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bob joe mac

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Everything posted by bob joe mac

  1. Actually recently I have noticed Girls are into guy stuff now. I mean I enjoy a good sad film like Grave of the fireflies while they prefer akira.... Now does that make me a chick and them dudes?
  2. Ohhh can't forget the creepy music oh thats her singing...
  3. Was that the show with the evil bad dude whp piloted a squid?? I voted for thundercats man I LOVED that show.
  4. YEAH I finally found the eps online being canadian and all kinda drove me insane to see this. But wow it was pretty cool. The one part I never really got was the clone troops shouldn't they all have special training instead of just that one group..? I mean they have all the same abilities right they are CLONES... But yeah it was pretty cool for a cartoon. I can't wait for Aninkin vs. creepy white skin sith thing.
  5. Whew now there's a essay and a half and I only wanted to give a brief summery of each series Yes gundam is GIGANTIC!!!
  6. I agree completly with you on 0080 it is by far the best gundam series out there (I have seen all of em except the 2nd half of G gundam). It was what got me into gundam. It has superb characters done by macross' character artist. The plot is by far the best it shows what war does to PEOPLE not just a pilot fighting. And one of the most amazing things about it was IT HAD A GOOD DUB!!!!!!!! Now I am sure you want to know WHAT gundams there are and if they are available in NA or in our case canada. Well *Almost all the DVD's will be from $40-50~ (canadian) Now Gundam is divided really into multiple universes. UC- Universal century (The Main one) which most the shows take place in. Then you got the AU's FC- Future Century (G Gundam) AC- After colony (Gundam wing/ endless waltz) AW- After war (Gundam X) CC- Correct Century (Turn A gundam) CE- Cosmic era (Gundam SEED) UC- (Available both TV and 3 compilation movies) Mobile suit gundam- The first one. Now beware for horrid animation (worse then SDF-Macross). Basically these Nazi wannabe's named Zeon decide they are going to declare indepence from the earth. Amuro gets caught in the middle of this conflict while the earth is transporting there new Mobile Suits (giant robots) He gets in one and end's up defeating some Zeon Mobile Suits (MS). So he is forced to help White base (a battle cruiser) fight its way back to earth and defeat Zeon. Now as much as people like it I think it to be pretty mediocre especially the TV show it was supposed to revolutionize the Giant robot industry but really didn't. -Super powerful robot -The guy who made it is the pilots dad -really ugly bad guys -The kid has super powers... (Newtype) But I think you should at least check it out for the back story for later UC shows. (Available) 08th MS team- This is about this squad of MS pilots and there little missions in south east asia during the original gundam. Now through in some cheesy romance Romeo and Juliet thing and you got this show. If you want a quick kick ass show about cool robots,with superb animation and stereotypical chacters you can't help to love check this out. (Available)0080- This is about this sqaud of Zeon MS pilots sent to a colony to take out the new gundam. While there one of the co-stars befriends a small kid obsessed with war and his next door neighbour Kris. Unknown to both of them she is the test pilot of the gundam..... GET THIS NOW!!!! This is what gundam is about WAR SUCKS!!!!! This is by far the most powerful gundam show ever and its only 6 eps. (Available) Gundam 0083- Once again animation like 08th MS team. This is about after the War that had been going one in all the previous shows and the EF decides to transport two gundams one with a nuke the remaining forces of Zeon decide to steal the one with the nuke and use it against the EF. Now the test pilot for sucky MS gets in the other gundam and tries to track down the other one and stop it. Yep thats about it for 13 eps. Really all this show is is flashy battles and lame characters with huge plot holes. While it intended to be a bridge between MSG and Z gundam it really didn't do very much beside blow up lots of stuff. (Available very soon)Z gundam - 4 years after 0083 the titans have made a very opressive