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Everything posted by shiroth

  1. Episode 02 begins the long running argue between Basara and Mylene. We're in for a long ride with that. Shiroth's favorite quote from episode 02: It should have been obvious that i'd choose this line.
  2. Well when the film was first announced it was said that it would be a retelling of the TV series, though that idea soon vanished with the wind, as you can tell by the info in magazines and such.
  3. I'm watching quite a lot from the new season as always. Really do have to much free time on my hands. 11eyes - The Persona 3 show. Asura Cryin' 2 - It's a lot better then the first season, and i don't even know why. Darker than Black 2 - It's really good! Nothing compared to the first season yet, though it could do the job. Dragonball Kai - This show is such a blast to watch. Fairy Tail - It's portraying the humor from the manga nicely, which is good because the humor is my favorite part. Aye! Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Been on quite a good role recently, though they missed up with episode 30. No surprise when you try to animate four chapters in one episode. Hetalia Axis Powers - Has it's really funny moments. Shame it's not like that all the time. Kampfer - A silly show, though fun to watch each week. Kimi ni Todoke - Best show of the season. Kobato - Looks like it's basically it's own project, and will just borrow stuff from the manga from time to time. I'm happy with that. Letter Bee - Great adaptation of the manga, and going at a pace that matches the pretty long chapter lengths. Natsu no Arashi 2 - I like how there's really no drama this time compared to the first season, though i'm waiting for it to suddenly appear. Needless - Still the show i seem to be enjoying the most each week. It never disappoints. Nogizaka Haruka 2 - In a way i don't care that much for this show, though i've seen the first season and it's on CR, so i might as well watch. Nyan Koi - Best comedy of the season, hands down. This show does everything right. Queen's Blade 2 - This is what i wanted the second season to be like, so i'm enjoying it quite a bit. Sasameki Koto - Another good adaptation of the source material. Enjoying this plenty. Seiken no Blacksmith - My worries after the first episode quickly disappeared, plus i just love the setting. Good show. Seitokai no Ichizon - Worth watching for Ken alone. Shin Koihime Musou - It's fun just like the first season, though this time there's a lot more eechi related jokes, which are of course fun. Sora no Otoshimono - This is the anything can happen show. I'm really glad it hasn't disappointed me at all in that regard. Tentai Sensei Sunred 2 - Subs are slow as expected. Still, it's so much fun to watch. The Book of Bantorra - Good prologue, and episode five was a lot of fun. Can't wait to see more of this. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun - Very enjoyable, with a great cast. No complaints at all. Umineko no Naku Koro ni - i just love how this show seems to get more over the top as episodes go by, and there doesn't seem to be any end to that. White Album 2 - Oh how i love juicy 80s drama. Especially with this level of pacing.
  4. I'm surprised there's no cowgirl Sheryl t-shirt.
  5. Going by the subs, i think it's either A) Max isn't into rock music, or B) as you said, feels he's old and rather go for the music of his youth. If i remember correctly, there isn't another scene in the series that has Max commenting of Fire Bomber's music, so it's really hard to say.
  6. Watching the first and second episode today, so i'll be ready to watch the third episode alongside everyone else tomorrow/saturday. Watching on a weekly basis will be lots of fun, especially seeing as though i've never really talked to anyone about the series before. I've had a few light discussions now and then, though the majority of people i know were turned off by the first 10 or so episodes, as everyone knows very well going by the posts in this thread. Anyway, Shiroth's favorite quote from episode 01: Also, i love how Max says "don't take your eyes of that monitor" three times in the space of around 3/4 minutes.
  7. This car better be playing some Fire Bomber.
  8. Yeah there's no way i could see Gamlin wearing the star-themed pajamas. Not to mention the dungarees with a pink shirt!
  9. Those are some pretty damn awesome shades Brera.
  10. It's true Brera and Sheryl never met in the TV series, and that's why i'm looking forward to seeing what development the two will have in the film adaptation. Plus Brera himself had little to none character development, so there should be some of that.
  11. Well from DYRL we have.. ~
  12. Very nice. Love the few Sheryl ones from your website that you didn't post here, along with your other fanart works.
  13. She didn't seem like the type that would date her own butler.
  14. More like what's up with the character designer always having him wear Orange. Well it was 1994, and we all know what the fashion was like back then. I sure do.
  15. I just recently finished rewatching the show a few weeks ago, though rewatching it an episode a week is a pretty sweet idea. Count me in. @taksraven - Only Basara would be able to handle a Bomba drink.
  16. You've gotta love those good old cam rips.
  17. Were you expected Basara to have his hair in a pony tail. But yeah like Gubaba said, that shot on the screen is probably from the Macross 7 time.
  18. Yes, and Alto could have easily told them about it.
  19. Well at least it'll explain why Alto knows Isamu's flying hand motion.
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