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Everything posted by typhoon

  1. I guess I have been lucky with my various preorders. I have both renewal Valks, the YF-29 (first release) and even prior to that the VF-27 green or grace type. I have placed an order with ishop2go for the VF-171EX the same day they put it up, never used them before but I have paid in full and hopefully I don't miss out. Its always great to get something limited, having said that as a fan of macross I would hate to miss out any any Valk. I hope we all get what we want. Good luck!
  2. ishop2go has the 1-j with option parts up for pre order. Not sure about the other versions.... Shouldn't be too long before Amiami and HLJ have them up. They also have the cavalier up for pre order which I did grab, the option parts are cool but I'm not going to buy all the Valks that I already own just for the sake a few parts.
  3. Hey, Ishop2go is taking pre orders on the Cavaliers, they also have a pre order for the 1-J with option parts. It's listed as May shipping, I grabbed one as I don't want to miss out.
  4. I made a few comments under the YF-29 topic about the super parts adding too much weight to the YF-29 frame, particularly in battroid. I have tightened up the joints but the legs and crotch area just don't seem happy with the additional weight and have started to loosen up even more. Anyway the reason I mention it is because I really hope the V2 can take the added weight and bulk of the armour packs. I have had the V2 alto for a while now and I must say the hips and crotch seem much better than the 29. Having said that the armour is massive on the 25 and will really test out those hip joints. For those of you with hands on expierence with the V2, how do you think the joints will hold up?
  5. Yeah I used the method you outlined to tighten up the hip joints, that worked really well until the super parts arrived. Now the crotch collapses and generally the weight of the super packs seems to be too much for battroid mode. The hip joints have started to loosen up again so I have changed mine into fighter, where at least for the time being my 29 shall remain. Hopefully someone can find a solution for the crotch and then I will revisit the hips.
  6. Ordered!! I must admit I'm a little surprised to see the VF-0 as the latest edition to the master file family. For some reason I thought the VF-4 would be next, but I think that was based on the teaser picture shown in one of the other master files.
  7. That was more in response to the other two posts about cancelling orders. Don't get me wrong, I'm keen to get OZMA and would not even think about cancelling my order. Can't wait to rearrange the cabinet!
  8. Thanks Graham, its good to know how much time I have to set aside some funds...it will be interesting to see what else Yamato and Bandai have up their sleeves for 2012, I think its going to be a massive (insert - expensive) year!! Bring on the VALKS!
  9. Hopefully I'm not disappointed with the paint color when the "S" valk arrives, or in a few months time when the super parts arrive...... I was so impressed with the V2 Alto that I couldn't help myself and I preordered the parts, for both valks. I think they will complete the VALK in ways that the V1 just couldn't get close to. Fingers crossed!!
  10. Yeah I agree it does make sense. Although seeing some of the recent releases being WEB exclusives or seemigly limited production runs, namely the YF-29. You have to wonder if Bandai make decisons that any of us will understand.
  11. Just out of curiosity have you ordered the super parts for either OZMA or ALTO?
  12. I couldn't find any VF-25S renewals up for preorder. If the sales pattern follows the VF-25F, there should be another release shortly after the first batch arrives. I would snatch up the parts, esspecially for the "s". I guess no one can say if Bandai will release the super pack bundels but I think its a safe bet that if they release one, it will be ALTO's valk. I ordered the parts from Ebay a while agofrom a seller called "BIGINJAPAN". I have used them a few times with exclusives and apart from taking AGES to arrive they have not let me down. I remember I passed up the V1 initial orders for the exclusive super parts and ended up paying double a few months later.... Good Luck!
  13. Yeah I got caught up the frontier hype and I have almost all of the infamous v1 releases...it's a great series and the valk designs are so fresh yet familiar. The v2 is a big step forward and you won't be disappointed. Snakes..that's cool, In would imagine that can be an expensive hobby as well. Just a coincidence, but on the News this morning the largest constrictor on the continent was measured at 6.5 meters long weighing 130 kilograms. Apparently they feed it 5 times a year and the main coarse is a 20 kilo goat!! I think macross is safer...
