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Everything posted by anubis20

  1. Report it to them. The more reports they get the more pressure they can put on Arcadia to try and get us the correct part. Seems that way, Ive seen more defects than correct ones from users on twitter. So far I only seen two assembled correctly including yours
  2. because its on a double hinge you can get it to sit somewhat straight. One mine the first time I slid the leg in and out it split the plastic on the leg because it wasnt centered. It'll definitely work and its something we can probably live with but its not perfect.
  3. Most of the issues seem to be right/right ankles so swapping would be tough. Ive only seen one case of left/left, also from what ive been reading it seems the sliding mechanism might also be incorrect and thats why the left leg is so tough to pull in and out this is a mess
  4. So far HLJ hasnt gotten back to me with a response as to what to do. Also a lot of those Japanese twitter users are asking Mr. K to try and help us international buyers with a solution but he just ignores those tweets
  5. A bunch of reports are coming out of the screwed up ankles... Mr K confirmed the correct way the ankles should be. I have seen all types of misassembled ankles on twitter. Two rights, two left, and left on right / right on left.
  6. Got these in today and I have to say im very impressed with the Rick Hunter figure. My only complaint is that it seems way too tall. If they keep the correct scale Roy is going to be super tall My favorite pic
  7. Backed the Megazone 23 kickstarter yesterday and decided to transform my Garland back to craft mode and I had completely forgotten how to transform it I remember that when I fist got it the legs would not tab in properly and they came undone with very little movement. Maybe it was not transformed correctly but now theyre on there solid
  8. HLJ responded.... Not too reassuring "Thanks for writing. I have made an inquiry with our purchasing team to see if we can get that fixed for you. When I get more information, I'll get back to you. Thanks for your patience!"
  9. I tweeted him last night but no response yet.
  10. Dammit its definitely misassembled... once the foot is collapsed it splits the plastic on the leg
  11. Help please! Is this a misassembly issue or are they all like this. One of the feet in fighter mode ends up crooked on mine. I noticed the ankle piece or whatever you call it is offset to one side and they look the same way on both feet. It looks like they are mean to be offset towards opposite sides. See the pics below.
  12. I was super excited about MP-44 but the issue with the knees killed it for me. Also got Mafex Venom but havent gotten a chance to mess with it yet
  13. Got my SV-51. I love the box art on these
  14. Same here!!! Ive only seen the add to cart button once and when I managed to click it stuff had sold out
  15. Ok just paid HLJ for shipping. Hopefully they can have it out by tomorrow
  16. Yea i rushed to request shipping when I saw the email and hit the wall
  17. Finished Xigfrid's Ghost X-9. Dont know why the red looks darker in pics but its more vibrant in person. Next up will be the Hasegawa Kawamori Expo YF-19 K-40. First time building a Hasegawa kit... wish me luck
  18. This will be the next kit I work on
  19. This was an impulse buy since I got it on sale... Not sure if im going to build it yet Also got Maketoys Solarflare... It is not as good as their previous releases for some reason, tolerances are very different from the first three they released. Finally Figuarts Goku Blue and Figma Guts... Figma Guts is a huge disappointment. The Dragon Slayer, which is what I really wanted this figure for, looks like it was painted by a 2nd grader. Its supposed to look like a bloody sword but instead it looks like someone had red paint in their finger and just grabbed the sword. Im happy I didnt sell my original release. This is what we were supposed to get
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