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Everything posted by anubis20

  1. Nope Brera's didnt come with any stickers, matter of fact I dont think any DX's ever came with any stickers.
  2. Yup my friend got mine today 3 VF-27's and 11 Stands, he also sent me the email Bandai sent to him. So where ever you guys are getting yours from ask about the stickers. Im gonna have my stickers shipped to me later whenever they get to my friends house.
  3. Not for another week at least, they shipped 6/17 to my friend in Japan. Hopefully they arrive quickly and he can ship it out this week to the US.
  4. VF-27 Grace shipped today in Japan!
  5. Ichiban Kuji re-issues with slighty altered paint jobs. Might go for that Sheryl bunny again but I have to admit that the colors seem out of place on the black bunny sheryl. http://www.1kuji.com/maf2_encore
  6. Robot Damashii = because its in scale with that line DX = to charge an arm and a leg for it and because of the die cast.
  7. Mine just got pre-ordered today Cant wait for it.
  8. care to elaborate on the fix, my 0S, 0A, and Shin bundle suffer from the same thing
  9. looks good
  10. Turn A gundam was supposed to unify all of the Gundam Universes thats what they refer to as the "Dark History". If you want to watch some of the newer stuff like Igloo and Unicorn then you're going to have to go all the way back to Mobile Suit Gundam and progress from there. For stuff like 00, Wing, Seed you can watch those without having any previous knowledge. This is the order in which I watched Gundam. Wing 08th MS team (it was on Toonami at night and had nothing better to watch... kick ass OVA though) 0079 0080 0083 SEED Zeta ZZ Chars Counterattack F-91 G-Saviour (Only got through 15 minutes of this) G-Gundam Turn A Gundam Igloo SEED Destiny Gundam 00 Gundam Unicorn (This is one badass OVA for those who havent seen it)
  11. Hope that new black bunny Sheryl is mass produced, that Ichiban Kuji one costed me a little bit of $$$
  12. For the Frontier DX's I say the flexi / flightpose stand is the best. For Yamato's the launch stand is king.
  13. I got my 0S from AmiAmi and the shipping box was huge!! It was big enough to house 3 or more 0S's
  14. My 0S just shipped and I just completed a trade for an 0A Shin bundle
  15. Thanks for the comments guys!! Price wise it wasnt as bad as you think. I got the RVF-25 for 9,300 yen off Amazon Japan and the ghosts I bought over an extended peiod of time so the blow to the wallet want all at once. They averaged about $60 each.
  16. I guess these exclusives are pure profit: 1. They sell are retail cost, no middlemen so they dont have to sell at wholesale prices. 2. They only produce the pre-orders that they get. No overstock left over to have to discount. 3. Shittier packaging so they even save on that! Thats why they keep spitting them out, that business model worked for them and now nothing can stop the web exclusive train.
  17. I love sheryl but the fact that the decal is already placed in the front covering an eyeball is making me get the standard version.
  18. Damn that is way higher than I was expecting, guess they slapped that DX超合金 on there to justify the price
  19. Plenty in stock at Amiami for a better price than HLJ and with 50% off shipping, hurry because it ends on friday http://www.amiami.jp/shop/?set=english&amp.../e_display.html
  20. Got my 4" flexi stand and now that I can mix it with one 6" rod im trully impressed.
  21. unfortunately you need to swap the piece ev ery time you transform it.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YL4nyQ0lYU Google - "Wave option parts BJ-05 OP-413" and get yourself a set and that will fix your neck problem. here is what mine looks like with the fix
  23. Yeah that blob on the cape looks like glue. Seem like its glued on the back
  24. understandable but still shitty
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