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About shiroth

  • Birthday 08/26/1986

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    England, UK

shiroth's Achievements

Sharon Apple Concert Attendee

Sharon Apple Concert Attendee (4/15)



  1. I'm still hoping we'll see Matsumoto involved in the production.
  2. So the movie will be the first two episodes? That's pretty interesting. I'm guessing in that regards, that we'll be getting the TV series after that. Could be quite a wait if the film is out in April. Hoping it'll still be sometime in 2012.
  3. Such a crime to humanity.
  4. I'm interested to see now what the show will do in it's final stages. After that, i have the prequel material to watch. Will do so straight after i've finished.
  5. Currently listening to some pieces from the second soundtrack. Sawano is truly out doing himself here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMRsRbOLr4I
  6. Very hyped for Skyward Sword. Will be buying a week after release because that's when payday is, so that week wait will be very painful.
  7. Upto episode 84 of my Legend of the Galactic Heroes watch. The past few episodes were very painful to watch. Feels like i've lost a family member.
  8. Good to hear Razor is included. When would be the best time to watch that?
  9. I hope this films get's a dub. I'd laugh so hard at it, in a good way of course.
  10. I had some problems with Mass Effect 2 (would randomly crash) and Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 (wouldn't load a mission) a couple of weeks ago. A friend told me to clear space. Did that and Gundam seems to work fine for now, though i never went on Mass Effect 2 incase the problem happened again. Nothing worse then playing so much of a game to lose all that memory. Sure i could keep saving, though that takes all the fun out of the missions. What are the chances that it could be the copy of the game?
  11. I'm almost tempted to ask for the source on that.
  12. I 100% approved of this even before seeing the trailer. I love these games, and find that a film adaptation would be perfect.
  13. Not seeing Razor in the complete collection details. What is it?
  14. Instead Sheryl would be a reverse-trap, which in some cases would be much better.
  15. Thanks for that. Let's hope i don't forget about that mini-web series in the future.
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