government and reign over the colonists with a steel fist now people didn't like this and decide to fight back. Through in some disturbingly dark stuff (Gassing colonies killing millions of people for no reasons etc.) and annoying characters and more Newtype stuff and you got Z gundam. Now I love this show but it really isn't THAT good. Sure its dark but that doesn't mean violent I think there are only really 3 scenes of blood in the entire show. Now if you want a morbid show where 70% of the cast die in the last 10 eps get this. (Not available) ZZ Gundam- A DIRECT sequel to Z gundam where this annoying kid named Judau has to save his little sister from the evil forces of Neo-Zeon so he joins the AEUG to save her. This show really changes the mood to almost a happy fun comedy show for the first 15 eps but then reverts back to its origins of serious space opera style. Now only check this out after seeing Z gundam. (Available)Char's Counter attack- Well char's back and wants to play hurl the aesteroid against the earth. Amuro wants to stop him etc. Basically the end of Amuro and char for good. Why they released this before Z and ZZ is beyond me. But see this after everything else above it. (Available soon) Gundam F-91 - 30 years after CCA so new characters and everything. Some evil space colonists decide to conquer the other colonies guy gets caught in between and pilots the F-91 gundam to stop them. Blah...Blah....Blah.... Maybe if this movie had been a TV show it would have been better. it is UBERLY fasted paced so it makes no sense. Skip it if you want. (Not available) V gundam- 30 years after F-91. Now the colonies are conquering earth and doing a good job too. Usso a 11 year old kid ends up piloting the gunda mthis time and has to help fend off these dudes. Now while this may seem like the rest it IS NOT!!! This is far more dark then Z people dieing left and right people you think aren't going to die do. Man its crazy but good. This is a REALLY good gundam show awesome mech battles (even though the mechs themselves aren't that good) with one DARK @$$ story. You really don't have to watch any gundam before this to enjoy it. AU- Alternate universes (available) G gundam- A complete 180 for gundam instead of the real robot style of gundam it is now more super roboty where you have crazy looking gundams with stupid attacks cool huh . Now this is about this guy nmaed domon who is looking for his brother but while doing this he is fighting in these fights representing japan to see who cna get earth for some set amount of time. Well then a unique version of gundam but really fun to watch. (Available) Gundam Wing- The series most people are familiar with. About these five pretty boys sent to earth to fight for the colonies freedom. This show is probobly what most people got into gundam with. Yeah its got lot's of explosions but one hack job of a plot. Check it out non the less heck you could like it. (Not available) Gundam X- Basically it is a what if scenario where all the colonies smashed into earth and it was pretty much destroyed. Now 15 years after that this kid named Garroad is found trying to protect this girl with mysterious powers from these organizations. Why this got cancelled in its run I don't know I LOVED this show SO MUCH. (Not available) Turn A gundam- If you though the other gundams were political check this. Basically for some reason mankind is in pre WW1 lifestyle. While that is going on the moonrace (incredible advanced) decide to come to earth and take some land for themselves. But before this they sent down 3 spies to check out the planet. One of them named Rolan decides that he will try to settle this peacefully. WOW now this is politics. Now if you want MS action DONT WATCH THIS!!!! it has quite "unique" designs for the mechs especiall the Turn A gundam. But pretty good I LOVED the ending it brought me to tears. (available prob late 2004/early 2005) Basically took elements of MSG and Wing and threw them together to get this. Its about colonists pissed at earth earth builds top secret suits 4 get stolen 1 gets tkane by kira a kid caught in the middle of the war and has to fight against his best friend. Yeah pretty much Mobile Suit gundam but with uberly shiny animation. Check it out entertainign but nothing new. So in other words CHECK OUT 0080 NOW!!!!
