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Everything posted by anubis20

  1. Damn anime export shipped within an hour of my order!! Great first experience Yea i had already paid for my order with Paypal so i had to email them. Sent them the message about 15-20 mins ago. Hopefully i wake up to a nice reply and a refund
  2. anime export http://www.anime-export.com/product/19461
  3. Well im down for 3 of these
  4. pay up front with PP, when it ships with CC. Ordered mine with airmail. I get the feeling it will be available at HLJ but screw it, now i dont have to worry about getting one.
  5. Not quite, in Japan if you order just 1 unit they just slap a label on it and will ship it in that box alone and it will get dings, trust me ive gotten a few like that . We get lucky because NY orders multiples and then they are thrown in a biggger box. But i do agree for storage those brown boxes are great! If i dont get them i feel like the whole "web exclusive" package is incomplete
  6. Well i still need a PO if anyone would like to part with theirs LMK.
  7. I took apart a YF-29 Alto getting the pin out is no problem. its putting the pin back in, thats a problem. You have to be super careful to not let the pin punch slide and scratch the fuselage. Nothing is glued together so its nothing out of this world, just take out a couple of screws. Just have to take it slow and its fine.
  8. Same here, plus i was paying the NY mark-up so i had to settle for SAL.
  9. Im stumped, how do i take the foot apart? There is one screw on the inside of the foot and i removed it but the outer part wont budge. Is it glued?
  10. Thanks! I have some of the gunze burnt iron, ill give it a try on the inside of that piece to see how well it matches.
  11. Just noticed this on mine. Haven't transformed it yet. Anyone know what type of paint matches this? This being a Bandai product there has to be some Gunze paint that matches exactly
  12. I dont see why not. looks like the dish is sitting on a support attached to the back. Itll be a pain to transform im sure but it could probably be transformed with it still on.
  13. ^^^^ I looked yesterday and my Alto 29 has stress marks in the exact same spot. Its only on 1 wing though.
  14. Knocking the pin back in is the problem. I didn't want to scratch or bang the surrounding areas. I used one of those pin removal kits for watches. I didn't actually remove the springs but i was very careful so they didn't come flying out also i took pictures in case they did come flying out. Once the pin is removed everything comes out pretty easily. Nope that support is just included in the armor parts. I tried adding nail polish to the metal parts but it didn't help.
  15. I have tried a few things but its pretty hard to get that to lock in tightly. I have sanded the teeth on the male connector and that helped a little. I did take the section apart and all that holds that metal bar in place is some springs and and some small plastic parts. I added some rubber pieces to that back of the spring to try and increase the tension and my 29 now manages to stand with the fast pack on but its still not all that solid of a connection. Biggest problem is actually getting to that mechanism with the spring, you have have to knock out a pin to be able to get to the screws
  16. If i can score one at HLJ you can have my NY preorder.
  17. Got shipping notice overnight as well went with SAL as well since its a small set and these minimal super parts set are not really a priority... Now the tornado parts, im EMSing those bitches!!
  18. Looks like they are out! These are a few of the pics i could find. Hopefully NY ships out soon cause i haven't even gotten a preparation in progress email.
  19. Nothing aside from the same email you got. I also paid them right away, hopefully we dont have the same issue as the last time with the 25A super parts and the 2 batches.
  20. I think they were released today.
  21. Gloves and tamiya tape are my best friends
  22. I like them because it protects the box. Yea boxes are nothing to some but i like minty packaging
  23. Ah yea I see them now. Only thing is they dont guarantee the brown mailer box.
  24. I agree, I can transform a 25 in about 2 minutes. With the 29 its just as simple but 2 things always get me. 1. being mindful of the canards, im always paranoid about breaking them so that slows me down 2. the damn neck plate on my 29 Alto never wants to go down, don't have that problem with the 30th or Isamu. .
  25. Yea i just got them last week from BBTS, they had some used sets for around $80 but im OCD and i wanted the outer mailer box.
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