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Everything posted by anubis20

  1. Amiami hasnt shipped out the order I paid for on Friday AM
  2. Got the second half of Planet X Apocalypse and finally combined it. Definitely worth the wait.
  3. Hey! I preordered from Gentinel http://gentinel.net/ja/カテゴリールート/4インチネル-神-隼人&4インチネルLite-巴-武蔵&4インチネルLite-車-弁慶/p/GEN-JP-011 back in October but they closed POs in November I think. Your best bet would be Yahoo Auctions Japan http://auctions.search.yahoo.co.jp/search;_ylt=A7dPFtMgrc1YwDsARhbR3Pt7?p=4インチネル+神+隼人&aq=-1&oq=&ei=UTF-8&tab_ex=commerce&auccat=0&fixed=0
  4. i have a feeling my copy will have screwed up paint... maybe the trip on the plane will help it
  5. This was the auction https://hk.f1.page.auctions.yahoo.com/hk/auction/1142404792?u=kwongycb&.r=1146204520 only 1200 HKD. Only problem is that it was only local pick up so I had a friend pick it up and ship it to me.
  6. Oh man glad you got Mazinkaiser from SuperHobo. He was the one that convinced me to get it and I dont regret it one bit.
  7. Got these in yesterday. I think im now trully done with the Yamato era (unless I find a cheap 11C ). Thanks to @ZDZIYO for the deal on the Arcadia Fire Valk. The 17D is very cheap in HK. Got this one brand new for $150 before shipping, after shipping it came out to a little under $200. Also i finally get to put the vita to good use
  8. In my experience i like DHL. It gets to me super fast, even faster than EMS.
  9. Were the lil draken the same for all the 262s? Wondering if I should get more than one set
  10. I was on vacation and got these while i was away. Many thanks to @Smiley424 for the assist with the 22S Gamlin
  11. Gonna have to wait until the end of march once that MB F-91 is released to ship my PW
  12. Yea after getting the 19P i realized i should get the F as it was the only one I was missing. Given the current state of Macross toys (Arcadia only playing it safe, Bandai busy with HMR & DX Mac Delta) It might be a while before we see toys like the 19F and P in 1/60 scale if ever. That being said the colors of the 19F are much much better in person, I do like the head sculpt better on the S, but the white stripes on blue are just beautiful and they won me over
  13. Paid for that 19F Friday night and i got it today thinks its the fastest ive ever gotten something from Japan. Thanks to no3Ljm for the heads up on where to find one
  14. I need 3 more Alpha stands to retire from buying them. After that i will turn to collecting just stand arms and adapters for different configuations
  15. I got it from esthertool on ebay. Took a while to get the refund approved and my actual replacement order sent but in the end he delivered. Yup i agree its the best
  16. Yea although i had tombuy the replacement and send the old one back for a refund. I waited for the new one to arrive in case it was missing any other parts
  17. Got my replacement 19P and right out of the box one of the diamonds was just sitting on the wing. Glued that sucker on and im a happy camper now Final shot before returning the old one.
  18. Nice!! Do you have Carnifex by any chance? Im interested to see how they look side by side. I got figuarts Gohan and im kinda meh about it. The feet were very loose on the copy I opened and they also seem to be less articulated than the original Gohan release.
  19. Some of the fixed hands on my 1/60 VF-1 are starting to get that sticky feel to them They are already breaking down and there is no way to fix them? So far my 1/60 VF-1A Kaki's hands suffer from that and maybe a 1S roy but i cant recall.
  20. Really liking the armor. Very solid and everything tabs in nicely. Butt plate was a little tricky to put on but otherwise a very good release from Arcadia
  21. Reactive Armor is in!! This one actually comes sealed with tape.
  22. I tried searching for in in the box, even transformed in the hopes that the piece was wedged somewhere but no luck
  23. Got it from ebay. Im gonna ask for a replacement or return. A 3D printed piece will not work I think because its too small and its a translucent piece thats missing so it will look completely different from the other side.
  24. They are around 7" ------------------------------------------------------ BTW VF-19P arrived yay!! Its missing a shoulder triangle booo! Also this is not a new purchase but I just opened it yesterday and its such a well made and well balanced figure. It can stand just fine without a stand.
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