You bring up a good point now the homeworld 2 battlestar galactica is a mod in progress and they are at 5.3 and they started with a 1.1 i think it was and sure some of the ships has a few glitches and untextured armed or dock or capture points and the mod staff are fans too. but they manage to create new stuff sometimes missions and new ships and a mod for the fans to play.
sure i love seeing the macross videos of the mod but its nice to give the fans more then a movie tease like taste of whats there and where new stuff comes out add it in to the mod as a update. seeing the movies is not like being in the battles or makeing a macross mod film or make a music video,
i have a account on youtube with 9 video's i have some star trek one stargate a few bsg ones i would love to do a robotech macross one and make one that rocks.
i feel the mod looks good as it is but sure more and new ships are awsome like the idea of a macross cannon from macross 2 and the marduk or maybe the invid original robotec ships and fighters.
when the mod comes out is it a directory type? where you custom the starting fleets? and will a link be posted?
and i am woundering i downloaded macross 2 music but i cant find the battle music from macross 2 at the end where the fleet engage the marduk at earth does any one know its name and where to find it?