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  1. Oh yeah, it's not the actual physical cost of the plastic for the minis - it's designing them, proofing them, iterating on them, shipping them, making minimum orders, ensure you have factory time, etc - I think all of those other aspects are what makes me nervous about adding minis from pressure of the crowd. But then again, they've been selling macross/robotech minis for a while without the board game, then have sold the board game itself (core), so it seems like they have the experience to make a reasonable call here and not get in over their heads. Which is why I backed them.
  2. Found out what happened with Dragonball Z Smash Battle after reading the comments in the kickstarter a bit. Basically the license holder in Japan pulled KidsLogic's ability to release anywhere other than Japan. And that was for a game that wasn't made yet. So I'm hoping that they really tried in good faith to deliver and these issues won't be a problem for this game because the base game is already made and has already been released (even stateside). My only concern is that 1) their funding goal is too low (low margins means if anything goes wrong, they end up making less money than they spend) 2) They are caving to making more models for transformation modes they hadn't initially planned. I think a lot of these miniature kickstarters screw themselves by over promising the number of miniatures they can really deliver (see: Palladium). Hope that is not the case here.
  3. @Chet What happened with the DragonBall Z Smash Battle project? I see that they couldn't deliver, but I can't figure out why. I have a vague notion of not securing licensing rights in certain regions, is that what it was? I'm wondering if this is going to be another Palladium...
  4. I think the core game (4 minis) came out last year: https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/156292 But BoardGameGeek doesn't have any reviews on it.
  5. Has anyone actually played this game yet? I see that it actually came out last year in the core set. It appears to be a Macross coat of paint over an X-Wing Miniatures like game. Is that accurate? Any word on how it plays?
  6. Anyone see this? Looks like X-Wing mixed with Macross...could be fun. Thinking about backing it, though I never ended up playing the paladium minis game...but this is very tempting.
  7. I see some of you are into hot wheels/die cast. I bought a few ERTL General Lee's off of ebay and fixed them up. Pretty happy with the results. General Grant could be a bit better. Cutting the water slide decals was a pain. Looks better not so blown up as the picture. I have an idea of doing another one that I think will look a little better.
  8. Ah, apologies. I can post there if admins can delete this. Thanks!
  9. So I got into hot wheels recently, which then lead me to wanting to put together a diorama. Then I realized that hot wheels were a bit smaller than the 1/60th scale macross stuff, but probably not noticeably so. So I thought I'd like to make a little street battle scene. Not really sure if I had the time or dedication, I decided I wanted to put one together as cheaply as possible, and I didn't want it to require too much skill. I found some free buildings online. Found some street tiles. Then with some cardboard and a color printer, went to work. The color printer had crappy toner so the buildings have some discoloration in them. Then I don't really know what I'm doing with photoshop, so this is the best I could come up with. But wanted to share nonetheless. If you have tips on building better dioramas or using photoshop, post them here. Otherwise, I just wanted to share what I built up, as I figured some of you might get a kick out of it.
  10. You can even do it with over the shelf hydrogen peroxide, it just takes longer because the concentrations aren't as high. (that's what I did)
  11. I've done the peroxide treatment twice - in both cases, the paint mostly dissolves, but I was leaving it outside for weeks to let the sun whiten it enough (I bought some badly yellowed takatoku's off ebay cheap for this purpose). It was fun, but one of them yellowed again a few years later, because it is the chemicals that the plastic was built with, the bromide mix in particular, that causes the yellowing, IIRC. At this point, it might be an interesting experiment to whiten it, then paint it white. Then when the scratches occur, they are more likely to be white on white, so harder to see, and the paint will hide the yellowing.
  12. I bounced off of War For Cybertron pretty hard. The background music feels unfinished, making the whole series feel a bit flat. But what really is annoying is how dumb Prime is. He makes stupid mistake and moves out of desperation that don't call back to the heroic/wise figure he is in the much more juvenile G1 series. You are watching and thinking "he deserves to get his ass handed to him for walking into such an obvious trap". I only got 2-3 episodes in, so maybe it improves, but it feels like light years ahead in production value, with writing that is straight out of a junior high fan fic notebook. It _really_ wants to be dark and brooding, but the writing just makes it feel try hard.
  13. I have next week off, I'll see if I can't print off a set, but I nearly guarantee you your shoulders will be loose once you fix it. Maybe others have had better results, but I find separating the shoulder pauldrons to be extremely difficult without breaking them (they are glued together), and once the peg is snapped off, you lose a lot of the tightness that the pauldrons used to secure the shoulder to the body tightly. The swing bar is just stupidly designed. I think you would have to form this in steel or something to prevent breakage. ABS is definitely not strong enough to prevent a millimeter diameter rod to not break with all the torsion that is applied to the arm during transformation. Nevertheless it shouldn't take long to print these parts as they are so small.
  14. yeah, I think the Yamatos are over hyped on this forum. They look great, but they are so fragile compared to other offerings that they aren't really a good purchase considering how much they cost vs how likely they are to break (and I own a _ton_ of yamatos). The Garland in particular was never great build quality to begin. I remember the first one I got I had to reglue the piece that held the cockpit/handlebars on because it just popped off (the tiny gray piece on either side of the dashboard). I stupidly bought 2 more and kept them in the box and have finally sold them just recently. I've kept my 3d printed shoulder version as a desktop toy, though I question whether I will ever transform it again, as it will most assuredly break.
  15. I realize this was a while ago, but the shoulder file I posted are recreations of exactly this part. Getting it tight is another issue, and one I never completely solved. (or is this the new Arcadia Garland that this happened to?! :O )
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