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Everything posted by shiroth

  1. Going by the size alone of the story, yeah i had a feeling the film wouldn't be that good. Still it's something i wouldn't mind watching after i've done with the series.
  2. You guys are really making me want to start reading Dune. I've only read the first few chapters of Rendezvous with Rama, though i dislike placing a book i'm already reading on hold.
  3. Just got back from seeingit. Usual Harry Potter adaptation problems aside, it wasn't that bad. Personally i think cutting the book in half has kinda ruined the passing, though there's no way of fitting the books material into one film so i can look past that. Probably the best part was seeing the latest Tron: Legacy trailer on the big screen. I wish i did the same. There's nothing worse the a cinema room of people who laugh at absolutely everything.
  4. I knew you'd say that.
  5. That's good to hear then. Could easily just read a little bit on Wikipedia before reading the books. They'll be added to the list, thanks again.
  6. I'm up for this. First film wasn't that good of an adaptation, though it was still a film i rather enjoyed. But yeah gotta agree with Vile, i'm not really liking the look of it. Still it's only one image, and hopefully that opinion will change once there's more material to go by.
  7. Pretty sure i will going by the summary alone. Seriously tempted to just jump straight into it first. We'll see. I'll have quite a bit to read, so might be a while before i finally get to Enders. Then again Dune might completely pull me in, and i'll end up reading that series before anything else.
  8. Picked up thee more books today. First Dune book by Frank Herbert, The Complete Robot by Issac Asimov and Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke. Also ordered a copy of October the First is Too Late off Ebay, so hopefully that will arrive shortly. Planning to buy the three Foundation books next week.
  9. Probably because it's more fun shooting at robots. Can't wait to see the dancing robots that i've been told about.
  10. Oh wow, so many more great recommendations. It's a good thing the local book shop as a 3 for 2 on sci-fi novels. Picked up Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke today. Couldn't find October the First Is Too Late which totally sucks. Not finding it on the usual online sites either. Shall keep searching though. I'm loving the list you made Gui. Some very interested titles which i'll be sure to have a look into. I wanna go buy a few more books tomorrow, so shall keep that list in hand while i'm searching. Pretty much depends on the mood i'm in, though i'm usually alright when it comes to such heavy themes in books. Plus i do a lot of reading while out and about (on the train, in a coffee shop etc). Would i need much knowledge on Warhammer 40,000 to enjoy the books you mentioned?
  11. Yeah same, though then again i'd go see this film just for it's name. Genius is what i say. Oh so it's based on a comic? Might have to check that out.
  12. Mwhahahahaha! Yeah i'll forever have that laugh in my head now whenever i think of the game.
  13. Anyone hear played Vanquish yet? Finally got around to picking up a copy today. Played about half an hour, and i'm totally blown away. It sure does deliver everything it said it would. Sure the story is nothing incredible, though this is one of those games where gameplay completely steals it all. I'm not even one for shoot 'em ups, though this has completely won me over.
  14. 15-Meter Space Battleship Yamato Model Rises in Tokyo It'll be up this Saturday. Go see it if you can, and tell me all about it! Wouldn't mind seeing that laser show.
  15. Then you'll be looking for 'Macross Frontier Movie Single CMRanka'.
  16. I never thought i'd see the day..
  17. Yeah it really would have. Shame that never happened. The novels are worth a read for anyone who wants more from the title.
  18. Thanks a lot for the replies guys. So far i can already see quite a handful of books i want to read, especially: Rendezvous with Rama October the First Is Too Late The Galactic Center Saga Slaughterhouse Five Dune he Stars My Destination by Bester Been meaning to read Asimov's robot series for a while now, so i'll also add the Foundation Trilogy. Think i might start with those first actually. Doing an amazon.uk search on all the books mentioned so far, and i shouldn't have much trouble finding copies. Thanks again people, and keep those recommendations coming.
  19. 'Deadly in red' has to be my favorite one.
  20. Wouldn't mind hearing 'Reminiscence Trumpet' again. An extended version would be nice.
  21. Previews of the eight tracks from the upcoming Christmas album, cosmic cuune are now up on youtube for those interested. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2wPcLTUk_w Track 2 (I can't be silent) is obviously my favorite out of the lot. Seikan Hikou Christmas ver. is rather nice though, along with track 5 (Love~Phantom Light). Track 6 (Sailor) has such a beautiful piano melody that i just adore. Track 7 (Merry Christmas without You) is a funky little track, that really boosts up the Christmas spirit. Track 8 (Tablet) is a nice song to finish the album with. Oh how i'm loving this album. Not one song disappoints, plus there's plenty of range which i'd expect from Yoko Kanno. Only a week away now!
  22. At the moment i'm playing Eternal Sonata on the PS3. Absolutely lovely game, and a must for any fan of Chopin and his music. Apart from that it's just Macross Ultimate Frontier on the PSP. In the mood fora new RPG on the PSP though. Was playing Star Ocean though i've pretty can't handle anymore of that awful dub. Could always carry on with Final Fantasy, plus i have Half Minute Hero that needs finishing off.
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