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Everything posted by Gian

  1. I agree with Deadeye, but I'm waiting to sketchley to enlighten us
  2. Max even managed to have the virgin road, which is also completely blue. I think a blue VF-1S would look awesome!
  3. And how would be it's paint scheme? Completely blue as his VF-1J? (I remember seeing a VF-1S painted completely red in the PSP game macross triangle frontier. Even the head was red)
  4. But Arcadia is a different company, maybe they are testing the waters with this new model. I think this could be the begining of a new era of many new macross models/toys or could be the end. They took their time to decide to put this out. Who knows? Maybe you are tired/bored of the VF-1?
  5. Since the PSX era, I buy consoles to play macross games. If they release a macross game on the next-gen consoles I will get one. In the meanwhile I'm not interested.
  6. I want one!
  7. Looks very nice! Congrats!!
  8. This thread is pure awesomeness
  9. I love the design of the VF-2SS, it's so futuristic and sleek! I want one in 1/60 too!
  10. 1/60 for me Arcadia should milk the VF-1 mold all they can. Non canon stuff is welcome aswell.
  11. I want the alaskan VF-1 and these two:
  12. Nice custom, congrats! I'd love to see more GBP-1S variations!!!
  13. Thank you!
  14. Regarding yamato 1/60 unassembled VF-1 kits. Do they come with gunpods? Can you put a VF-1 D/A/J/S head turret onto any VF-1 body? Thanks in advance
  15. Awesome news!
  16. Agreed Now back on topic, I really hope Arcadia continues with the 1/60 line from Yamato, prices on ebay are ridiculous right now.
  17. Races are boring
  18. Se puede compartir el archivo? Si es así no tendría problema en compartirlo, aunque me falta desbloquear varias cosas, al menos tengo un valk de cada uno.
  19. Yo ya terminé el M30 en fácil Pero ya voy en la etapa 2 en modo ultimate Ahora espero desbloquear todo lo que pueda.
  20. Gian

    Macross 30

    Now we just need an english language pack DLC Yes, I'd pay more in order to understand the game better!
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