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Everything posted by anubis20

  1. Completed the MG Gundam X. A friend sold me this kit super cheap and its the only reason I got it but I am glad I did. Its probably the best Bandai kit I have worked on, didn't really need to do anything out of the box besides the painting. No need to work on seam lines or anything like that which is something I had to do even on MG Barbatos.
  2. Thanks! Only other version I want of Barbatos is the Lupus. That is my favorite because of the battle with the mobile armor Lupus Rex I never liked. The other forms I dont like except for the sixth form but I dont like it enough to buy that option set and another MG Barbatos I do want the mobile worker though
  3. Nope it holds the mace with no problem, the wrist was a little weak but fixed it with some floor polish. The only issue I had was getting the gun into position, that was a nightmare and im never doing it again. Removable fingers for that type of stuff really doesn't work.
  4. I would work on this frame again for the Lupus, Vidar, and Gusion Rebake.
  5. Almost done with MG Barbatos, This is basically the bulk of this kit. Reminds me of the MG GM 2.0 frame where its a bunch of work for a frame that will end up covered
  6. Ok this im getting!! I'll paint up the legs, so it looks like a complete suit. http://twitter.com/GwynCampbell/status/1281223764571815936?s=20
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