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bob joe mac

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Everything posted by bob joe mac

  1. Well my friend gave me this site a while back it has all those plus more. http://www.bestanime.com/newAniData/list.php
  2. I remember seeing some of these else up elsewhere but I lost the link. Thanks for this one I don't remember beign this many at the other site.
  3. The first opening of Z? http://www.cyberdojo.com/PixieDust/anime/i...edir=MP3/gundam Personally I think V gundam Gundam X and Turn A have the best vocal and BGM soundtracks. Then again I LOVE the 2nd Z gundam opening same with ZZ.
  4. read a few threads down.
  5. TV for me is by far the best best characters/plot/music followed by DYRL same as above but with awesome animation but if you hadn't seen the original macross you would have been left out of the loop with some of the minor characters (max, kakizaki, claudia) then M7 dunno why I just love it. then M+ insanely good animation awesome mechs and awesome fight scenes.
  6. Its extremlly simple and so far has caused no problems to my PS2 and I have been using it since september what you do is 1. You know the little PS logo on the tray? take it off BAM thats all you need to do to your PS2 1.5- now you should a small gap that is where the slide card goes in. 2. Put in boot cd 3. close tray (with the button) 4. Put the slide card in with the hook to your right on the left side of the PS2 and gently push the card toward your right (assuming the eject reset buttons are on that side) 5. once you are at the end and can't push it anymore gently pull the tray out 6. swap the boot disc with the import 7. push it gently back in all the way 8. ULTRA TRICKY PART!!!!!! ONLY DIFFICLUT PART READ CAREFULLY!!!! ok now you put the slide card on the left of the PS2 again. As you push it over you will come into a little resistance. - what I do is move the slide card over it then pull it back to the left 9. PUSH X 10. PLAY Also when I bought my slidecard I got instructions and pictures to help me. It is a VERY simple process once you learn how to do it.
  7. wow thats really good for a bootleg not DYRL quality but actually understandable *flashbacks of One piece and ZZ bootlegs* *Cringes in horror*
  8. This proves my point even further you can only argue by using incredibly lame jokes. Really how old are you. I'm not even going to look into this thread anymore because it is just going to be horrid kindergarten level insults. <_< But then again you probobly get a kick out of making people think you are a complete and utter moron.
  9. The only thing I can't stand in these threads are he insanely childish responses by both sides -M7 liker "like NO YOUR WRONG because its not magic" -M7 hater "Well M7 is for pussy's" -M7 liker "well you can't spell" -M7 hater "why should I have to spell this sow is for morons" -M7 liker "M7 is SO much better then macross plus" -M7 hater "Macross 7 has to much fan service" -PERSON CONTRIBUTIING TO THE THREAD "but m7 is the only series so far with NO nudity" *both sides ignore a valid post and continue the childish fight* Really people where is that pic one of the mods had that said "argueing on the internet is like the special olympics even if you win you are still retarded." Now I mean I don't mean to sound to harsh but how old are some of you people? I mean Agent One I do hope you realize how incredible stupid this quote was And I love M7 and all but the anti- M7 side is not the only childish side. Now I will probobly get flammed by you children but grow up people. PS- I thank those who have not been childish this post was not addressed to everyone. I really hope that in the future we don't have these increasingly stupid fights <_<
  10. dude thats awesome. I mean sure I don't like the leprechaun movies (only seen the first and the space one) but man directing a movie must be AWESOME.
  11. 10.4 something Geekish tendencies true enough
  12. Well I fully respect all the M7 dislikers but where are all the "fan service scenes"?? I mean the only one I really remeber was in Macross 7 Dynamite I mean really look at this Macross TV- NUDITY DYRL- NUDITY Plus- NUDITY (well movie edition) Zero- NUDITY 7- uhhh I'm sure there is a panty shot somewhere and some cleavege I recall when sivil tries to seduce basara in Akiko and Rex's bodys but NO NUDITY 7 dynamite- Well here there is most definitly fan service with that wierdo rapeish scene but still no nudity. Besides that unless little girls do something for people I don't think the bath scene counts. II- ishtars suit is FAR worse then Sivil's. As said before if you think Macross 7 has imense amounts of Fan service DON'T check out ANY more anime out there.
  13. Not married and don't intend to for quite some time... I mean I am only 18...
  14. Well I myself found this movie to be a good movie but a HORRID adaptation of the book. But I could go on for hours about problems with it and the book but I had one problem with the MOVIE. I mean I can understand perfectly of them taking out The healing house (Faramir picking up on Eowyn) and the scowering of the shire because they would have dragged the film on WAY to long. BUT The movie tells you NOTHING of what happens to Saruman. I mean is he just hanging out in Isengard or did he get stepped on by treebeard. Whatever. In the end it was a pretty good movie. Edit- About the simirillian NO. About the Hobbit Iwonder what Jackson would do with Bard I mean he seems to like to make semi-important characters who do important stuff FAR more important then they were in the books (Eowyn).
  15. Merry Christmas or whatever you guys may celebrate may it be a good one.
  16. Best- Mobile Suit Gundam 0080 Worst (besides Robotech ) - Escaflowne
  17. *waits to see what happens tonight*
  18. Man I feel so rejected my friends got these tickets for RotK for tomorrow night as prescreening thing done by the salvation army... Man when I got those I saw ELF (a great movie non-the-less). Oh well I'll see it soon I hope It'll be as good as the last two which I enjoyed.
  19. UGH That alone will make this dub horrid... <_<
  20. So still no word on the X games?
  21. Quick question since i know a bunch of you read books one of the forgotten practices nowadays it seems. Ok I think it was called The Fire bomber It was only 2-3 pages long It was about this firebomber flying over Vietnam I think. His objective was to bomb a small farming villiage. Throughout it he compares himself to God, and whether to spare the people and bomb the crop fields or bomb the buildings. At the end he bombs the crops claiming to be merciful. At the end of the story he goes to the villiage and notices all the children weren't there so he asks a local where the kids were. So they tell him that when they heard the plane they sent the kids to the crop fields to protect them... Now does anyone know the title of this??
  22. Ok I have a ton of questions about this show 1. WHY IS IT SO UNHEARD OF!!!! I mean I did a search and find only a hand full of sites mostly in japanese. 2. Who does the soundtrack!?!!? it is SO good. 3. is there anywhere one can go about buying some sort of DVD of this? Besides the $400 R2 box sets ? 4. Has anyone here seen it? Man this show is so good its like one of those half-real robot half super like Doncouger. Sorta reminds me of Dunbine but not really. This show is SO good do yourself a favour and check it out. Oh yes and did Mikimoto do the characters? I dunno maybe its just me..
  23. hmmmm now I may be wrong cause I haven't seen the show in over 2 years but isn't it shown right after the 08th parachute down and that one dude attacks with his tanks? But I know I saw it in Z gundam.
  24. Man this is one wierd torrent normally I get speeds from 20KB- 200KB and upload around 20 I am getting .7KB-3 KB and am uploading at a speed of ~50KB
  25. NOOOO!!!! Even though the RAW torrent will only take 25 min to D/L I WONT BE ABLE TO WATCH IT FOR ABOUT 8 HOURS. *cries*
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