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Everything posted by anubis20

  1. Unfortunately I gave up on the MGs after the Hazel Custom. They need way too much work and it kind of burned me out with all the masking. I am going to build the Advanced Hazel but that will be it, only because that design is so good. I got an Owsla and Primrose from US P-Bandai but sold it after I snapped the Hazel Custom. SO far I have built the HG Woundwort and Hazel Custom. Your combo there looks very very good!
  2. Yup we are running into the same issue then, to clean the needle I spray for a few seconds on full blast but I also get the small flecks whenever I forget to do it.
  3. Thanks! Yes I usually go for a very subtle shading although sometimes I think its too subtle but I'm happy with how it came out. The red fingers I had to hand paint a silver layer first and then went over that with metallic red. The silver helped a lot with the dark base of the frame. I cant remember but is mecha color pre-thinned? I've only used it to hand paint details, never airbrushed it. I use lacquers but yes white paint is my nemesis. I have troubles with it because no matter what it starts drying at the tip of the needle and its the only color that I have that issue with. So my problem is not that it runs, its that its drying too fast but if I thin it any more then I can easily get some pooling. I had to spray multiple coats to get the shading right. Just when I thought I was done I looked at the pieces and they were too dark around the edges and needed more white.
  4. MG Hazel custom is complete! This was my first experience with the Mk-II frame and from the waist down I have to say its pretty bad. The mechanism to move the legs forward engages too easy and if you use the thigh swivel too much the legs will come off Also the hips on ball joints are the worst, this is the first ball jointed MG I've built in a good 15 years and I had forgotten how bad this design was. Once built there is no denying the kit looks good but it needs a lot of work to get it close to the artwork. Lots and lots of masking needed on the shields and the little yellow cylinder on top of the head were also a pain to paint. I missed a few of the red details but I was just sick of masking that I gave up on them. The Advanced Hazel is the last one I really want to do but I will probably wait until next year to work on it. Painting 3 shield boosters is enough for me for 1 year I'm entering this kit into a contest so wish me luck!
  5. Something about the Damashii New Eva-02 looks off to me. It looks a little bit more blocky than the Revoltech. Im still buying it though because the fit and finish as usual will be better than any Revoltech. Here are some pics of the revo that has zero revoltech joints.
  6. Last few orders I had to send them an email about a week after the release date asking them why my stuff had not shipped. They promptly shipped out after the email though.
  7. I just took the easy route and used the "official" Hyaku Shiki gold paint from Mr. Hobby. Personally, I don't like the gold/chrome plating so to me the HS has always been a flat or semi-gloss.
  8. It was an accidental finish I sprayed a "premium" semi-gloss and it came out more flat than anything. Thanks! The MG Hazel so far is a kit that looks good but it sucks. Doesnt stay together well and it has ball joints at the hips Its also got some really weird seam lines. Bandai put the least effort into it and it shows. Still I will try to make it look good
  9. MG Hyaku Shiki 2.0 complete! This is a pretty good kit to build and it only makes want a 3.0 zeta even more. Next up is the MG TR-1 Hazel Custom.
  10. Char's Zaku 1 is already on sale at Amazon. It was not in my plans to get it but at around $145 shipped it was hard for me to resist. https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B08GSG3GB8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  11. Last time I had a problem with them (didn't send a figure) it took a good 3-4 emails for them to respond. I think they asked me for the paypal transaction emails and just refunded me.
  12. Thanks! Yes it all painted and top coated with Mr Color GX-114. Decals are 3rd party from Delpi Decal. I have that special providence and completely forgot about the decals Didn't remember until I was done with the Aegis but by then I had already ordered 3P decals for the entire team
  13. Finished MG Blitz! Only one more to go to complete the team
  14. So according to Arcadia the Garland re-issue doesnt come with the book and has tighter joints(?). Don't remember the joints on my Garland being bad enough for me to get the reissue.
  15. Mafex Miles turned out pretty good. No QC issues on my copy to speak of. Only gripe is the belt. Needs a magnet or something to hold it in place.
  16. Hmmm thats interesting. I got the pics from their instagram, looks like somebody was too excited about a MB Impulse like I was https://www.instagram.com/p/CJIcq5DFMjf/?igshid=vr1mcyq8ffb5
  17. DHL goes by volumetric weight, I had an 8 pound package that was charged as a 22 pound package because of the size... the shipping cost was almost $200 back in April.
  18. Found this pic online, to me something looks off with the proportions on the DA.
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