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Everything posted by anubis20

  1. Wasnt exactly a prime day deal but I got it for $130.. I was not expecting the box to be this huge
  2. Haha I tried to emulate the color of the MB joints but I failed. Ended up settling for this gunmetallish color. Thanks man! The manual called for all orange knee missiles but I got Macross inspiration for the orange tip and white body
  3. I bought it off ebay https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F323767960957
  4. Haha i had no comment for it other than "damn I sort of overpaid for this but im happy with it "
  5. Few things that came in this week. A friend sold off all his Metal Builds and gave me a pretty good deal on this Exia even though I already have it, the Exia Repair is my favorite (If you cant tell by the avatar ), and I couldnt pass on it. Wife got me this Goji out of the blue.. It is MUCH better than the 2014 version. Glad I sold that one off And I got that plain MB Strike Gundam from the MB Infinity event...
  6. That happens to me as well. By the end im sick of painting, panel lining, and applying decals. One set of my god hands broke the tip with a clear Yamato Fan Rancer so dont cut clear plastic with them. It still cuts so I use it to cut the parts off the runner and use the other one to cub off the remaining nub.
  7. That was me... I held out for as long as I could. Even had a PO from the original run that I gave away Now I have both Unit 1 and 2 on PO
  8. June P-Bandai exclusives came in featuring a MB Astrea for @no3Ljm
  9. Heads up for BF preorders, maybe BF is lying because selling directly means more profit for them. This is from a seller on facebook: "OK so I talked with Bluefin & yes they will be offering it but only to certain dealers & it will be heavily allocated. I will get some but only a handful.. as usual I will post a date & time on when my PO will go live on my SupremeCollector BST page.. According to my sales rep they were not suppose to sell any last night on their website, so very likely that anyone who ordered direct from Bluefin will get cancelled.. Which is a very good cause what they're doing is very shady practices"
  10. Got one at Anime-Export but holy crap what a mess... Amiami never loaded and when it did it was just to tell me there was heavy site traffic, I never saw the PO button live. HLJ only loaded the "whoops our bad" page so screw HLJ and that damn site.
  11. Owned it previously but had to sell it. I needed to get it back in the collection
  12. i wish im still learning to this day
  13. Thanks man! Usually i will airbrush one color on. In this case i airbrushed the skin color on. Then I move on to the other colors starting with the color that will take up the most paint which was that dark blue and so on. I also use a really fine brush to draw an outline with paint for example the white and green areas on Lockon. I will then go in and fill in the color with a thicker brush. I mainly use two brushes: this is the thicker brush https://www.amazon.com/Mr-Brush-Round-No-Mr-Hobby/dp/B002DTFCIQ and this one for the details https://www.amazon.com/TAM87172-Tamiya-Modeling-Brush-Pointed/dp/B00VTDYF8K The tamiya brush is super fine, i think it would work better for you instead of a toothpick. I used to use a toothpick myself for the little details but its much easier with a brush. For paints I use Mr Color paints. Usually a drop of paint with a drop of mr color leveling thinner would be enough to get somewhat of a smooth finish on the figure.
  14. Progress on MG Dynames. All I have left is to paint the green and white parts but that wont happen for a few weeks after some company leaves. Also painted the Lockon pilot figures.
  15. Oh man if NY didnt place their order and Bandai doesnt make another run for a while this might be another Kairos incident for them. I went to order around six from the p-bandai site and they were gone. This has happened before so they will probably make another run for the following month.
  16. Damn so it didnt change. Using a guitar pick looking piece from a cellphone repair kit was the only way I was able to get them off.
  17. I wish I couldve gotten in on the exclusive but I didnt know about this figure until a few weeks ago Bought the regular and im happy with it even though I want that sword
  18. I prefer them over HLJ. HLJ can cancel your PO and blame it on Bandai instead of their crappy site. Happened to me with the 31E
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