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Everything posted by Batto_man

  1. What's also good news is Britai is holding a Valkyrie beat-stick!
  2. I believe that these are intended to go with the unpainted VF-1s Kits.
  3. @ Kirk: Got the idea when My VF-19 Master-file book arrived. I saw a pic and thought "Hey, those look like the FAST boosters from a VF-11 Thunderbolt." Thus my VF-11c is now boosterless. @ Charger69 Not sure of the scale, I stole it from my Revotech Bunny Suit Haruhi Suzumiya.
  4. Looking for work in all the wrong places.

  5. ^^ This!!
  6. I'm sorry, have you read the whole thread?
  7. Hey, can the missile bays/parts be left open in fighter mode? (I know that they would still be facing down)
  8. D'oh! Forgot about those, Thanks!
  9. Has anyone panel-lined their VF-11C yet? If so, pics please!
  10. Here's some links to my crappy panel-lining on one of my Regults: http://www.flickr.com/photos/22989422@N02/4516446717/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/22989422@N02/4517083366/ A little work improves the look a lot, IMHO.
  11. Looks like no landing gear though.
  12. Me too, though not quite right out of the box. Rather it was the first time I tried to get that "flying" pose. Superglue fixed it, but it it looked like the result insufficient glue and the lower bit not quite fully filling the top bit.
  13. My pics 1. Glaug 2. Gnerl 3. Zentradi Trooper
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