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Everything posted by shiroth

  1. Better quality screenshots can be found here.
  2. You must have patience made out of iron :3. Fantastic work Jasonc, seriously. & i'll admit, Sheryl distracted me there.
  3. Not too obvious Maverick? Wow. I'll have to see it to believe it.
  4. Kuragehime's OP has some pretty awesome film references, especially the Star Wars one. Can see quite a few of you here enjoying it. Show is awesome btw. Totally my kind of watch.
  5. It's not going to have a cheesy fantastic 80s soundtrack, so what's the point?
  6. Gotta love how that shot can easily tell more then one story.
  7. Is this true, i mean i'll have no trouble playing the Blu-ray even though it's the wrong region? Has anyone checked for sure?
  8. I know it's possible for a game, though not 100% sure for a Blu-ray. It just sounds like one of those things we fans would like, though shall never see.
  9. You bring up a good point regarding the story being well known, so you can half and half make out what's going on. Apart from that, Macross the First is worth it just for Mikimoto Haruhiko's absolutely stunning art. This is just one huge treat to fans of his work.
  10. I sure hope so. Macross Trial Frontier is second in the first week sales chart. Guess it does help that you'll have people wanting to see the film and play the game, so it's a win win situation.
  11. It's just the way i am.
  12. I like the idea of playing Another Century game while on the move, though one must wonder how it will handle on the PSP. Like Graham, will wait for better screenshots and some gameplay footage before i comment more.
  13. If we do see a full version that is. I know i shouldn't act with doubt, though i can't help it.
  14. Heh, i can understand why. Still it's a pretty entertaining 80s show. It looks pretty, has kick arse music, and good looking girls. You can't go wrong.
  15. ^No subs because it's licensed. I know that hasn't stopped anyone before, though it sure looks like i is doing this time.
  16. You've just explained why i'd love it so much. :3
  17. Is that actually true? I mean from looking at that scene it just looks like Isamu was comforting her, and Guld totally taken the situation the wrong way. I don't want to believe that Myung and Isamu would secretly get together behind their friends back like that. Even with the situation the way it is.
  18. This is something i've been looking forward to for a good while now. 2011 is when it's being released here, so that will be Blu-ray preorder when the time comes. I've always said Madhouse produce some of the best looking animated films. :3
  19. Apart from the 19 shows i picked up this season, i'm rewatching Gunbuster 2. It just needs to be done from time to time.
  20. ^Epic cake is epic. Shame the whole wedding wasn't Macross themed.
  21. We need pictures!
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