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Everything posted by anubis20

  1. I woke up at 2:05am without any alarm, headed to amiami and both the Zaku and RX-78 were sold out. Then I checked AE and they had they had them in stock. This had to be the easiest PO night as I needed no alarm and I went back to sleep in 5 mins
  2. Space! those damn PAKs take up too much space I have Cloud/Fenrir, Sephiroth, Aerith, Tifa, and Zack... Then I have some MGS ones
  3. Damn and here I was thinking of selling my PAK Fenrir... I havent opened it yet but it looks great!
  4. Got Figuarts IW Thor yesterday and Left Alive Mech Edition which basically includes a Wander Arts Volk. I wish more video game LE's came with toys
  5. anubis20

    Hi-Metal R

    Oh man I wish! I wouldnt have to wake up at 2-3AM if that was the case
  6. anubis20

    Hi-Metal R

    This is why its now blue http://www.openthetoy.com/2018/10/bandai-logo-change-to-blue.html
  7. Demonical Fit is the company behind it. Scarlet is because of the red tint, basically they cant call it Goku cause it a KO
  8. Demoniacal Fit Goku its a good stand in until Bandai makes an official Kaioken Goku
  9. anubis20

    Bandai DX VF-31

    This was definitely not Bandai's fault, NY didnt place their orders (they use multiple accounts) on time since they didnt expect a web exclusive to sell out. No one else selling web exclusives or individual orders ran into an issue. Had there been a delay or cut in supply Bandai would've sent out an email and you would've heard about it from twitter etc. My hate for NY comes from their "no screw you, only store credit" policy, their long ass "preparation", "lowest price" with super high shipping (i dont like shipping by boat), and refusal to modify an order. But thats just me
  10. Received the DX RVF-171EX today. Sadly one of the elint array tips was bent all the way to one side out of the box, tried straightening it out but it wouldnt budge Ended up cutting it and sanded it to make a little round nub and painted it. I can probably come back to it later and fix it with a pin and putty but for now it doesnt bug me too much since its not too noticeable.
  11. February Web Exclusives came in yesterday Great Saiyaman is kinda meh...
  12. Thanks! Bought my house last year and one of the requirements was to have an extra room to build model kits. I was tired of spraying in the garage
  13. I didnt think much of them when the SDCC set came out but after watching reviews I was super impressed. I would recommend getting a set from Gamestop and if you dont like them then sell them, they seem to go for more than retail at this point.
  14. I was out of the country for a few weeks and came back to all this wonderful stuff
  15. anubis20

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Asked HLJ about a discount coupon and told me they have the right to cancel any preorder
  16. anubis20

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Lol same here, no email, at first I thought i was safe and then checked my HLJ account and it was gone.
  17. anubis20

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Im higher at 13901072 Here!
  18. anubis20

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I dont buy this “Bandai is intentionally limiting supplies” deal. They are the only ones cancelling orders. AE and CDJ dont do this and they seem to be smaller operations. Amazon Japan and Amiami arent cancelling any orders. Its their screw up and theyre trying to blame Bandai.
  19. anubis20

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yup cancelled as well... this never happend to me before HLJ moved to this new crap site. i managed to secure one at Amazon Japan so i still have it secured I will just be paying more for it same price as NY so ill only pay a little more for the forwarding fees. I’d rather pay that than their “preparation” deal for a week.
  20. anubis20

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yea i got those already
  21. anubis20

    Bandai DX VF-31

    How long does it take to show up in my account at HLJ? 1st time i do PO night since they moved to this garbage site
  22. January web exclusives and Steel Legend Kshatriya
  23. Got my Kshatriya today as well. Holy hell is it impressive! It weighs a ton! Joints on my copy are insanely tight and i could barely get the ankle tilt to work. Its amazing how this company can put this out at this price. Bandai would charge $500 for something like this. With MG Sinanju Ka I did have a small QC issue with a missing piece on one of the binders but its barely noticeable and my seller should be able get me a replacement piece.
  24. Revoltech Ultron that broke on me as soon as I took it out of the box. Just had to find a replacement revoltech joint and it was as good as new.
  25. Steel Legend Kshatriya is finally on they way
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