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Everything posted by anubis20

  1. will boiling water also help with reshaping?
  2. Only thing i had ordered was the Lancer and that was released like 2 weeks after I ordered so I didnt think anything of it. NY might be asking for payment once they place their order or if its COD i think they can pay later. Well thats good to know for future orders Didnt know you could cancel orders though.
  3. Did they charge you already?? Im seeing the charge on my CC already, not as pending but posted.
  4. For me the Lil Drakens only work in fighter mode. They kinda look stupid in Gerwalk and Battroid IMO.
  5. Anyone else order the PF from the Arcadia Shop directly and selected credit card as payment?
  6. anubis20

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks for that! Ended up getting a Century Wings SR-71
  7. I ordered one last night around 11:32 EST. Didnt think this was going to sell out although ive seen some web exclusives sell out in Japan before.
  8. Ordered mine this morning from the Arcadia shop what sucks is that basically all the money i made from selling the Yamato SDF-1 is going to this
  9. Hopefully its after the 28th cause im out of the country til then.
  10. Oh nice!! Who makes that stargazer conversion and what kit do you have to use as a base? The MG Strike? ----------------------------------------------------- Got these yesterday. This Femto I got on sale from HLJ is what started my path to getting all the God Hand
  11. Agreed... I think they underestimated the amount of work. Panel lining shouldnt be too bad but all that glow in the dark stuff is a lot more work.
  12. So Arcadia said POs havent started because they dont even know what to charge for it. Im guesstimating ¥50,000 at this point. "【Notice】 Regarding "1/3000 complete deformed SDF-1 MACROSS Premium Finish", we have not started orders yet because the price is yet to be determined. After confirming the details, we will notify you again by twiiter etc. at the time of reservation start, so please wait for a while."
  13. I think it should be fine as long as you dont permanently have it under UV light. Shining it once in a while for some pics should be fine.
  14. Thanks Jason!!
  15. I hope the red lines come painted on the cannons... that's what i liked the most about the kit that I built.
  16. Got Figma Void & Ubik... Box is huge!!! Just waiting on Femto to complete the God Hand
  17. Nope, when I ordered the Lancer they authorized my card and didnt charge me until release. However the Lancer was released like 2 weeks after preorders closed....
  18. Met up with some friends at the local Transformers meet and picked up the TFCon exclusives they picked up for me Also got an early birthday present from a friend
  19. The final battle version actually comes with one. The main problem is that the Banshee and Unicorn did not come with suitable adapters for a stand so its its kinda trick them to get them on the stand but it can be done.
  20. Finally found a 1/60 SAP for a decent price. Also got a KO Metal Build stand for my Metal Composite Unicorn Banshee and Figma Slan and Conrad.
  21. Its not too heavy. I assembled the kit and there is very little diecast in it.
  22. I paid Amiami 5,620 JPY in April of this year for shipping my SDF-1 and they use thick boxes and like 10 pounds of paper.
  23. Yay!! Got a set of HMM missiles from shapeways as well for it.
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