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bob joe mac

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Everything posted by bob joe mac

  1. Yeah but the majority of us were just goofing around. I mean having a bunch of people acting like a group of insane wierdo's (which in all fairness is what we were acting like) is always fun to see. I mean I may get bitch smacked and burnt at a stake while thrown into the Grand canyon but if HG got the rights to DYRL and released a good copy of MACROSS DYRL I'm sure most of us here would get a copy.
  2. WAH!!! Hasn't it already been annoced that it is coming out for the PS2 and GC?? Did a quick search and even found a dat for a NA release (09.03.04) Also isn't it coming out here first?? Not sure where I heard this but correct me if I am wrong. Dude don't scare me like that
  3. I wonder what it'll be like I mean Zero 2 was TREMENDOUSLY better then Zero 1 in every way so.... But man I can't wait for may to roll by for that Ps2 collection of the NES games
  4. Well you don't need to know japanese to play the game sure you may be missing out on some of the plot but if you have seen the shows you will know what is going on. Example- In Alpha the first mission you get your Valks beforehand alarms go off and the SDF-1 shots its cannon then some talk and then Zentraedi fighters come after you. So if you had seen Ep 1 of macross you would easily know whats happening. So basically if you had seen Macross (TV and DYRL) Giant Robo, V Gundam and Evangelion you should have no problem following the plot. As for the menus VERY simple to understand After about one mission you should have all the things down pact except maybe the spells but 70% of them are simple toknow what they say its like you got some symbols that is the name then at the top of the screen it says *symbols* 50% HP *Symbols* well that cures 50% Hp. As for the other ones pretty much trial and error works. As for the attacks its like *symbols* (picture of fist) 2000 *symbols* (picture of target) 3000 then once you highlight the attack it will tell you how much ammo it has energy it consumes etc. And the higher the # the more powerful it is. it is a very simple but fun game. BTW- if you want to see a primitive one in english they have SRW 3 for the SNES patched so you could try that out. No voices though and SNES graphics so don't be expecting awesome stuff.
  5. I wish!!! No SRW game will ever come out here because nobody knows who most of the robots are. I mean how many people have heard of stuff like Daimos, well not at this board but like ages 1-16, I think if any game would have ever been released it would have been alpha for a few reasons Main story revolves around 1. Macross TV and DYRL 2. Numerous Gundam series mostly MSG and V 3. Evangelion 4. Giant Robo 5. Gunbuster These have all been released R1 format (well macross not so much and same with V) but people would regognize them. And for those who don't know what the greatness is of SRW here is the lowdown Basically it is a stradegy RPG sorta like Front Mission or FF tactics. Basically you get your robots from various shows (macross, Gundam, Mazinger etc.) and you fight against their foes from there shows. It is quite a awesome game series. Unfortunatly macross is in Only 3 of the many Alpha, Alpha Gaiden and D. Alpha being very heavily based on macross story wise.
  6. I mean look at all the new dudes that haven't been on the playstation yet I mean Dragonar, Dendoh and Zeorymer but no macross again... Machine Robo - Revenge of Chronos Neon Genesis Evangelion The End of Evangelion Mazinger Z Great Mazinger UFO Robo Grendizer Mazinger Movie Series Getter Robot Getter Robot G General Daimos Brave Raideen Mobile Suit Z Gundam Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ Mobile Suit Gundam ? Char?s Counterattack Mobile Fighter G Gundam Metal Amour Dragonar GEAR Fighter Dendoh Martian Successor Nadesico Martian Successor Nadesico - The Prince of Darkness Hades Project Zeorymer Rahxephon
  7. Giant Robot well Full metal Panic! as said before funny as hell but hardcore at other times. Aura Battler Dunbine Sorta like proto-escaflowne with giant robots swords, castles etc. As for airplaneish stuff Hmmm I would recommend Last Exile but the last 3 episodes were kinda messed. Porco Rosso is a must. old skool WW1 planes with the best cast ever! 2nd fav Ghibli Film. I would start recommending tons of MAD old skool giant robot shows but I don't wan't to get to carried away. BTW- All these are being or have been released on R1 DVD's cept proco which is coming out this spring I believe
  8. Sweet Never really liked the show that much especially the Pilot suit design but that is a sweet drawing.
  9. WTF!!! I can only find one picture to represent my emotions.
  10. 2040 1. Seems far more peaceful then all the other times. Only have to worry about rogue Zentraedi in space well until 5-10 years later when all the VFX crap happens.
