My 3 Favourite Macross Toys:
Yamato V2 VF-1 all of them. They're an instant classic and the design is almost ten years old and its still good .
Yamato VF-19 S/F/P Solid in all modes and just exudes quality.
Arcadia VF-0S this one is damn near perfect. Super tight joints all around and one of my favorite designs after the VF-1 and the fighter mode cannot be beaten.
My 3 Least Favourite Macross Toys:
Bandai 1/60 DX VF-27 1.5 My favorite design from Frontier and it never got the proper treatment even in "renewal" form.
Bandai 1/60 VF-171 CF I have two of these, one has shoulders the broke, the other had the shoulders disintegrate as well as the chest hinge.
Evolution Toys VF-2SS I don't completely hate it and I think its ok but its definitely the weakest of all my Macross toys.
Dishonorable runner-up status goes to DX Macross Quarter - Cruiser mode w/o the stand is a joke.