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bob joe mac

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Everything posted by bob joe mac

  1. 2008 sounds to be a great year so far XD
  2. finally the flashback episode awesome points of the ep - Showing Nathan's skin fry and melt XD - peter and kensei/ adam meeting / curing nathan - DL becoming a likable character before biting it Bad points of the ep - No back story on sylar Can't wait to see whats going to happen now that things are FINALLY moving forward My friend has a theory on adam that he too has absorbing powers 1. He is still just as young as he was 400 years ago but claire has had her powers since she was little and she aged so unavoidable plot hole? 2. ^ if above is true running into hiro would then give him time traveling powers 3. When peter arrives he has his "trip to the future" which coulda been adam making the crazy dream world and getting rid of the girl while peter was in it 4. Adam has something to do with the article on hawaii snowing but that also coulda been a tidal wave destroying the west coast so maybe he has some crazy other power there... Now the only problem is how he got the healing power and a few other flaws it would be a neat thing to see happen although I wouldn't like it as we already had a villian last season with more or less the same power. but things I hope to happen soon. Sylar kills the mexicans and claires BF dies a slow agonizing death and mohinder dies due to backing out on claires dad as he has already showed no sypathy to anyone thus why we love him
  3. you should be hooked after the first 5 if not then I doubt you'll like it at all
  4. Well finished my not quite marathon that lasted 3 days I found that the first half was superb but once it left the manga source material it kinda went wonky for a few eps but definitly picked up again to have a great finish. I also suggest reading the manga which has yet to be completed. if you want direct downloads for the series head here http://www.animorc.net/downloads.php enjoy
  5. Anybody here been watching or reading the bokurano series? Its about 15 children who one day find a man hiding in a cave who claimed he was making a video game and asked if they were interested. They all agree to play it and sign up. They suddenly get taken into the belly of a MASSIVE robot where they watch the man fight with another robot and defeat it. He then tells the children that another 15 of these enemy robots will appear and they'll have to defeat them. But the catch is its not a game and the robot is powered by their lives so once they defeat the enemy robot they die. I read the manga last year up till the current at the time releases and the anime finished getting subbed so I'm marathoning through it. I recommend it to anyone who enjoyed the rahxephon/evangelion type of giant robot genre. From the same guy that did narutaru... so its a little twisted
  6. I saw it all live in canada though as for the episode I was dissapointed on how little happened. Cops dad and sylar meeting the ebola girl only thing that happened in a hour
  7. I thought the symbol was the tattoo healing itself and as it did it turned into the kensei symbol thus trying to connect some other obscure thing ?
  8. I agree with other people it does resemble wing but more structured not dump 5 kids in super powered robots...not together and tell them to destroy the military this one seems more organized. We'll see how things turn out I give it 13 eps before losing hope
  9. I'm enjoying season 2 as well the hiro bit is entertaining not as enjoyable as his season 1 adventure though, It reminds me of Shanghai noon
  10. lol mark hamill was in other movies aside from star wars... I can only remember one the guyver...
  11. just finished the first ep good solid ep opens up a whole bunch plot points and continues old ones only thing missing is sylar who I expect to show up half way through the season
  12. yea lots of movies are doing the go buy/read other stuff to understand the full story or to complete it .hack = #1 thing that does it buy 4 games watch tv shows read books etc Matrix did it with the animatrix and enter the matrix X-men told you to play the game to figure out why night crawler disapeared in X-3 I too find it annoying but these comics are free and nice easy short reads http://www.heroesrevealed.com/novels/heroe...as-image-files/ nice site that has them all easy to access without any ads or stuff
  13. yea I D/L a torrent of 1-44 and it explains ALOT I wondered what happened to the walking wireless girl and the tracking device shot into the "heroes" and there we go a nice story to make it all fit together. Another neat one was how nathan and peters father met lindermen.
  14. got the dvds and marathoned it with my roomie this past week epic without a doubt all you guys say its a x-men rip off and such please its a MEGAMAN rip off sylar kills people gets their powers JUST like megaman all in all it borrowed alot from ALL sorts of comic books american or japanese x-men, jojo's bizarre adventure etc. an amazing nerd show that had me on the edge of my seat from ep 1
  15. castle in the sky is ghibli
  16. IV rebels blow up a giant gun in space V rebels lose a important base and run away and luke loses a hand VI rebels blow up the same gun they did in the first movie but more busted up and under construction...and the rebels win the war as shown at the end of the new remastered versions..... so... the empire that conquered the galaxy lost a space station that was already being constructed and lost the war... tough vote but I'm going with the empire between 2/4 they conquered the entire galaxy so they musta been hardcore:P
  17. Loved 0080 good story characters mecha action and a good ending... easily one of my favorite gundam shows and compared to SEED a masterpiece
  18. can't believe I forgot to mention my favorite characters apperance in this book......NEVILLE'S GRANDMA = best character ever
  19. Yea I wished she had a longer epilouge told you whta george was up to or luna and one question was it ever clarified >why in gods name< lily got with james every pensive scene she loathed him...:S satisfying ending to a long series though.
  20. sad part is I know I woulda watched it as a kid
  21. Finished reading it today surprised at the enormous amount of death and lack of humor but I was pleased because voldamort hasn't been EVIL as all hell in the past few books here he shows he true badassness As a whole series I enjoyed it wouldn't be surprised if she went back and fixed up some little inconsistencies like... thestrals eat meat right *I'm 99% sure this was stated* but here in the 7th book they are randomly grazing... lol no massive plot holes though I enjoyed the series immensely what did everyone else think?
  22. My main problem with it was the horses you could only see if you were dead... at the beginning everyones like wtf harry then at the end everyone has no problem what so ever jumping on these invisible horses that hagrid never showed them and fly on them to london... My second problem was the beginning when they flew away on their brooms through london... third problem was seamus just going hey whatever your right totally randomlly without the whole tabloid interview to persuade everyone... and the 4th problem they didn't tell you the prophecy in detail which I'm fairly sure they did at the end of the 5th book and who told it...which makes umbridge look ever more like some stupid twit... the parts they did do from the book were really well done though at insane pacing though
  23. you should be able to watch the file on your comp without being online azureas downloads the file to a predetermined area of your computer I set mine to the desktop where you can click on it there delete when need be or whatever. you can also I'm fairly sure right click on the file and tell it to play or open once its done.
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