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Everything posted by anubis20

  1. My 3 Favourite Macross Toys: Yamato V2 VF-1 all of them. They're an instant classic and the design is almost ten years old and its still good . Yamato VF-19 S/F/P Solid in all modes and just exudes quality. Arcadia VF-0S this one is damn near perfect. Super tight joints all around and one of my favorite designs after the VF-1 and the fighter mode cannot be beaten. My 3 Least Favourite Macross Toys: Bandai 1/60 DX VF-27 1.5 My favorite design from Frontier and it never got the proper treatment even in "renewal" form. Bandai 1/60 VF-171 CF I have two of these, one has shoulders the broke, the other had the shoulders disintegrate as well as the chest hinge. Evolution Toys VF-2SS I don't completely hate it and I think its ok but its definitely the weakest of all my Macross toys. Dishonorable runner-up status goes to DX Macross Quarter - Cruiser mode w/o the stand is a joke.
  2. Hey remember I'm on a mission and it will all come to an end later this year
  3. No, it was ¥59,980 on Amiami (Pre-owned ITEM:B/BOX:B) that's what had me a little worried but the box is in excellent shape and aside from the parts applied to the ARMDs everything is mint. I used a bunch of Amiami points so it brought it down to around $540 shipped.
  4. i wouldve had to buy quite a few 1As to pay with this Thanks! It was a nerve racking experience since i bought it sight unseen with no pics. Luckily it was 100% complete and only pieces cut from the sprues and installed were the ones on the ARMDs.
  5. anubis20

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Anyone in need of a 31F? I have one on order thats ¥26,600 shipped to me. I'll ship it for free in the US, i just feel bad and dont want to leave the seller hanging but i cant keep that PO
  6. SDF-1 is back in my collection, along with another set of S&S parts, and an upgrade set for MP-24 Star Saber
  7. Waiting on AE
  8. Ordered thanks!!
  9. Thanks! Yea i would love to get another TV CF 1A and 1J but this is it for now. Hopefully Arcadia puts them out again down the line.
  10. I got super lucky when I found this bundle on Jungle for ¥16,200 just when i had given up all hope.
  11. I agree, as a big fan of Despotron, i though it couldnt be topped but MP-36 is the best of the best.
  12. Brownies are the best! my only regret is not buying these when they were worthless
  13. Final piece to the puzzle! TV VF-1 collection is now complete
  14. I found it on Amazon Japan. It was unavailable for a few days and then one popped up
  15. Finally got a 1D Virgin Road! This is one of the two TV valks i was missing. The other one is the 1J Mass Production and its on the way as well Selling my M&M 1J for a good price compelled me to finally complete my TV VF-1 collection.
  16. So far it only seems to be an arcadia online shop exclusive. If POs dont open up anywhere else I'd be willing to do a group buy of 5
  17. Preorders are open for this kit.
  18. Got this masterpiece yesterday Its not toooo bad after some glue on the pegs for fighter mode but yea out of the box its a floppy mess. Battroid mode is pretty although with some pretty limited articulation in the legs. Im just glad I didnt pay full price for this.
  19. Same here regular release for me, although this time i might buy a couple if the price isnt too bad.
  20. I think you might have to go through a proxy. I might be able to order a few through a friend in Japan if they dont limit them to 1. HLJ *might* carry them like they did with the Premium 1S HIkaru but who knows.
  21. Definitely want a Lancer but im skipping the premiums. Hopefully Arcadia can bring back the 1/60 Regult.
  22. Glad i didnt get rid of my VE-1 adapter just got another VE-1 and this adapter is a must IMO
  23. Good day today. Its gonna be a good macross week for me
  24. Damn! Im jelly of that Phenex! I regret not getting it, it has skyrocketted in price.
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