  7. Chip n' dale's rescue rangers...... HEY I LOVED THAT SHOW
  8. Yeah after Clicking on the circle I just got some music and still frames. But anyways Ep. 3 looks awesome. Edit- N/M that was just the first one and I think its just because Real Player sucks because the second one (with the destroids blasting crap) played but was choppy at parts. I DESPISE REAL PLAYER
  9. Hey while on the topic of FM4 check this out http://www.rpgamer.com/news/Q4-2003/111103x.html I think we are getting FM1,2 and 3 (again) So I think it's safe to assume that we will be getting FM4 too
  10. Well I watched EVA once and didn't get what was so great about it the characters were pretty much the stereotypicla characters from giant robots shows only how they were presneted was different. The mech's weren't that cool either I mean I LOVE giant robots but the only EVA that I loved was EVA-03 and it got destroyed. I LOVED the series ending it ended Shinji's problems PERFECTLY. So I then heard about these "new" movies and that I would have to watch the TV show again to "understand the true deep meaning of the show" which I had always assumed was suicide is BAD. So I watched it again... no new revalations. So my friend and I watched D&R and EoE and I was completly appauled by them they destoyed all what the last two episodes were. I just kinda sat there and watched these travisties with a shocked expression on my face. Now my friend was kinda all like "WOW tha twas so good" so I obviously thought I missed something. I asked him "WHY" His response was it was so deep..... I kinda looked at him and said HOW?!??! The entire movie was crap and basically said suicide is bad just like the TV show. He then responed I didn't understand it....So I asked him to "explain" it to me. He came up with nothing. Now My friend and myself are the common EVA fan base and anti-EVA base " EVA is overhyped"- Casual fan (myself) or Anti-EVA fan "You don't UNDERSTAND IT!!!" Eva hardcore fan "Explain it to me and prove it"- Casual fan "blah blah blah"-Hardcore fan "Ok and that is deep why"- Casual fan Anti-EVA fan Huge fight ensures.... I think EVA was a decent show with a SUPERB ending and that is really it. Nothign necessarily ground breaking in the anime industry.
  11. Yeah the magna is al least 40 eps ahead of the TV show. But yeah Naruto is a awesome show I even made a quiz on it. I have been watching One piece and Naruto I think these two are the greatest action/fighting/comedy/drama series ever. To take my naruto quiz go here http://quizilla.com/users/bobjoemac/quizze...s/Naruto%20quiz
  12. Yeah it was a great show with one kick @$$ plot. I LOVED ep 19. I loved those earth built robots (vermillions?) Any idea what the movie is about?
  13. Ok now I'm a little confused on the VF-4 VS. VF-2 arguement. Yeah sure you could compare them but why not compare a even better Valk like the VF-22 or VF-19 now say that the VF-2 is better then THOSE <_
  14. Why do you want more? It ended it perfectly. Neo died Trinity died now they can be together in the after life so they always did follow each other and into even death. Neo died for what he believed in the Machines ended the war with the humans and the humans are free to leave from the matrix if they want. So.... what else do you want??? A evil cyborg Neo comes back from the dead to fight Morpheus? But yeah whatever. MAN THE APU'S WERE SO FRIGGIN AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean that entire battle was so well done it sent chill's down my spine. One question when Neo was at the train station at the beginning what did the dialog on the wall mean was it just there orr did it have some meaning? I personally think that why I loved this movie more then Reloaded was Neo had virtually no lines and every scene had a perpose (Church rave from Reloaded anyone).
  15. ahh man I died too. And we don't even have nukes (Canada)
  16. Great job Cheese for all
  17. Yeah I know I'm surprised of the lack of interest in this show here at MW I mean its freakin Leiji Material at it's best he is the freakin dude who made the space opera. But ya as you may have noticed this thread was very old and i just revived it Man this show is awesome can't wait for ep.3
  18. http://shop.himeya.com/ It's where I get all my imports.
  19. Yo well the 2nd ep is out get here http://a.scarywater.net/live-evil/ (near the bottom) So well I assume its a OVA or gets one ep a month or something. But I think this may turn out to be one ofhis best space opera's. SPOILERS As for the people watching do you think manabu's bro is going to show up later alive?
