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bob joe mac

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Everything posted by bob joe mac

  1. reminded me of loony tunes and Pepai and the cat. but 1000x more adorable.
  2. oh yeah You could see it comming a mile away it was more along the lines of which dude would it be I mean it had to be one of them it's just a shame HE had to go Well maybe later the military will be full of mini-skirts to make his death not in vain.
  3. Ah man you haven't even gotten to the intense stuff yet. I mean this show touches on crap like confirming your own existince and stuff. BUT it doesn't EVER get all ohhh... my dad didn't love me crap like the majority of anime nowadays. This show is the crap thats all I can really say. The beginning really led me to believe it was going to be a nice happy little "hey lets go train in alchemy and get our bodies back crap" but man the show changed MASSIVLY after Nina. Anyword on somebody expressing interest with a liscense?
  4. Yes in ENGLISH not Spanish,portugese but ENGLISH!!!! I mean HOLY CRAP I'm so happy Its done by the same dudes that did the Great-Gren-G Movie. here http://a.scarywater.net/herolegends/ Enjoy alll you getter robo fans For I know there are quite a few of you here. oh and on another note Panda-Z the Mazinger parody was done by AiA and the dudes doing God Mars http://anime-classic.edwardk.info/
  5. Way off topic but Yukikaze has 7 topics all in a row now...
  6. Happy belated B-day to our beloved Kawamori may his days be filled with giving us more macross
  7. Yes as said above the torrent is now fixed Long live cheesy giant robots!!
  8. Saikano a very depressing war time thing this show IS about the characters. Now and then Here and there as said before is must like the above except don't let the animation turn you off it is one great show. I just finished Wolf's Rain the other night and it seemed rather serious and character driven (though the ending was not very good) One Piece- A great show (LONG though) has the best combination of humour, tragedy and kick ass fighting.
  9. Well first you must have bittorent installed and then you click on the torrent file which is one tiny ass thing. Then it downloads it for you. The movie comes out in whatever format the torrent says so in most cases and this too it is in .avi so yeah watch it on whatever. Man has any one else had luck with this torrent I am getting a 1 KB speed and have downloaded 3% since my first post...
  10. She is Winry from Full metal Alchemist the most kick ass anime out there at the moment.
  11. http://a.scarywater.net/herolegends/ *cries* this is a great day I mean this movie is in like every language and now the myself and other non french,spanish, japanese and others can UNDERSTAND the cheesy workings of this movie.
  12. yeah but FMA doesn't have the typical Shonen style like DBZ, Naruto, One Piece, HxH. In most typical shonen series its. -Bad dude shows up - good dude and gang fight bad dudes minions - good dudes friends fight bad guys lose - good dude fights bad dude wins, if he loses trains then wins - New more POWERFUL bad dude shows up repeat process over and over again for a few hundred eps. FMA doesn't do this and besides is FMA even in the jump comics?? (not that it makes it a non-shonen magna if not) But yeah FMA kicks total ass. Its like happy fun stupid crap then nina comes in and the show never goes back. *thank God*
  13. Yeah but when you are caught up to the comic you have to wait a week for a meesly 19 pages which are like 1/3 of an ep. So its just as annoying.
  14. Ok when people say Naruto is like DBZ they have NOT seen it at all. In DBZ the bad guys are bad guys because... they are bad guys.... and thats about it. Here we have Gaara, Zabuza who are INTENSELY bad dudes that HAVE REASONS OF WHY THEY ARE LIKE WHAT THEY ARE!!!! Now unless they Naruto= 2nd coming of DBZ have read up to the recent arc in Naruto (why they would read 200 chapters of something they think sucks is beyond me) they they have nothing on Naruto. And as others said Naruto does overshade other kick ass shonen series One Piece being the best example I think One Piece is by far one of the best anime out there. As for Hunter X Hunter... I has changed the overall tone of the show far to many times -Starts Happy- first few eps -goes all adventure like - before start of huner exam- Meet buddies -during hunter exam - Horrid deaths occur- end of hunter exam - suck ass - after hunter exam until that city - INCREDIBLE DARK AND CREEPED THE HELL OUT OF ME!!!! (end of TV show and first OVA) - Happy fun adventure stuff - Greed Island (2nd and 3rd OVA) why the dude decided to go from supper fun happy Dragon ball like to something like The first Kenshin OVA is beyond me. But yeah check Naruto and One Piece out most definitly. As for other kick ass anime out there yeah Galaxy railways is friggin AWESOME.
  15. AND a BIGASS sword for a kick ass robot!!! A bigass sword is a MUST for giant robots, Great Mazinger, Dancougar and many other kick ass robots have this quality. And if the robot has no big ass sword it must have some sort of equally cool sharp pointy thing like Combattler's TWIN LANCER!! Etc.
  16. Sweet Hope they play the halloeen ep again I need to tape that one.
  17. Yeah Raideen did get a newer show around 96 but it was messed. Pretty boys... But yeah I too never really liked Giaking I mean he doesn't look cool. Maybe this new Gaiking thing will be better though. But I too would love a remake of Daimos sure he had one creepy ass pilot suit but man that show was friggin awesome. Daimos is one kick ass robot.
  18. 1. Kick ass robots 2. Kick ass characters 3. Kick ass story
  19. As someone mentioned above its on up here (canada) on teletoon and 9:00 for 15 minutes, now that does NOT mean its 15 minutes of non stop footage, like it does some review of the last 2 minutes clip from last week for a minute then show about 5 minutes of stuff then commercial then review of the last 5 minutes of stuff then 4 more minutes role credits.... yeah kinda crappy. Well the 2nd 15 minutes after it are Aqua Teen Hunger force a show any moron (myself included) can enjoy just due to its blatent stupidity.
  20. Hmmm.. I have no clue where I heard this but didn't Kawamori say (despite it being awesome) that he would never star the destroids because it would to close to Gundam?
  22. I loved the part about having to say something like thats gay during the guy shower scene to prove your sexualty
  23. VF-1R I don't think that was ever in macross
  24. well since VFX-2 IS part of the continuity and it has destroids, mind you the EXACT same as the ones from the TV show I would assume they are still around but easy to obtain since everyone and their mother has a bunch of them in VFX-2.
  25. Well I remember awhile back (a few months) somebody here asked anyone to help them find it well I just found a torrent. http://aniwebdivx.no-ip.com:6969/index.html?filter=Anime
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