell
  16. A little off topic but is Halloween still even remotely done where you people live? I live in the fairly small town of Kingston, Ontario and the "Everyone is a child rapist" paranoia has made Halloween almost non-existent. Assuming parents even let their kids go trick or treating half the time they DRIVE their kids house to house Also I live in a apartment building and I know the lady next door doesn't even let her kid go trick or treating and only lets her kid go down to the lobby and get what they have down there. Now don't get me wrong you'll still see the random house decked out for it and toys r us has tons of costumes but last year when I was at my buddies house we had 6 kids come from 6pm-9pm So has the spirit Halloween been lost due to the constant paranoia of ultra over protective parents?
  17. all I gotta say is kakazaki looks good for a 50-60 year old man and damn did he do a good job faking his own death.
  18. 10x better then season 2 thank god hope it stays that way. and lol at the plague boils and three cheers for useless secondary characters not being in it so far
  19. I just saw it a few days ago and LOVED it!! It was so corny and over the top it was exactly the kind of movie I expected especially from its source which was a corny aweful old as hell TV show/manga.
  20. While 8 was awesome I thought at one point genome at the end of the series says to the anti-spiral how he has to thank simon and crew for allowing him to get this far and the reason he lost was only because he couldn't find the anti-spiral home world?
  21. The Parallel works were neat some much better then others my favorites being 1,4,8 although gimmy nekkid was awesome
  22. its meant to be a IN YO FACE high powered adrenaline rush about a bunch of crazy apefaces so nuts they are able to power robots with the power of awesomeness and badassness alone and take down anyone that stands in their way I mean holy crap the It truly brought back awesome memories of watching shows like this just not as over the top from when I was younger like original power rangers voltron thundercats and such where the ONLY reason they won was because they were awesome and the few times they would lose and it would only be for a single episode was because the bad guy was just more kick ass then they were and that bad guy would generally team up with them in the end anyways to make them even more badass. I showed it to my two buds and they both couldn't look away and my room mate who isn't into anime caught us watching the last couple eps and was amazed by how ridiculous the show was and admitted he had never seen anything so over the top in his life and that it was friggin awesome
  23. I dont HATE ranka I just find her annoying like I find all cliche ONI-CHAN characters that seem to be in every modern anime or harem anime as a love interest. Just like I find alto irritating to as hes the clueless retard harem lead male cliche. Sheryl on the other hand started out like "Rival ranka has to overcome" cliche but has moved on and has been the only character in my opinion that HAS shown a significant change for me to actualy grow attached to her. So my problem isn't with ranka its with the majority of the show I find it very very very weak compared to every other macross production. I truly hope that this series ends with such a mind blowing ending that it will save it from being worse then macross II and have more depth then flashback 2012
  24. lol I know a little late here but just finished the show before the skool year started up again and OMFG it was as awesome as GGG but shorter and thus faster plot everyone said it was friggin amazing but no one told me just how outrageously awesome it was!!. I mean the power their robots by like badass power more or less jeez. Definitly will buy the box set when it comes out
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