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Everything posted by anubis20

  1. Yea that works! Thanks!!
  2. Thanks! If you can get the general shape down some sanding should be able to take care of the rest.
  3. Has anyone made a VF-22 antenna? Ive looked and cant seem to find it. If not could someone please make one. Thats ones of the few things that wouldn't need any painting and would be fine in WSF.
  4. Thanks i went for the paint scheme shown in the shapeways page.
  5. 90% isopropyl alcohol maybe? I use that to remove unwanted paint apps from toys.
  6. Saludos de Bowie, MD pero soy de Tegucigalpa, Honduras!
  7. Painted this one for a friend of mine. I dont have a 4G
  8. Same thing on mine ive transformed it 4 times now and they have never fallen off so i left the old ones on as well.
  9. This armor pack is badass. I didnt bother with the missiles since my wings dont fall off and i dont wanna mess that up... I did have a bitch of a time fitting the left leg. The bottom lower part that plugs into the shin booster likes to pop out if i put any kind of pressure on the outer panel.
  10. Anyone need some of these stands? I have about 20 sealed.. 10 bucks shipped for each.
  11. anubis20

    Macross figures

    Just got payment request from HLJ for SQ Sheryl But wont be able to ship my PW until next week
  12. anubis20

    Macross figures

    Same here, its the only item im waiting on to ship my private warehouse
  13. Here is where im at. Next up is the legs... Ill leave the armds for last. Those are gonna take a while
  14. Thanks! I see it now.. And thats how i originally had them and had to stare at the manual to figure them out lol
  15. Do you have any pics of the correct way? I put them on according to the manual, I had them installed the wrong way a couple of times lol. Here is my final update for the week. Im taking a break during the weekend. I painted the thrusters silver but let the inside the original gunmetal color. Next up is the legs and detailing Macross city
  16. Assembly continues Im gonna have to slow down now and bring out the airbrush for the thrusters on the chest.
  17. Progress so far... Detailed what I have built so far and will be applying some water slides today. I will continue the build today. these few parts took a little bit to detail so i will be definitely be detailing the ARMD last cause those will definitely take a while.
  18. Got my pre-mixed paints feom Yamato today will begin detailing what I have built so far
  19. Sorry to revive a zombie thread but I just got mine from that HLJ sale after waxing the car today ill get to counting the screws. I also ordered the set of paints made for this set. Hopefully they arrive by next week so i can get started on the kit.
  20. Got the SDF-1 kit... Looking forward to building it
  21. anubis20

    Macross figures

    In her box lol she does not fit in the display
  22. anubis20

    Macross figures

    They are really nice figures. I got the Ranka one just so i could have a complete set but I cant fit into my display Looking forward to the black bunny version!
  23. Im right there with you man, the most ive paid for a valk was $215 for the 29 and i thought that was crazy... @ 400 there is no way i can do it.
  24. anubis20

    amiami ?

    Damn thats worse than mine. I was missing the little piece that flips out from the shoulders.
  25. anubis20

    amiami ?

    They claim the manufacturer only provides support for Japanese customers but they are a distributor. If a defective product is returned to them they have to return it and get something from Bandai. How does Bandai know who bought it? Theyre just trying to wash their hands from dealing with returns and things like that. Big Bad Toy Store overcharges on stuff but theyll handle these situations way better than Amiami.
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