  14. I guess it's true of any toy that with time you will get some wear and tear. Many of my Valks are packed up and only swapped over to display maybe once or twice a year. Wether it's Yamato or Bandai 1/48 or 1/60 (can't comment on the 1/55 as I don't own one) you will get the occasional disappointment when you open up a box, remove the Valk and discover that joints are a little looser. I posted a while back about my YF-29 and how loose it had become, likewise with my V2 VF-25. But I still love them and no doubt I will buy more (not at the 400+ the YF-29 is going for). Both of my newest Bandai offerings were already loose, they do have finishing issues with paint applications that were noticeable. On the flip side they were both considerably cheaper than the VF-19 or the latest VF-17. I'm not sure if I'm explaining this well but at the price I'm happy with my Bandai's and I have tightened the joints and touched up the paint. I would NOT pay Yamato money (latest releases over 20,000 yen) for a DX, the quality just isn't there. Hope this doesnt enrage anyone, it's just my opinion as a regular guy who has spent lots of money on plenty of Valks.
  15. Must say this Valk is awesome. I jumped on the preorder with this one but I wasn't hanging out for it like some of the other members here. Now that I have it, I have a new respect for VF-17. Fighter mode is ok, but I think battroid looks so imposing definitely it's best mode.
  16. Must say I was stoked to see this post, I was always fascinated with the VF-4. Just hope I can get my hands on one....
  17. Thanks, I will give it a try. I was prepared to leave it in fighter but I will try the nail polish.
  18. I have had my 29 on display for about 4 months in battroid. Nothing special just a typical "A" stance, knees slighlty bent. I decided to change the pose and was amazed at how the leg/hip joins have loosened up. The legs basically keep slowly spreading apart until the intakes prevent them from going any further. Just a little surprised, i'm not new at this hobby and I have read just about every post about Bandai and Yamato having their QC issues. Still when you get an awesome valk that you love - transform it and leave it "untouched" for months only to discover that it no longer holds a pose - man that really sucks. Looks like its back to fighter mode....bring on the VF-19S!!
  19. I keep my collection in a well sealed cabinet with NO lighting, what I mean by well sealed is the door actually slides left to right and has a soft rubber lip on both sides which really keeps dust out. I also added a UV protection film to the out side of the case which you can't really notice. Empty boxes are stored in the ceiling of my house, within a seperate card board box for added protection. (I dont leave the figures in the roof as it gets to damn hot up there!!). Its a pain going into the roof everytime I want to swap out a VALK but it works well and keeps the wife happy as we don't have our closets full of Yamato boxes.
  20. I think I change favorites from time-to-time. Having said that I still go back to my 1/48 SKULL 001 with strike pack as my all time favorite.
  21. I didn't waste any time and Pre ordered it the moment I saw it at AMIAMI. Having some NEW valk designs that are designed and built using modern technology obiously comes at a price. I think a few members have already posted that they may only get one version of these more expensive valks (VF-17S or VF-19S). That kind of sucks as I'm sure I'm not the only one who would love to get EVERY variation possible. Hope everyone can get a little extra cash around Christmas, I'm sure you all agree it would be nice to have a few new VALKS under the tree.
  22. Just received my VF-19 yesterday, what an amazing VALK. I bought the YF-29 first and I'm generally happy with it, but the VF-19 is something else. Straight out of the box it feels SO solid, the YF-29 was not bad but its the little things like the sheild popping off and the need to be super careful with the paint. Before I start a war let me just say I love both these Valks, and to be fair I have only had the 19 for about a day. Again it's just that initial satisfaction with a well made collectable. Someone posted earlier the "WOW" factor - so true!! I know alot of people held off due to the "FIRE VALKREY" paint scheme, having said that - when you pick up a 19 that better suits your tastes you will be blown away!!
  23. I had a look at my valks over the weekend.The first thing I noticed occured when I lifted my v2 TV VF-1S from the stand. The nose of the valk lifted free but the rear caps stuck to the legs of the valk. It was only for a second before the stand dropped and as far as I can see there is no damage to the valk, just those grease type marks a few other MW's have commented on. I checked over the other five valks on these stands and while none of them were "stuck" they all had that slight grease mark. I guess I will need to check them out a little more frequently, as I'm sure most reading this thread will do.
  24. I received my VFX and the Angel Bird last week and I unpacked them over the weekend. Have to say - awesome! I was really disappointed that I missed out on these two the first time around. I think the VFX is sold out now and if you are on the fence about the Angel Bird - go get it NOW!!
  25. Just paid up, now the waiting game.....again
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