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Everything posted by shiroth

  1. Just got back from the Doctor Who live concert, so i have pieces from the fifth series running around in my head.
  2. Which i'm perfectly fine with, because it means we'll be spending a long time with it.
  3. & i just received volume 3 brand new on Ebay for a very decent price.
  4. Found the answer. It's a frame.
  5. Looks like i got my wish! Awesome coincidence is awesome.
  6. Just sucks that the release date for the next three episodes has been pushed back. We won't get the third episode until January 2011 . Sucks as well, because it has a few scenes i've been wanting to see animated.
  7. A wonderful package containing both volumes 3 and 6 arrived today. Worth the wait easily, especially for Macross the First. Now i'll over the first two volumes of it. The Klan image at the back of volume 03 is so <3.
  8. You can still get a copy of it on most international online stores, so you can fix that mistake! :3
  9. Does anyone know what the first press item is that CDJapan are shipping with the hybrid pack?
  10. I'd like to think of it as a fun coincidence. :3 But yeah awesome cake is awesome. I'd so have a 1/8 Klan cake at my wedding.
  11. Basara's music was his woman!
  12. Anyone living in the UK or Island can attend the preview for the film next week, which shall be showing the first 23 minutes of the film in 3D. Printing out tickets for it as i type. The atmosphere should be great.
  13. Yeah same here, that made me laugh so had. Don't think i'm gonna rewatch Independence Day anytime soon, though if i do i know i'll be laughing for all the right reasons.
  14. You can't beat a bit of UNTZ UNTZ UNTZ UNTZ UNTZ UNTZ UNTZ.
  15. That be Senjougahara, from Bakemonogatari.
  16. I now have a reason to own a 3DS. More information can be found here.
  17. Oh man, this years event looked like it was a right blast. Thanks a lot for all the pictures, that made me which i was there all the more. :3 Going to try my utmost best to make it to 2011. Hopefully it'll be my lucky year!
  18. It'll probably end up being a song about Christmas stockings.
  19. I could never eat such an epic piece. Seriously. Now if it was covered in dark chocolate, then maybe.
  20. It looks pretty damn old, though good luck with that!
  21. Isn't it a double sided disc?
  22. Yeah same here. Watch something be announced the day by copy arrives, i just know it.
  23. There's no need for that. The PS3 is region free, so the game will play on any console.
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