  11. Actually Cyc myself and two other of my friends were making a site called Robots and cheese that basically was going to be about mad old skool robot shows like Daimos, Voltes V, etc. but we kinda stopped working on it when christmas came around and we didn't talk/see each other for quite a bit of time. But this topic reminded me of it and so I'll probobly get my friends together and get it back going.
  12. SouthCross how did I flame you I even stated that I have nothing against SC and in no way even insulted anything... All I said is at least SC got SOME recognition while numerous other shows have recieved little or none. SC is dieing just like Dunbine is. Both got releases but both never really picked up on popularity. Dunbine will always be known as that show where Tomino killed EVERYONE and SC will always be known to the masses as part 2 of RT.
  13. How is SC fading into Obscurity!?!?! It just got released a few months back on DVD!!?!? Come on there are far more Giant robot shows fading into obscurity. I mean I have nothing against SC but at least it made it to R1 DVD's. Poor shows like Zanbot 3, Daikengo, Laynazer will probobly never get a DVD release here, and TONS of other giant robot shows probobly haven't even been had 1 episode seen even from mecha heads like myself and destroidsrage and other MW memebrs.
  14. I personall think Brianetta, The one where he decides on what he would replace his hands with and the Throgdor one the best. Oh and SB techno was kick@$$.
  15. Man I check back in a day, read through 9 more pages of stuff and no new info has been found. *Twidles thumbs waiting for something to happen like BW bomb HG* Totally off topic but I just noticed that many of us joined the same day on these new forums 21-August 03. Must be those boring summer days where we had nothing better to do then check up on macross world every 10 minutes to see when the new boards were up.
  16. http://www.rpgamer.com/news/Q1-2004/020804d.html FM4 comes out in NA this June
  17. I am even more confused in the rights business,
  18. Gundam 0080 Grave of the fireflies Saikano Yeah throughout the entire thing you just kinda are like It is not an anime you go "Hey guys i just got the COOLEST anime EVER!!" its pretty intense.
  19. Im actually wondering why one would even ask that. I mean we discuss a show where a 16 year old girl sings to Giant Green alians to make them stop fighting... On another note I found about 20 eps on WinMX
  20. Man I could go on and on about why haven't these hundreds of Giant robot shows been releases but I know why 1. They are OLD 2. The animation is considered crap 3. They are to good for the public but yeah I'm actually surprised shows like Dunbine got released. Maybe there is hope for old skool robot shows. As for shows I am really wondering why they haven't been released here are two. One Piece- I mean the comic has and the TV is at like 175 in japan and is still going strong. So why not release it here??? Naruto- Same as above except its TV show is only at like what 69? These two shows are kick ass and are kicking ass in Japan so why don't they come out here???
  21. LOL. Sorry no pics on my comp. But about that pic WTF were the creaters smoking when they made that design!?!?! HEY MAYBE RT 2004 WILL HAVE BUCKET HEAD BRITAI!!!!
  22. yeah a pretty dark anime I mean when I learned what happend to sara I just kinda was like ugh,... *pause few minutes later continue*. I mean yeah its really good but wow it sure did have its moments very few anime have ever really impacted me as hard as this. Keep watching it
  23. I'm sure some of you guys remember this show. You know the one with the pink baby that kept trying to kill stuff. "I'm the baby Gotta love me". The show isn't that old maybe 10 years and was put on VHS but most of the online shops don't have any copies anymore. So any help would be very much appreciated.
  24. Well there are two pictures comparing the heights of real robots and another of Super robots from SRW but i don't recall Gunbuster or it would be up there with Daitarn 3.
  25. Meh it sounds like the other 90% of robot shows but this time it will have a cheesy moral. Whatever if the characters aren't annoying and the robot is cool ill watch it. On another note I'm surprised most of you people are able to watch Ghibli movies because Quite a few of them are quite preachy and about saving nature.(Nausicaa, pom Poko, Mononoke, Grave etc.)
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