  20. Ok well the text is in japanese. So if you want to know about the plot then yes its hard to understand. BUT 80% of the game is in a grid based battle field. In this field you Select your units (What you have depends on where you are really in the game) So before the battle starts you will get a screen off units and I recognize them by the Englsih or numbers in there names or by the symbols. So for example you would get VF-1J*Jap text* *Pilot name* 1900/1900 HP *Jap text* 3 (Daitarn 3) *Pilot name 9000/9000 HP *Text*-Z (Mazinger-Z) *Pilot name) 4000/4000 HP *Jap text* *Pilot name* 2300/2300 HP So you knwo to understand that you would have to recognize the symbols which you would after a little bit. After selecting your units the enimies appear and your guys appear. SO its your turn. Every one can move a certain amount of spaces and attacks can only go a certain distnace so lets say in case of macross. VF-1J plioted by Hikaru is in some mountain turrain so instead of moving every 2 sapces you transoform to Valk mode and move 6. Once you get closer to the enemy you attack. So it goes into a different screen showing your guy shooting missiles or somehting. The missiles hit lets say a Zaku and it take off 2000 HP he shoats in japanese (the coolest part) and pulls out a bazooka and shoots back. Repeat said process with all units until mission is over. Go here fo SRW @2 screenshots and movies. http://www.rpgamer.com/games/srw/srw2a/srw2a.html BUT if you only want this for a cool Macross stradegy game where you can blast Zentraedi's GET ALPHA 1 Alpha 1 you get the Macross and Skull squadren and do Missions straight from DYRl or the TV show. (well ya know but with maybe some other giant robots with you) you will also get the YF-21 and 19 Alpha Gaiden the Zentraedi are no longer there and the macross has crashed. but you still get Skull Squad and YF-19 and 21. now those are both for the PS1 and the only other one with macross is SRWD for the GBA which has M7 in it. Now I know thats like an essay but I hope it clears it up.
  21. Hmmmm.... I 'm not sure when it'll happen but my friend has been using his Slide card thing for about 3 months now and I got mine about two weeks ago and for both of us nothing bad has happened yet. But I'm not 100% sure it is safe to use this now...
  22. Well I have imported Super robot wars Alpha 2 and while it may not have macross it is still just as cool as the previous installments. For those who don't know what SRW is basically You control giant robots form all your favorite series (Gundam, Mazinger,Macross etc.) in a stradegy RPG format. Its REALLY cool for macross you would have to turn to the PS1 alphas though or the GBA one for M7.
  23. I wouldn't say underrated but more like unseen. But I fell your pain I too had to watch most of Turn A gundam in japanese becuse it made more sense then bootleg subs.... But yeah it is a masterpiece the last episode's ending song was SO GOOD and how they show what happens to everyone was beautiful. As for GE5 I was kinda confused because it wasn't anything like CCA but then again neither was the GP03 one. But I love the gundam evolve things I can't wait for a V gundam or GX one.
  24. Ok well basically its in the semi-near future where the U.S. and russia have set up little places on mars. There they experiment and stuff. Now a bunch of students arrive their when suddenly this mysterious force attacks the earths puny resistance force can't compete wit htheir giant robots. Luckily a strange blue robot comes down and starts to fight back. After fighting for a awhile the enemy retreats and the blue robot pilot lands and tells them that the dudes attacking them were from the Gurados empire. He claims to be a soldier who stole a prototype to help stop the empires evilness. thats basically the first episode. But its a really cool show the only problem I had with it was the stupid thing during the middle of the opening song when they give a preview of the episode following the opening.... wierd huh?
  25. I thought they were both produced or was it funded by Takara.. oh well Yeah SPT Laynazer and Vifam may be a little hard to track down subbed unless you want bootlegs. (I watched them in japanese...) But Dragonar recently got the treatment of being fansubbed http://a.scarywater.net/lsa/ You can also buy Dunbine on DVD. If you liked escaflowne you would LOVE this.
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