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Everything posted by shiroth

  1. Do you have anymore Macross related projects lined up? :3
  2. Yeah that's a much better word to use.
  3. It looked like he was attempting to force himself onto Myung. Maybe using the word 'rape' is a bit much, though it's not far off.
  4. Was the track lineup decent at all? & i wonder if your interview has ended up on the internet yet. :3
  5. @network19 - You could at least add thumbnails to that huge image!
  6. Best round is easily the one hit knife attack. :3 But yeah i'd rather watch this over the live action film, any day.
  7. I've always gone with this theory, mainly because of the little samples of the backstory we get from Guld's perspective. Especially the last flashback we see where Guld finally notices that it was him all along who tried to rape Myung.
  8. @wolfx - if you want a worthwhile impression of the game, check out Gamtrailer's review. The look down on the controls for the exploring and adventuring part of the game sounds like it depends of the player and not the game. If you're good at these type of games, then i really can't see there being much problem. Shame to hear about the puzzles, though thankfully there's supposed to not be that many of them.
  9. Sounds about right for a trial game (if you treat it like a demo), but yeah it does sound quite strange where trophies are concerned.
  10. My copy is taking much longer then usual. Hopefully i'll get it this week. =/
  11. Well seeing as though i ordered the Blu-ray that won't play on my player because of region, i can't help you there. :3
  12. So here we have the disucssion thread. I've browsed the raw a little bit this morning, and so far all i can say is
  13. Played the demo, and i must say i'm pretty pleased. Shame it's basically just another hack and slash, though the gameplay is pretty fun, plus learning new moves and the dodge system just add to that. Visuals are seriously stunning. Especially the horse riding part. Demo has the dub, which is actually pretty damn good. Robert Carlyle makes a good Gabriel, and Patrick Stewart is just what you expect. Sure i'd still prefer the Japanese voice cast, though i can safely say i don't mind playing the whole game with the dub. As expecting, my favorite parts from the trailer (the score and story) seriously shine. I'm loving what's shown regarding the 'love' part of the story. Will be picking up a copy pretty soon.
  14. I'm surprised you were even allowed to order it from AmazonJP. I guess they realized a bit late that it was also a game they were shipping out.
  15. Talk about the best way ever to spend Christmas. I'm so jealous.
  16. I hope your little brother is able to understand why you'll never be able to forgive him. :3 Finally got my Wii online, and oh my there's no many retro treasures to buy, and decent prices. A trip down memory lane is in order, with Super Metroid being first.
  17. Finished watched the UBW film not long ago. Pretty good overall apart from the pretty awful pacing problems, though it's what you expect when the whole story is forced into 1 hour and 45 minutes. At least the stunning animation delivered, along with the great Kenji Kawai score. & Lancer, of course. :3
  18. Sorry to say, but you're not going to find an official HD release of the film with English subs.
  19. It's a good game as you expect from Bioware, though no way worth all that.
  20. Thanks. That's good to hear actually, because that image makes excellent poster material.
  21. Yeah the plot is pretty mysterious at this stage, though there's some great build up with the terms and such in the second half of the episode.
  22. Star Driver's first episode is fabulous as expected. I highly recommend checking out the first episode~
  23. What's the Macross Frontier poster like which you mentioned?
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